No M+ timer till 16

yes that clock.

Don’t much like excort quests with a time either.

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Sure, I’ll get right on that once people stop taking damage… I like to think I’m pretty good at weaving my dps spells in (at least keeping up flame shock and lava surge procs, squeeze in lightning bolts when I can, but…), but I still end up spending most of the time pressing healing buttons to keep people’s asses alive.

enjoying challenging content and validating yourself through video games aren’t the same thing. i think you know that, but i want to be clear.

you could put a post-it note over the timer on your monitor, if that helps :sunglasses:

yeah, it can be tough in pugs. ironically you usually get more free time to dps as the keys get higher, because the players get better at avoiding damage and using personals.

Hah ain’t that the truth.

FFXIV has me trained quite well to always keep the GCD rolling. In that game, I can heal entire Savage bosses without casting a single GCD heal and just keep my Malefics going. Obviously can’t do that in WoW, but I do the best I can lol.

My entire point of starting this thread was to say make getting the gear easy, then after people have capped gear, they can do difficult content to flex their muscles. That allows new / low skill/ lazy people to get gear and feel relevant while allowing high skill/engaged players to see what they can do and show off a little to their friends.

But gating gear behind M+ scores, or things like that with little work arounds will just annoy your player base. (I’m not advocating for this) Yes you could just give out the gear, hell it’s exactly how the leveling experience works. You do some trivial thing and get a reward for doing said thing. Doing some harder stuff , get Ilvl a little faster, but others catch up after a short while.

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if u want to feel powerful just queue lfr’s with 220’s gear

Well that’s fair, if 0’s were like the old heroic difficulty and +'s added the timer and affixes maybe it could work, but not as currently implemented as you said.

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No, Once you can’t upgrade your gear, it’s gets old fast. Gotta dangle the carrot.

IDK about that for everyone, I get a lot of enjoyment queueing for a guild or LFR even though I am not really getting upgrades from it becuase as a healer it’s fun and LFRs are still OK practice at this point.

I guess for like the top 25% of players they don’t need the practice and they played the heck out of PTR so there’s no point in enjoying the content anymore and they just need to park a toon with gear on it for the next iteration, which is just weird to me.

Lmfaoooo this is great

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I’m not against doing things I out gear, but I still want to be able to grind away towards more gear. I’m still working on my ancient relic rep to up grade Korthia stuff, but now I can upgrade past to 233 point, so it’s sorta pointless. I would love to carry people through dungeons and help guildies gear up. I can do this with M+ but it sorta sucks. M+ is not fun as I have to actually learn all the dungeons and I have not put in the time to do so, nor will I any time soon.

Given my last two guild all fell apart so the people I was clearing everything with are mostly gone to the wind. I have an alt in another guild and I can join them and clear stuff, but I just don’t know if I care enough to actually try. They are not impossibly hard, but the timer does kinda make it suck. If I work and clear the dungeon over time I will get gear and feel like well that sucked, instead of Yeah I beat it. It’s just how it’s set up. I probably will just go DPS, and endure the que’s but I used to like Tanking. M+ just kinda sucks to tank.

I understand what your saying. I really would like this to be an option. It is fun to time keys however, and the rewards for timing them aught be greater.

Take the time to learn the dungeons it’s worth it in the end when suddenly +5 or even +10 keys are a breeze and mechanics don’t kill you personally anymore.

Really, in BFA I pushed my ilvls as much as I could. I’m happy and I feel like 220 is probably a great ilvl for SL as it is to just get by and have some fun doing random stuff. The domination shards and Korthia research are a bigger obstacle than ilvl.

Korthia research being so grindy is horrific it’s not that fun of a zone.

I know some ppl don’t link accounts either.

I know some ppl use weird stuff and names to stay hidden. Idk.

I would never post on a toon I want peace on in the forums :woman_shrugging:t3:

Sometimes it’s a group comp issue… or a talent spec issue. So like… too much AOE, not enough single target is the big one.

I’m a healer, so a perfect run is no deaths, or only a couple of deaths… and then time management thing like nobody screwing up in a maze. etc.

The thing is, you just described heroic.

What’s the difference between M0 and Heroic? None. The only difference is gear and the queue. Put a queue on M0 and now the only difference is gear. And the same people who turn their noses up at getting 197 heroic gear now will be similar dissastified at “only” 210 M0 gear then.

And then they’ll ask for M+5 to be queuable, etc, etc. Until we’re back to mythics being as easy as heroic and Blizz will need to introduce Tormented Dungeons or something to reintroduce challenge for those who want it.


Or you don’t gate gear behind arbitrary achievements. And instead just reward valor at a slower pace for easier content, allowing people to gear up quickly if they work hard so they can push higher keys, and slowly, if they are new or low skilled.

But that IS how the system works now.

You have heroic gear if you can’t even bothered to make a group, but you can get 226 gear from TW once a month.

If you are willing to put in some effort, you can do M0. Which gives 210 gear and also gives 239 gear once a month. This is untimed, so again, pretty easy to get into. Just requires enough effort to make a group and learn how group formation works.

Then you can do a M+2 which gets you into the full “challenge” of running M+. Everyone gets a key, so all you have to do is use the skills learned from running M0 to build a group.

And so on. At every stage, every level of skill and involvement has a path toward gear progression. Those who push harder get more gear faster. Those who just wanna queue up for heroic and TW get gear slower.

I was super casual during Legion. And I didnt even do mythics. I just logged in, did heroic and the occasional LFR and that was fine for my gear progression.


So now just unlock valor from behind the rating gate. Then everyone no matter how god or bad they are can build toward max gear. Low skill players will just get there a month before next patch. That’s ok, it’s still fun to build toward.

Either way, I just don’t care anymore. Tanking used to be fun, now it’s not. I’ll just do some thing else, or learn all the pulls. Still sucks though.

I just wish I had an alternative method of working on my progression that didn’t depend on friends or the M+ system.

I really wish Torghast was that method.

M+ takes too long to get a pick-up group for, and one person leaving ruins the entire experience. Worst of all is I have kids and other things that might pull me away from one of these runs unexpectedly, and I never want to be the one person who ruins the run for 4 other people, so, to me, M+ isn’t content I can commit to.

Something like Torghast being an alternative up to the “hard progression” levels of the M+ keys would be great. I can do Torghast solo, I can do it with a couple of friends regardless of role.

But I think they’re afraid to do something like this and have it be equally as rewarding, because then players like me wouldn’t feel obligated to run M+ and they’d realize how unpopular it might actually be.

It honestly feels like they crippled the rest of the game to make this feature feel appealing.

I signed up for an 18 plague fall last night and two of the dps were below 230. I noped out of that real quick. No idea how they even got invited overall dps DOES matter.

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