No Justice for the Kaldorei (9.1 Spoilers)

If you say so…


T-shirtgate again?

I’ll take my cues on what to think about that from actual professionals, thank you.


And yes, this is that.


Your response to Aki implied that you thought blizz didn’t write crappy stories for the alliance. If that wasn’t the implication, than just say so? :wolf:


We’ve been over this quite a few times, Kyalin. We actually agree on several things regarding the Night Elves, just not everything and mostly regarding how those things should be done.


Yet you are a consistent and reliable impediment to discussing said issues, and you are just about always on the other side of even the abstract notion of fixing said issues.

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You do understand that most worgen and NE fans just want ONE on screen victory and to not have both races look like buffoons every time blizz remembers the alliance isn’t just Humans and occasionally a token ally race :wolf:

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No, my response was implying that not all Horde are Erevien. It’s silly to say things like that when there have been numerous threads on both sides staring how crappy the writing is overall.


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Of course. This is why I have stated several times that not all Night Elf posters are NEFPA.


You could have at least quoted my entire quote. I did ask if it was simple misunderstanding in the second half of it. And this is what Kyalin is talking about. You only respond to parts of a quote to try and make said person appear worse than they are.


You mean focusing on things that actually rebuild the Horde in a thread about rebuilding the Horde?

Sure, we’ll go with that.


My mistake. I’ll fix that.


I think you just reinforced Micah’s point, above, and demonstrated once again why talking with you is a waste of time.

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Your spending money on game you don’t want to play, to be able to post on the forums of the game you dislike and don’t want to play.

What are you doing besides wasting time?


Glad you figured out YouTube links work directly without needing a higher TL.

Stick around long enough and we can meme back and forth with GIFs.


Yes, he does understand that. They all understand that.

Honestly, ever since I distanced myself from the forums, and WoW, I have seen the forums from a new perspective.

A lot of people post here because they are angry with the game. They are venting their frustration and postulating how the game and story could be better.

But the devil you know is better than the devil you don’t. So the idea of the Night Elves getting an onscreen victory represents a loss for Horde players in a place that has otherwise been a sanctuary for them.

The Horde has suffered defeats from the Alliance, but the Night Elves and Gilneas has always been that punching bag where they can guiltily take solace in knowing they will win something. Some wont admit it, but it’s a sure thing that most Horde players enjoyed seeing Teldrassil go up in flames. How could they not? Seeing an enemy defeated so completely and utterly. It only becomes a problem when it is held over their head. When their guilt for enjoying it is used against them. So they lie. “Teldrassil isn’t the story we wanted” - “The Horde is villainized again, how is that a win for us?” -and whatever else they say.

The Night Elves are that little victory that Horde players can have in private, behind closed doors. All while they subtlety disenfranchise and dismiss the demands of Nelf posters that would improve the game as a whole.

“You want the Kaldorei to be the hardcore, matriarchal, warrior savages that Grom Hellscream described them as? Nice headcanon bro.”

“Hush Tyrande”

“The High King is a human because humans have the strongest military… but Nelves aren’t a vassal state though, that’s stupid. Stop being professional victims.”

“Night Elves wear Stormwind colors because it’s Alliance colors. It’s not cultural erasure.”

All clever dismissals and manipulations born from fear and self-consciousness.


Yeah, I think you hit the nail on the head with this - or at least that’s certainly how it appears.

I’ll still wait to be convinced otherwise of course, but like I said, I don’t see indications of that sort that often - especially not when it’s a usual practice for the same poster to declare themselves to be ashamed of the War of the Thorns on a moral level before they turn around arguing as to why it was totally reasonable and why Night Elf fans just need to shut up, accept it, and never ask for resolution.



Ehm… not sure about all.


Maybe for some. But I don’t remember huge meltdown after Tyrande iced Nathanos.

This seems like a lot of projection. But what do I know? I’m just a Horde player that quit BfA early on.

Yup. Projection and insecurities it would seem. But I’m not begrudging your investment in the game. Some people seem to take it way more seriously than others.


See what I mean? Literally any excuse to not acknowledge the real issue.


It’s a sport around here.