No Justice for the Kaldorei (9.1 Spoilers)

Justify what?
The whole conversation is about talking to decently to people.
If you find that is an objectionable concept thats a you issue.

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You’re constantly in threads when someone says something extreme defending the extreme statement, and when others from the same side will go “woah, too far” you’ve instead spun it as classic bully tactics as if the person who went too far is the victim.

Just admit you’re partisan and move on, this spiel about trying to pretend there’s some malicious conspiracy to try and make people look bad is infantile.

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has there been anything going on in this thread i have had the worst day of my life so far literally.

Not so much.
I feel like making cheese burgers tonight and playing some AC valhalla.

I suggest you follow a similar idea.

Nothing new, same thing as every other day for the past 3-4 years.

What’s up?

mom attempted suicide some hours ago.


Considering the amount of times we’ve done this back and forth without Ayrenn, you don’t have to lie to make a jab at her.

Thats rough bud sorry to hear.
Be strong and be there for her. All you can do.


Sorry to hear that, broski.

If you actually need someone to talk, feel free to message me on Disc. Might not get along but I’ve been there.


Sorry to hear that. That’s terrible


my only plans are to just take it easy and have her under a watchful eye.


Good idea hun, I wish you and your mom the best and hope you both get well soon


I will make an extra burger for you bud. Double patty or cheese? Or both?


doesnt matter.

That’s an awful thing to have to deal with. Sending you and your family positive thoughts.


“in darkest night, we still shine with hope”

Š some lightforged character

Been a rough time lately. But there is always a chance for a better turn.

gl hf

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I tried parsing the progress of this thread and failed my saving throw vs insanity.

Tragic day at the forum of stories.

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I’m so sorry to hear that. Please also make sure to take care of yourself in this time.


Wasn’t there a troll riding a raptor in one vanilla cinematic? Or was that Burning crusade?