NO LFD in WOTLK? unacceptable

I’ll restate it since people are still arguing about it. Dungeon Finder comes out in 3.3 when ICC releases. If you’re actually playing WOTLK it’s a non issue because this is when it’s at the end of it’s life and the WOTLK design of LFD was basically just a free loot festival. It’s not meaningful or important. No LFD is the most insignificant change ever honestly.

Years and years of tears about LFG killing WOW, community and babies, and enabling bad behavior etc. Now we get tears asking for it. Just proves most outrage is just a cry for attention.

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Name ANY harm it causes other than you cant sell a boost?

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Lazy people, sure.

Um. gestures at Retail

I searched for a populated guild, joined it, and brought all of my alts. That ensured that not only my main, but my alts, would always have a group for content. Put in the work, and you’ll reap the rewards. It’s really not that hard. It’s a video game. Pretty minimal effort.

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or maybe its different people asking for different things…SHOCKING!

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Yea… that decision alone convinced me not to try wotlk. Lfd was a huge convenience thing. And I am sort of sick of pugging using group finder for keystones.

Wotlk was opening up conveniences and I guess Im sticking to retail.


Wait what! Um…no. I am entitled to click a button and appear inside the instance. What you propose is outrageous.

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I believe dungeon finder came out in thebUlduar patch. And ICC patch was the first time they added new dungeons to the dungeon finder.

no. it came out in the icc patch.

The absolute heresy! :stuck_out_tongue:

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I believe you are right. ICC wing 1 was open when i got my warrior to 80, and id gotten to 50 or so before DF hit.

your either mistaking the 3.1 change to the LFG group panel for LFD or remembering wrong.

That’s a whole different conversation honestly. LFD didn’t make retail the toxic mess it is today. There were so many things that nudged it in that direction, but this isn’t a thread about that

Yeah, I get that. I am someone who usually does the research on things like that, so I too try to find the best possible realm. But regardless that kind of thinking is completely disregarding casuals, no?

I’m going to be pretty blunt about this, but OG Classic —>WotLK isn’t really casual friendly regardless lol. And I’m okay with that. If people want casual friendly content, they can play Retail.

I’ll concede to this statement on that topic, honestly. It’s definitely not THE reason, but I do believe that some of the “QoL” changes, such as this, spurred the social divide in WoW as an MMO.

  1. You really think people can’t sell boosts without LFG? (Nice attempt at demonizing me as a booster too btw, very cute)

  2. Click-and-go anonymous groups wrecked the community. Once people knew they’d never see the same group twice, things went downhill fast.

Are you going to play wrath classic, or are you just purging it of the taint those who imagine a magical monolithic community of the past turned the game into a utopia? Are you supporting this because you believe it should be much harder to gear up, as it has been made in shadowlands, and all the people who were planning on playing wrath classic because of the dungeon finder are going to magically become model citizens if you make them walk to every dungeon and walk back again?

Oh, yeah. Remove flying to make your heart go pitter-pat.

Wow has always been full of trolls you fully accepted and encouraged because they were good players.

The players who you have driven away with your demands for purification aren’t going to play at all. You haven’t actually forced them into your little social engineering experimental laboratory that was intended to prove something that was never reality. They’ve already decided not to play. A fair number who were only playing retail while waiting for wrath have already quit.

And once again, devs will prove that even if they add it back later, people who have quit the game angry over changes they hate don’t come back anytime soon, if at all. And they will probably never be regular subscribers again.

This “we really want to try to make this thing work, but if it fails catastrophically we can fix it next year and they’ll all come back, credit cards in hand” strategy isn’t working.

So you won. What did you win, besides a game with greatly reduced participation?

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Yea probably. I do remember doing the ToC dungeon and stuff using the dungeon finder.

I disagree wholeheartedly. Heroic dungeons used to be on a 24 lock out in Wrath of the Lich King. I had a group of guild members I used to do daily Heroic rotation on with my Warrior. I remember sitting outside Azjol-Nerub ready to form the group the day Looking For Dungeon was released. I received a whisper from the healer of our group stating that they had already done all the Heroic Dungeons for the day. This one moment in the history of all 16 years I have played the game is the tipping point from the social game it was, to the anti-social game it has become.

You can complain all day about not being able to find a group for a dungeon. This is an experience that many players share. They, to include you, all tend to have the same social function in common. “I couldn’t find a group because X, Y, Z thing was stopping me from being able to.” That’s a load of BS. You couldn’t find a group because you weren’t trying hard enough, bottom line.

Though, I am not convinced Blizzard will allow this experiment to ever diagnose the real problem with the game. It wasn’t as if the game had a massive explosion of players once the LFD tool was available. In fact, it is literally the turning point when the game started to lose subscribers. Now, I am not ignorant enough to think that LFD killed the upward trend of subscribers. The game was ready at that point to level off anyway. Just saying that LFD didn’t boost the game in any way shape or form, and only created new and exciting problems that Blizzard has been solving ever since. I hope it stays gone.

Incorrect. But thanks for trying. Your OPINION is not fact.

I said no such thing, but since you obviously feel i am aiming it at you, perhaps thats a conscience issue.

Neither is yours :kissing_heart: