No Justice for the Kaldorei (9.1 Spoilers)

Gnomes, Trolls, were notable by their absence.


Kyalin, please don’t defend things I never said.

I told you that Horde players dislike proposals that require they suffer some showy loss because they’ve already lost. Would it be helpful if there were mirrored victories and territory reclamation of this sort? Absolutely. Getting people to agree on the particulars of that is going to be hard - as I spelled out in a different thread, the groups of people that “won” and “lost” in BfA is wildly asymmetrical, which makes coming up with solutions very difficult.

But to defend the notion that I am “privately celebrating” wins over the Night Elves? That I am lying to defend my enjoyment of your disenfranchisement? Sorry, if you are going to attribute these motives to me, then it becomes very hard to believe you when you say you want compromise.

I won’t deny that I can be pugnacious, sarcastic, and salty in my argumentation. But I will not be called a liar - and this is something you well know, as we have clashed in the past over it.


That’s fair enough, and I’m probably going too far. You appear to be explaining the thinking behind it, which is not necessarily your position.


The intro quest line that is not avaliable not states:

Anduin Wrynn says: But that dream can never be realized so long as Sylvanas Windrunner leads the Horde.

Anduin Wrynn says: She expects this atrocity to crush our spirits. Shatter our unity. But this I vow…

Anduin Wrynn says: The Alliance will endure… and the Banshee Queen’s insidious reign will be ended.


So, hard to say what is the logic of the events.

It’s like the Killer Queen quest, where you see the warbringers: Sylvanas, and she orders “burn it”. And the follow up line is:

Lady Sylvanas Windrunner says: When I sent you on this mission, I did not foresee this outcome.

How is this possible to have all of those elements, I have no idea. (Actually the “design by kommittee” approach that the devs use might explain what’s going on to a degree, mentioned in the article in another thread).

gl hf

What extremes get called out?

inb4 :scream: :scream: the T-shirt :scream: :scream:

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Like when posters wished actual IRL harm on other people. There was, I think, a Horde player who was not shy about giving his opinion on how the developers and their families should have bad things happen to them. He got called out quick.




So drama.

Not actual game suggestion and debates?
Idk how I feel about that.

Recently we had Dread participate in threads where basically one side can complain while another side is not supposed to.
Their petty reasons of being unhappy were less acceptable than their own.

Rather than getting called out by you or anyone I got that little funny exchange you and I had.
I think that’s what Micah is referencing than some drama we generate here to descredit or ostracize certain posters here justifiably or not.


i agree that we need antoher faction war expac to settle factiocn differances so i can keep killing night elves

mayeb this time we can actually kill a leader and actually hurt the race roflmao

idk y they keep wanting faction conflict when tehy kee p saying devs hate them but if they want to be punched again i cant say no cAus i love to support ppls kinks

The people threatening real life violence is pretty rare, but you’re right, I’m talking about the very toxic behavior that conviently never gets called out by horde posters when they gang up on Night Elf fans.

Some people like Lenatus LOVED it when I was being toxic as hell towards Night elf posters, now thinks I’m crazy and part of the problem. But do you see anyone on red side calling him out for it? Nope, it’s usually crickets. :wolf:

sorry bro this is cringe rofl

There are many of them.
I am so glad I don’t have to talk to Ariel anymore due to their block. One of the most toxic people I had the displeasure of conversing with.

Disagree with them? And suddenly they become incredibly patronizing and talk down to you.

I mean, you would know from experience.

Mor as well… never gets called out.
Just toxicity and bad behavior.

Seems like some players here are very selective with their outrage and forum etiquette.


ur right I should make a nelf and post on it and call everyone i disagre with fascists and then maybe ud support me

or maybe u culd just join a thread about a srs matrr like some1 trying to die and make it an argument

at least micah i can confirm called out the loonies and has empath y for some ppl

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Nah I would support you if you were nice and civil with people.

The matter raised and discussed the person found distressing was bad behavior of some people behaving in really toxic ways. Which you are doing right now, why does it take a crisis for you to behave civilly?

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dont pretend u care roflmao cus u certainly didnt then

u made it a pety argument cus a bunhc of discord losers lives rent free in ur head and u aggro when sum1 u recognize posts on the forum

u care mor abotu a horde post on a nelf thread than u do an irl crisis

pretty cringe bro

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Oof looks like civility is out of the window with this one folks.

If we want to keep talking about bullying here is what you do.
You have half a dozen people, the more the better actually, all together and just keep going at them until they say something they would regret.

Then that slip up would be used to be referenced over and over and over again. Whatever that person was trying to be heard for is dead gone all thats left is ridicule and constant attacks of character.
And obviously wherever they go this will follow them no matter what. Its classic bullying tactic.

On the school yard this lashing out is more physical and all the more powerful for it as the group of bullies use it to ostracize the odd one out even further.

Its really effective stuff.
Great to see it employed so masterfully here.
Bravo lads. :clap:


This explains much about your horribly skewed perspective and why you justify it, you think you’ve got the moral high ground.