No Justice for the Kaldorei (9.1 Spoilers)

And yet that was not her city. It doesnt erase the fact Theramore is an abandoned husk.

You can find all the posts I have ever done and I have never said Ashenvale will be phased. That was something I certainly wanted from Blizzard but Blizzard has obstinantly wanted to keep Ashenvale status a constant mystery for element know what reason.

I don’t what the night elves will get. For now at least I can say Tyrande is not ending up as raid fodder from the looks of it and with Elune being an ever more prominent part of the story I expect Tyrande’s story is from ending here.

I’m not sure why you think getting to pick and choose who you deem as being valid helps with your position.

Why do you get to decide who is invested and who is not?


I don’t know if you did that on purpose, but thanks for reminding me of one of my favorite WoW Machinima videos:

It’s easy to figure out through their own behavior.

It’s a subjective opinion presented as fact.


I’m not talking about BFA. I’m reaching back to arguments of a similar caliber - vague, wistful posts that had a whole lot of wishful thinking and nothing else being bandied about as stone-cold predictions about the future. Because so little has changed about this naïve, wildly inaccurate practice.

Telling me “wait and see” does not resolve the issue here, and after those eleven years, you shouldn’t expect me to table my concerns because one day they might do right by us - when they’ve demonstrated that they’ve never had the desire.

I demand more concrete information than that, and if you don’t have it, then you should just say so.

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Her story was still moved forward.
All the people in Theramore are dead and displaced. What sort of resolution do you expect for her?

Garrosh is dead and the Blood Elves traitors in dalaran were removed or purged.

There’s nothing subjective about someone posting on their nelf alt and claiming that nelf problems don’t matter cause they’re inconvenient for Horde Players.

Your bad faith is showing.

Oh of course. Jonathan Coulton is great. :slight_smile: - and the song is kind of relevant to how Blizzard tries to please its playerbase.

RE: Your Brains is by the way the best depiction of corporatespeak I’ve ever encountered.

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[quote=“Elluriah-bloodsail-buccaneers, post:172, topic:962225”]
There’s nothing subjective about someone posting on their nelf alt and claiming that nelf problems don’t matter cause they’re inconvenient for Horde Players.[/quote]

It’s absolutely subjective. Tying the argument to the avatar doesn’t lend the arguements anymore credence nor does it undermine the argument.

Acting like there’s some sort of power in posting as a night elf or not posting as a night elf on these forums is beyond delusional.

Trying to dismiss that as bad faith isn’t going to make it any less ridiculous.


Sorry, missed this.

I don’t, they do. Typically who they choose as their main is a good proxy for whether they’re invested or not.

For instance, I have a blood elf alt, but having that character doesn’t mean that my interests line up with Blood Elf players. I’m sure if you took a quick survey of them, they would agree that I do not.

So it would be a little dishonest for me to jump on said alt, and then start advocating for the destruction of Silvermoon or rationalizing that it really makes sense that humans seem to have better magic users than they do.

Why do you think that? If I suddenly started posting on my Worgen would you think i no longer cared about the Horde story?

Well, so far they have done a downright awful job with the whole Night warrior storyline. Not the worst possible job, i’ll admit, but the worst involved Tyrande being killed by Sylvanas, so…

I’ll give Blizzard until the end of Shadowlands to sort this whole mess out. Teldrassil, the Horde, Sylvanas, and Tyrande. That is assuming they don’t make a catastrophic decision regarding Sylvanas, in which case i’m pulling the plug earlier.

I don’t know. I feel like my investment and interest erodes for every new article and every new trailer they release. I don’t look forward to news regarding the story, I dread them.


Not sure why you’re bringing them up on a Nelf thread but the Sin’Dorei are doing fine.

They called some ancient Russian electrician to sort it out. Turned out the power to their magic hot tub got blown out when some goth neighbors were pool hopping.

Easy fix.


No, and that’s the point - a point so obvious that it makes me wonder why you think I see this as a real argument.

I just check. All we know is Thrall and Jaina will participate in the raid. And even assuming she doesnt. Shadowlands(and WoW)story is not ending in 9.1. Don’t forget the Jailer is ultimately the one who sent all these events in motion.

If anything this latest news is more proof that the night elves will likely end up rebuilt. Tyrande story already fairly resembles Jaina and I doubt Blizzard will let the Night elves(and Forsaken) be homeless forever.(new expansion hubs are always needed and a Night elf/Forsaken one seems like an easy way to solve some of people’ annoyence by the losses).

On a serious note: please see a therapist or something.

This is blind optimism and nothing more. Come back with actual proof and not your extrapolation. I want to see planned content, developer interviews, or leaked information, not your optimistic predictions.

If you don’t have them, that’s okay, just say so.


Because you seem to think what avatar you post as matters and that there are people whose arguments are somehow more valid depending on which avatar they are using to make it.

If you did argue for something bad to happen to the Blood Elves while using a Blood Elf avatar that wouldn’t make me take your ideas any more seriously than otherwise.


I mean, okay, but my point was that it would be dishonest of me to do so while trying to use the avatar to claim that I’m a “Blood Elf fan”, specifically as a cudgel to counter arguments from actual Blood Elf fans.