No M+ timer till 16

forum mentality. The game is too hard for me so we should nerf it so I can complete it at my current dumb level. Rather than improve and get better at the game

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I donā€™t think thatā€™s true though. PvP is still huge. As is raiding. Both of those got the same Great Vault treatment that M+ did.

Thereā€™s still pet battles. And mounts. And TW. Etc, etc.

Thereā€™s plenty of stuff to do in the game thatā€™s designed for solo/casual play. It needs some tweaks sure, but it would be better to improve on the stuff designed for solo play than to try to turn the stuff designed for group play into solo play.

Iā€™m not saying Blizz canā€™t do more to improve things for people who want to run queued content. Iā€™m just saying that the specific solutions of removing the timer from M+ and making it queuable isnā€™t going to work long term. Because thatā€™s basically what heroic is, and if you arenā€™t satisifed with heroic now, you wonā€™t be satisfied with a M+ that has been turned into heroic.

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PvP is pointless if youā€™re not geared and doing rated, and raiding has the same baggage as M+, where youā€™re screwed if you canā€™t find a fun inclusive group to play with. Those ā€œthree pillarsā€ is all that seems to matter to the game and Blizz anymore.

Whenever we ask for improvements to those, we get laughed at, put down, and told to suck it up and do things like M+.

I can agree there, but again, see above.

LFR is included in the great vault.

IMO meaningful progression content is just where you hit your personal ceiling. For me thatā€™s +12/heroic raid/unrated BGs. (I stink at PvP) As long as I can get the gear to do that stuff, I can accept that I wonā€™t be geared to the max, and thatā€™s ok. At least with m+ you can ignore the timer and get good gear in your vault!

[quote=ā€œNightspire-hyjal, post:291, topic:1078050ā€]
Whenever we ask for improvements to those, we get laughed at, put down, and told to suck it up and do things like M+.[/quote]

Thatā€™s not Blizz though, thatā€™s GD, and GD isnā€™t the people who can make the changes you want.


KSM was already made far easier this season; if you time half the dungeons at +15 and fail the other half you still get KSM.

P.S. I think you can even do some of those at 14ā€™s but havenā€™t checked the math.

What?! She made no mention (or implication) of panic or leaving.

Funny thing is that this all boils down to what I really have fun in, random BGs. Something Iā€™ve consistently enjoyed throughout every single expansion. Yet Shadowlands is telling me that if Iā€™m not a gladiator champion, mythic raider or keystone master, that thereā€™s no place for me here. Not even random BGs, unless I enjoy getting crushed over and over again with no hope of fighting back.

I donā€™t have a supportive guild or really any friends for that matter, and no one seems to care. Maybe something like M+ could be fun if Iā€™m not being yelled at and insulted for every mistake I make. But because M+ stresses me out as much as it does, I wish I could play in a world where I could happily ignore that.

Posting on GD is in some sense suggesting ideas to Blizzard.

Yeah unrated gearing and the ilevel difference stinks, but thatā€™s not really an M+ problem.

And when has a blue post ever laughed at anyone for their suggestions?

It kind of is, because to do well in BGs you have to do high key M+, or other arguably more challenging things like high rated PvP or mythic raiding. Donā€™t do any of those, canā€™t get any gear, and the only place in the game for someone like me is being crushed beneath the heels of everyone else.

Thatā€™s an issue with Blizz not having ilevel brackets. If Blizz fixed their matchmaking youā€™d never need to do anything but unrated BGs. Has nothing to do with gear in rated pvp, m+, or mythic raid.

Ilvl brackets would be the ideal solution, definitely. I could play in a world where I could totally ignore the higher end stuff if they were a thing. But until then, my only choices would be to do that stuff, get crushed repeatedly, or lock myself out of PvP forever.

PvP is far more stressful and unforgiving than M15ā€™s, if you canā€™t handle that level of PvE content you wonā€™t be able to manage PvP players (both allies and enemies).

Iā€™ve never had a problem with random BGs. Buttheads were easily ignored and no one could gatekeep me. I also used to be able to acquire decent gear in them on my own. Would love to have that back.

Then keep playing. MMR not visible but itā€™s there; once you lose enough matches youā€™ll be put against players of similar ilvl/skill.

I donā€™t do arena though, and Iā€™m not sure random BGs have that same MMR treatment. Iā€™ve had times where Iā€™d lose literally 20+ games in a row and they never got easier.

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Hey there adventurer! I am Ithost, Keystone Hero of the Shadowlands. For a reasonable price YOU TOO can be a Keystone Hero! My team and I will take you on a grand adventure, timing all mythic+ keys at level 20! We will get your mount and all portals, and you donā€™t even have to help us! I mean what is slow and easier than that?! Please feel free to mail me in game!

Thanks adventurer!

Oh and gold only OBVIOUSLY

Donā€™t wanna just be my friend and run the keys with me for fun? :slight_smile:

I run a lot of random PUGs, whether itā€™s arena, RBG, M+, or raid. Most of the time I do not charge anything at all and just run for mogs and out of boredom.


Thatā€™s cool!

At this point, I dunno what Iā€™m going to do. Iā€™m seriously considering just staying as a Chromie Time player, twinking out with all the best stuff I can (legion leggos and the like) and just feeling powerful in older content.

It seems like itā€™d make more sense for you to ask for the changes you want to random BGs instead of changes to the system you donā€™t even like at all. Maybe the bgers of the world could get some traction without having to fight against the M+ crowd

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