No Justice for the Kaldorei (9.1 Spoilers)

Or you just don’t experience it at all and go do something else like help the Forsaken with their issues on the other side of Azeroth.


That you also closed the door on a compromise that Elluriah didn’t have to give you, a compromise that we weren’t given ourselves, really tips your hand here.

Saying that one side is allowed to be brutalized, but another isn’t is little other than the product of self-serving bias.


I want to reword the first half of this a bit, because at least in my case, I feel like the horde part is still undercutting how I feel about it.

It’s more than just being made to look evil; Blizzard doing so effectively destroyed the concept of my investment in the entire faction. The idea behind the horde in the story feels irrevocably stained as a result, because you can’t undo the fact that the current in-game generation participated in / supported a plot point where they were not only the aggressors, they targeted a group that narratively didn’t deserve to be attacked, and THEN stuck the word genocide into the plot. And it wasn’t even the first time!

It’s worse than just being made to look evil. It’s made to DO evil and then the game trying to pretend that the horde player can still be considered a hero. It stains every playable race in the faction and cannot be fixed, in my opinion.


I sincerely don’t know what you are talking about. I have done nothing but point out, in absolutely good faith, that trying to credit or discredit a posters opinion based on their forum avatar is not something I’m comfortable with.

If there is a larger point than this that you think is relevant I ask that you state it plainly.

Or are you judging me by my choice of avatar so you can dismiss my opinion?

There is an entire raid still and we as players will be there. I think Tyrande will be part of the raid but I am not 100%.

I would also point she did kill Nathanos.

Well, the stain comment is one that I can certainly analogize to my side as well. It’s something that actively prevents me from wanting to play the game. I used to be a PVPer, and the notion that every bit of the prowess that I earned for myself was a lie on the basis of Blizzard’s constant fascination with beating up on the Night Elves was bad enough before the War of the Thorns. After it? I can’t stomach it. I can’t even play Classic for this reason.

No, but I am pointing out that you chose to react to my Russian-national-trying-to-influence-public-opinion example in 1963 by attempting to tie it to a maligned figure from that period. That’s poisoning the well, and it’s evading my point.

Killing Nathanos accomplished nothing and the full raid is already datamined. Tyrande has no presence.

Ignoring the story doesn’t make it not exist.

Switch factions or ignore the story are not compromise.

I have NEVER said that, do not put words in my mouth. War of Thorns was godawful, I stopped playing for months after the Burning of Teldrassil came out.

“One player faction suffered so the rest have to too” won’t solve anything other than making everyone miserable, it’s a dire cycle that’ll keep feeding itself, there’s no fixing it. I’m not saying any part of it was okay, but there’s no equilibrium of suffering among the playerbase you can achieve with this.

This isn’t a moral high ground y’all have. You want revenge, that’s justified. Carrying that revenge out is just going to make the rest of the playerbase miserable. And thus the issue.


Depends on how it’s done.

I would agree that burning down Orgrimmar wouldn’t make sense, but the Kaldorei have been denied a meaningful counterstrike for years now, and not just on this. That needs to end. We need to fight back and reassert our position - and unlike the past, that has to be onscreen.

Sorry, looking awesome and defeating one’s opponents should not be a one-way street.


I am pretty sure we don’t have the info yet on the Sylvanas fight. I don’t even think half the bosses have their dungeon journal entries not. And even if we did, we don’t know the end cinematic yet.

My only surprise in all of this (This thread included) is that Tyrande gets to keep the Night Warrior powers. (whatever those might be )

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Give me a path to where the dissatisfaction over having Tyrande benched in favor of poor content-deprived Jaina is resolved in that end cinematic then.

We do. Thrall and Jaina help the “heroes” defeat Sylvanas. Tyrande is no where to be seen. If you think she’s gonna pop up in the cinematic out of no where then you’re just as delusional and as much of a shill as you’ve always been.

Tyrande had two cinematics to her in BfA. And the entire idea of this questline is that Tyrande is clearly going to be a part of WoW for a long time, potentially in a rebuilder role. And if the night elves do rebuild their city it will be more than Jaina ever got considering Theramore is still in ruin.

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He pretty much got killed on purpose so he could go to shadowlands for some masterplan again.
Not exactly a Thrall executing Garrosh moment if thats what it was supposed to be.


“Don’t worry Night Elf fans, they’ll phase out the bad parts of Ashenvale questing in subsequent patches.”

Blind optimists - proudly being wrong about future Night Elf lore for eleven years running.

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That’s not the specific figure I’m referencing but rather the policy that saw Americans attempt to denounce and discredit one another as secret communists in the fashion you alluded to in your own metaphor.

If anyone poisoned the well here, it would be you by likening people you suspect of not being Night Elf fans (but using them as avatars) as like unto being Russian spies.

If you’d like to retract that analogy then I won’t describe what you are advocating as a form of McCarthyism.

Even so, I stand by my position that assuming such proposed ‘bad actors’ have any more or less power based on their forum avatar is ridiculous.


Jaina got Kultiras and Dalaran for a time.
She also became staunchly anti horde and pro alliance in the exchange.

The current issue is she is becoming pro horde again.

I differentiated the practice when discussing Katiera, who would be analogous to the Hollywood figures that McCarthy dragged up. What matters to me is whether the person demonstrates investment in what they’re talking about, not simply what they say.

In this case, we’re talking about actual foreign spies engaging in misinformation campaigns, or its equivalent here.

Stop. We were promised a choice! We were promised a choice, right? Between peace and revenge, right?