No Justice for the Kaldorei (9.1 Spoilers)

One of the key highlights of BfA’s Alliance experience is that the Alliance isn’t accepting that the Horde leadership is the only issue.

As the expansion progresses, characters like Shaw make it known they know it’s only an inevitability that there’s going to be a follow-up war.

When the actual epilogue rolls around, the Alliance sign an armistice but the general sentiment felt across the NPCs is one of dread and “how long until the Horde act up again?”

Even Anduin who wants to push for peace more than the others is semi-resigned in the epilogue, hoping the armistice works out because “it has to.”

The only story that doesn’t address the Horde being fully complicit is the Horde narrative, which scapegoats everything onto Sylvanas and their epilogue is about them celebrating and forcing their prisoners to denounce their party affiliations or be thrown in jail.

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This video proves that isn’t true.

Pretty much sums up the stigma against Nelf fans as a whole. While many nelf fans disagree with each other on specific issues, generally we argue against the cultural homogenization of the races within the game, and ultimately just want the individual racial identities to be more center stage in the story telling rather than the faction nationalism.

Horde players just can’t even consider the fact that Blizzard also trashes Alliance story telling, not just Horde story telling. And MHPs hate the idea of the Alliance not being human centric.

It’s actually funny. The average Horde poster describing the traits of the average Nelf poster usually accurately describes Horde poster’s behavior.


So you make a post criticizing the generalization of Night Elf fans then go on to generalize Horde fans in the same way as what you are criticizing?






She’s not wrong though. :wolf:



This is incorrect (as a generalization). But go ahead.


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She’s right and you know it. Horde players do need to stop acting like blizzs bad writing is exclusive to only their side.

Meadow muffins!

Plenty of Horde posters have recognized the writing sucks for both sides. I’m not the only one here who thinks so.


Ganth appears to think otherwise though. :wolf:

It’s just another dismissal tactic. Ignoring the language I used in my post, such as “Generally” and “the Average”, which would acknowledge that I am indeed, aware of the outliers. Just to discredit my point in it’s entirety. Classic forum behavior.

Now he can pretend he won something.


There are several camps, but it’s actually pretty rare to find a Horde poster who agrees that the Night Elves have issues and that something should be done about it. More often it’s blocking and tackling to prevent us from having any sort of resolution out of the fear that it will require the Horde to give up something - ranging from things like milquetoast attempts to divert the conversation onto Horde issues to concerted attempts to discredit and “other” Night Elf fans in general.


Players in general. Again, this is not a mindset that is exclusive to the Horde. It’s why there are players in both sides calling out those with the more extreme views, suggestions, and bad takes.



Quote me please. :slight_smile:

Lol, “more extreme views”

:wolf: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I mean, not like it was a hard to scroll up a bit and see it.

Ok? Um… we following the same conversation?

Because this :point_down:

Is then followed by your response here :point_down:

So are you saying I disagree with what Fythra says?

Because I completely agree with what Fythra said.


You know? Like equating people who wear Horde themed clothing with being members of a certain political party. That’s just one of the more recent ones.


Lol, literally any excuse to ignore what Nelf posters actually want.