No M+ timer till 16

Why can’t all the nice people play with each other?

There is no way to filter by nice.


Gladly would. Point me to them.


the vast majority of the people I’ve met in pug keys have been at least decent, if not specifically “nice”. very few have been actual jerks.

i’m really suspicious about people who claim everyone they meet, everywhere, on a daily basis, is a jerk.


Understood, but just to be clear I did not claim that. Just pointed out there is no way to filter by what one considers nice. Also what some think is nice could differ from another. ie Some would think wasting their time by not knowing your class is rude. Others would think someone telling them they are not playing well was rude. It can be subjective.

But I suppose Blizz could have a box that people clicked if they wanted to teach others how to play, or to put up with players learning. Hence a “nice” option, and in such option you could not talk down to or correct others. Seems fairly sketchy as to who would use this. And could deff become a trolling box.

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i mostly agree with you, it’s a harmless option… but “nice” and “not correcting others” aren’t the same thing in every context. how are people going to learn if nobody ever corrects them? yes, it’s possible to give advice without being a jerk, but that’s really in the eye of the beholder. to me a quick “hey prioritize interrupting goresplatter pls” is perfectly reasonable but to some it would be incredibly rude/toxic. but if nobody says anything, that’s how you wind up with people in 15s or higher who don’t know basic mechanics.

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That is perfectly reasonable.

“omg interrupt goresplatter u f’ing smoothbrains lol just kys and uninstall” leaves group/kicks person …on the other hand.

I’m just looking for a group that does the former rather than the latter. I’ve been scarred by too many bad experiences with people in this game. Even if I’m not the best player in the world, I don’t think anyone deserves to be talked to in that way.

Just…ehm…please no duplicates, all right? Also, for the love of god, make sure they are my stats and got dom sockets. Jeez. Is this too much to ask for? Cmon. I pay $15/month.
Let’s ignore the fact I spend this much daily at starbucks BUT STILL!


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I mean the Entire leveling process they do literally just hand out gear. But if they build the auto aim / shoot AI mod for the FPS games, then I suppose the MMO /win mod is not far off either. Then people will just press play and get the gear then go back and play with the gear they have received. Yes totally against TOS but also completely untraceable.

I imagine that will also make people very mad in PVP. Playing against world class AI.

How about not, no one is forcing you to do +15s, and if you want to do +15s you better meet the DPS/HPS and mechanics checks.

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Yeah, You Better make those checks…or…or well they will prob just nerf the content till you do.

I mean we do definitely need arbitrary obstacles to gating the gear, other wise it’s just purple pixels in a game.

You could always just not be bad, than you would time keys its real basic

Im gonna quote dark souls here
Git gud

Post your group as learning or something similar

All the more reason to find a casual guild, community or discord.


The calendar exists for a reason.

I’m not being snarky here. The best shot i generally have of running a smooth M+ is when my guild schedules a M+ night on the calendar. Since I’m the tank, I’ll usually stay in for a few hours and people hop on whenever they can. It can stink sometimes since i end up running lower keys i dont need, but i do it to help out guildies.

You can get together with your wow friends and do something similar. Schedule a night each week where everyone hops on at the same general time and make sure everyone gets at least one run in for the week.

And hey, its not that hard to level a tank/healer alt. Never have trouble getting into runs then. VDH is a good choice.

You could, for sure. Or you could not pump any more time into an already massive time sink, and have the devs cater to you. Both are valid options in a video game.

I used to try, and I did well. I get heroic Deathwing in cata, and got to 1850 arena in mists, and did all the stuff. now I’m old and just couldn’t give any less of a care about trying to do that again. But I do like gear, and being over powered. I might try, but a good chance not.

Honest question man. Do you actually like tanking M+. I think it sucks major nuts and only do it because I have tanked for so many years. I’m thinking of playing with one of my friends and pushing again possibly, but it sorta makes we want to puke just thinking about all the crap that goes into tanking mythics. How do you stand them?

I know you didn’t ask me, but I enjoy tanking because I have a type A personality . Tanking allows me to have control over the route, pull size, pace, and as a paladin interrupts. My success:fail ratio in my M+ history isn’t because I leave keys, it’s because I take ownership of the pugs I join and have control over many factors. The only real issue where I have no control over is dps not doing their job with low-for-key numbers.


BS, Mythic Plus should be timed till +5 Other wise it has no purpose

Yeah, I do.

I’ve liked tanking dungeons ever since I levelled this guy to 70 to tank heroics in BC. I honestly prefer tanking dungeons to raid tanking. It’s easier to coordinate groups, and I like the challenge of slowly iterating on my route planning and mechanics. I especially like how M+ lets me see gradual improvement both in the level of key going up and also in shaving off seconds and minutes from my run time.

Plus, it’s just easier to get groups together. Trying to get a full raid for even a normal is like herding cats. Getting 4 other people to carve out 30 to 45 minutes in their day is not usually a problem.

And as a tank it’s easier to be a huge part of the success of a run. Sometimes I like running low keys or even heroics just cause i can basically solo carry the whole thing.

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