No lopnger possible to open a tciket and chat with a GM directly

I’ve noticed this with many places. Once technology and social media took off, it’s like the first area to get lay offs was customer service .

It’s just capitalism. They got AI to do the job and wanted to make more profits. I imagine we’ll see more and more of this as time goes on.

The Accessibility team are not GMs and have nothing to do with tickets. I am confused as to why you created a thread about them. They have never been people players could contact.

That team collects information about all Blizzard games and services to help formulate strategies to make all games and services more accessible to a wide variety of users.

This can include toggles in games for visual aspects, close captioning, voice to text, etc.

It is very rare that a GM needs to enter a game to resolve an issue anymore. If they do need to talk to you, they will contact you. They do have Live Chat and Phone Callback for some of the Billing and Account access issues. This has been the case for many years now.

Even when they had the phone number, it was supposed to be for Billing and Account access - but people called in for everything under the sun and the line was always busy with 2 hour hold times once you got in queue.

If you want to learn more about how the GM contacts work, what they can help with, and what they can’t - read this

If you need further information. the Customer Support forum serves as an Information Desk. You can learn more about how to navigate the Support system, get info on policies, etc.

During working hours there tend to be Forum Support Agents around to provide information, as well as regular players. They are NOT GMs though, there are there to provide guidance.


You can blame your fellow general discussion colleagues with that one

If the mods get harassed on here and then countless people make ridiculous tickets thats mostly hot air, they’ll push another way

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If your issue is a Bug then please be aware that GMs are not allowed to touch those, unless the Devs give them express permission and guidance as to what to do - if it is even within the tools they have.

Most bugs have to wait until the Dev team fixes them and pushes out a patch or hotfix. GMs can’t do many of the things players seem to THINK they can. A mix up in expectations can be frustrating for everyone.

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“Have you checked wowhead?”

That’s pretty much all CS will do for you these days.

My last ticket they sent me to “live chat” which took 2+ hours to just have access to.

Then when they seemed clueless, somehow blaming the transfer error on me, I go to the CS forums and find out it’s listed as a “known issue”…

…except CS didn’t know it was a known issue. It was a mess.

Bottom line lesson. Blizz CS sucks so bad MSFT CS will be an upgrade.

If you ever delt with MSFT support, you’ll know what mess that means.

accessibility issues aren’t things in-game GMs can help you with, that isn’t even relevant.

in-game bugs are supposed to be reported and documented in the bug forum, in-game support cannot help you with them.

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:man_shrugging: Seems like it is possible … maybe :laughing:

“Due to the volume of reports you may not.”

Also, customer service for blizzard isn’t what it used to be that’s for sure. They have several other ips and major titles newer than WoW they cover.

WoW is not the only game blizzard has made. It’s also not the only game just in case that also confused you.

Is it just me or do these blizz customer service sucks threads never actually detail what their issue is so everyone has nothing to go on but some vague “oh you know…big issue. mhm. dumb gms!”

That is fairly common. In this case they mistakenly think the team that works to address strategies for Disability issues is the GM team.

If the person can’t identify the proper team, and can’t phrase an issue clearly, then it is not a shock they are having difficulty getting assistance.

They should, at least, try the CS forum where they can get help to learn what the best means to address their problem is. Kind of hoping the Forum Support Agents pull this over, or that the OP moves it themselves.

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I remember actually CALLING Blizzard, talking to a human, and getting helpful service from them. ON A SATURDAY!

Good luck with any of that today.

If I’m waiting on the Dev’s then I’m still waiting and this issue is game breaking outside of a few magical fixes that takes extreme player coordination and time sinks.

So how long does one wait to play a game that should be ready once it launched?

I’ve chatted with a GM as recently as last month. And I have opened several tickets in the past few months. What I noticed is that for simple stuff like getting stuck (yeah, I seem to be a magnet for odd game geometry) they have no real need to talk to you. They handle the ticket and move one. There has been one or two issues I opened recently that actually had a GM contact me in game.

So no, you can still open tickets and talk to GMs.

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Correct. They got rid of the call in line over 10 years ago. It was supposed to be for Billing and Account access issues but was flooded with people wanting GM jokes, trying to argue bans, wanting game hints, etc. IF you got in queue, it could be 2 hours on hold. Holding while on a cell phone which tends to DC during hold and runs up minutes.

That is when they went to Phone Callback and Live Chat for Billing, Account, and some Tech issues. Most everything else is triaged into tickeckets. They do sometimes still open live chat with you if they need more info, but a lot of it is not required.

Sadly many try to ticket for things GMs don’t help with - like game hints or bug fixes. They are not allowed to give game hints so will send players to the forums or Wowhead for community advice. Bugs have to be fixed by Devs unless they grant an exception and a protocol for GMs to follow.

I am not sure you are going to ever get a satisfactory answer or find a software product that is bug free, especially one that has such frequent additions and changes.

That is rare though - most of the time, as you said, they don’t need more info and can just do their thing via their tools.


I understand this, but what I was dealing with was game breaking. Halting character progression and legit worry that I was stuck stuck and no fix in sight. I had to bring and alt up, then had to coordinate three other players to help me get my first toon unstuck.

All in all it set me 6 days behind on my main and I lost three days of farming and QoL features. This was a terrible experience that is still not fixed.

I realize you are not the OP so I don’t want to cause confusion, but what issue did you have? Some older content can be a problem because it is bugged, esp if you execute things too fast, and getting it fixed can mean waiting for a reset, killing the char, etc.

It sounds like you DID find a solution in the end. Odd cases like this make me curious. I have been known to get myself stuck in odd places that make no sense. I end up resorting to the quest tracker on Wowhead or the comments there to find out how to resolve things.

I can remember when Blizzard’s customer service set the standard. The hardest part about dealing with a GM was convincing them that your problem had been solved and they could move on.

Right around Cataclysm, when they experienced prolonged and widespread complaining on a level they hadn’t dealt with before, they started to adopt typical PR flunky “If we don’t admit there’s a problem, then no problem exists.” attitude. From then on customer service was steadily cut as dividends grew.

I have no doubt most CSRs want to do a better job, but even when you can get through the maze of self help links to open a ticket, the GM is very limited as to what they’re allowed to do to resolve your problem.

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I haven’t been able to chat with a GM in years…

I asked for a joke once, I got it 3 days later

:white_square_button: :black_large_square: :white_square_button: :black_large_square: :white_square_button: :black_large_square:

I only opened 200 tickets about “Invincible” not dropping in ICC before they banned me LOL!!! I’m innocent of wrong doing of course 'wink"