No Justice for the Kaldorei (9.1 Spoilers)

Some really have a talent for it. If they put their talents into politics, I bet they could be pretty successful.

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I mean, the same dynamics are in play. Factions can breed factionalism, and you can get to a place where you figure that your side is helped by blocking everything that the other side wants to do, even if the solution would help to resolve deep and longstanding issues, because you might then have to compromise and not have everything your way.

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You mean the writing? That’s been brought up a bunch.


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Point is, when we Worgen/NE fans point out solutions or things we want to see IN GAME, suddenly the writing for our side is excellent we should just go back to our corner and be quiet and stop talking about it and to stop complaining.

It’s a common thing around here. It’s so bad you know what some posters are going to say before they even respond. Though I’m sure Aki or Kyalin can correct me if I’m wrong on that :wolf:


Nah, you’re on target. That’s definitely my experience with these boards.

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Micah, since you and Morghel are the 2 worgen fans I interact with the most I want to say that I have fully supported your desire for further Worgen development. Your suggestions have never been over the top or patently ridiculous.

Not denying that either. As I said, there are extremes that get called out by both sides.

Very true.

You’re not.



And I do appreciate that. And I’m not attacking you personally, I do like you and your posts are often enlightening. I’m merely talking about the hypocrisy of some horde posters, who will say one thing for Likes from their side, but than immediately attack anyone with a blue background for making similar suggestions for their side, especially if they happen to be a Night elf fan in particular.


It’s not that the writing for your side was “excellent”. It’s that your request for the on-screen victory basically requires that the Horde is going to lose again, and the resistance to these suggestions stems from the fact that Horde players feel that they have lost plenty already and are generally opposed to the notion that the Alliance side needs a specific kind of victory before they can move on.

It’s like the constant hue and cry over Saurfang’s CGI cinematics. Yes, he got high-quality cinematics… which many, many Horde players detest because they slowly but surely ruined a character we had enjoyed a lot. That we got to see him ruined in HD somehow makes it a good thing, or so we are often told.

Everybody lost in BfA. (Except maybe Human fans.) Everyone had something of value taken from them. We are all miserable. But there is sometimes this regrettable notion that the Horde still “owes” the Alliance, even after all the beatings that the Horde as a concept suffered in BfA, and people who are still feeling that sense of loss are naturally going to be hostile if they feel your solution requires that they lose something else for you to be satisfied.

There’s hypocrisy on both sides, which I feel like we’ve pointed out half a dozen times in the last twenty posts.


Which is why Night Elf and Worgen fans should continue to be miserable while the Horde should get development.

That’s all I read here. I’ve tried compromise. I’ve tried structuring my suggestions to give things to both sides. It ALWAYS gets thrown back in my face.


I always get the I’m all for more Worgen development……BUT! and than a whole essay why my favorite race isn’t allowed to hit back at the horde for loosing two homes to them in dramatic fashion. And somehow I’m supposed to be content with that notion.

Like…I’m not gonna lie, I don’t care if some people hate me or think I changed(You know exactly who you are), I’m tired of hearing from horde posters they’re cool with something, than proceed giving me twenty reasons why it can’t be allowed.

Nah fam, I’m going to continue to fight and continue to express my opinions. Like me for it or hate me for it, I honestly don’t care anymore :wolf:


Heh, the way some people are in these forums, they’re going to be miserable regardless of what Blizzard gives them.


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SEE what I mean?


I know that you like to tell yourself that, but all this tells me is that you don’t know, and you don’t care to know what the problem is, why we’re upset, and how to deal with that other than to just tell us to shut up and go away.

This again is where you and I are different. I made the “How can we rebuild/redeem the Horde” thread so that I could pick out some ideas for proposals to address your issues because again, I feel that it’s important that solutions honestly consider all stakeholders. You threw that in my face because you didn’t feel that my intentions were “pure” (i.e. slavishly devoted to Horde advancement and nothing else).

As much as I like Gant, his favorite response is The Horde owes the alliance nothing after all.

Like I’m sure the NE and Worgen fans alone can write a 100 page essay on the grievances those two alliances have alone with the horde that will never get addressed.

Maybe it’s just misery liking company? You can feel a sort of comfort in knowing others are just as miserable as you are.

I’ll kindly thank you not to put words in my mouth.

I said exactly none of those things you are wildly accusing me of.


Yet, the sentiments appear to be there.

I’m told that you feel bad about the War of the Thorns and that you sympathize with the parts of the Alliance that got the short end of the stick, but that you’re not willing to let them have an onscreen victory because that would be humiliating to the Horde - and I will bring in here that my proposal for this is nearly always part of a larger scenario that involves the Horde getting a countervaling win in Lordaeron, so the balance of victories clearly isn’t what the matter is here.

If it’s not what Aki just said then, what is it? Why are you and your colleagues so invested in denying what we have been asking for since Cataclysm?


I mean, I wasn’t talking about you specifically. But hey! If the boot fits feel free to lace that sucker up and wear it.

I gave you a response early in that thread and you liked it.

I gave you that same response again after discovering that you didn’t actually give a crap about Horde player concerns and suddenly you didn’t like that answer anymore.


Now why would you omit the context about what you actually said here? It’s a mystery, isn’t it?

But, keep comforting yourself with the bolded lie there. That I will continue to call out how you and your colleagues behave does not take away from me wanting to consider concerns from all corners.

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If you say so…

You do you, I guess.
