Ffs, those aren’t cinematics. They are cut- scenes.
But just because you were being dishonest that doesn’t mean everyone in that situation would be being dishonest. Your assuming intent based on the avatar being used - I’m saying even if the intent is there, it doesn’t effect the authenticity of the argument one way or another. The poster is still going to have whatever opinion they are going to have - that is what should be argued for or against, not their credibility based on their avatar.
Well, considering that the favorite plan for Night Elf resolution is for them to kill the Forsaken’s most important character, I’d say it does impact them, no?
Is anyone surprised? Blizzard hates Night Elves. It’s been obvious since Tides of Vengeance, with how poorly animated the Darkshore stuff was. How the Azshara arch was given to Jaina and Genn, as if they had a horse in that race. That Blizzard was only pandering to Night Elves just enough to keep us complacent for a little while longer.
They had no intention of making anything right by us. It’s the same thing with Sylvanas loyalist. They had no intention of giving them what they wanted either. They gave them the choice to be loyalists, but at the end of the day, they’re going to merc their Banshee Queen in the Raid anyway.
Blizzard is dead, and has been for a long time. It’s just Activision now.
You are drawing a line in the sand about what is an “actual” fan based on if they agree with the collective or not.
I replied to you first on a blood elf. You dismissed me as not a night elf fan. I had to post on a night elf character to show you I had an investment. It still wasn’t good enough.
There is no “actual” fans there is only “approved by Kyalin and Co.” fans and that’s no way to have a discourse.
chill there has been no just for troll since wow started.
Nothing happened to Darkspear like what happened in War of Thorns… And even still, they were able to take the Echo Isles for themselves.
The machinima style cutscenes are also called cinematic. You can type Wrathgate cinematic and you can see various websites using the term cinematic.
I don’t give a rat’s backside about the Jailer. There’s nothing you can rationalize about how he made a deal with Sylvanas that could possible squeeze an iota of resemblance of a rat’s backside out of me about the Jailer.
He’s a nobody that was yanked into existence from Danuser’s darkest reaches as a new big bad that we’re supposed to band together to defeat and when Shadowland’s is over he’ll vanish into obscurity.
Sylvanas and the Horde torched Teldrassil and genocided the Night Elves. Not the absolute nobody that is the Jailer.
Yeah, I have barely played any of Shadowlands. I don’t care about the Jailer at all. But I -am- very motivated against the Horde. Because I was given reason to be. Blizzard literally gave us more reason to hate the Horde than the Big Bad.
Depends on the execution IMO. And it would require clarity in the messages, etc. I imagine most players did not pick the horde because of “it’s a villain faction”, because it was not, and suddenly making the players participate in those events was a mistake IMO, forcing people into things they would not agree to participate in (some would, but that’s besides the point).
Untying it all might be a tricky thing, but “if there is will, there is a way”. Not doing anything as a follow up is equally bad and incompetent IMO.
1st step would be actually asking oneselves, if this game is about factions, or not. And commit to the decision, whatever it would be.
gl hf
The Night Elves took a big population hit, but we don’t know how much of one. The High Elves lost 90 percent of their population when Arthas paid them a social call, but the Quel’thelans, mostly Blood Elves now, are still a presence. The Night Elves put on more of a presence in BFA than the Blood Elves did, if that is any indication.
I’m not sure what you were expecting. If Tyrande was going to take her fury on the Horde, she would not have jumped into the Maw.
Nothing happened to Darkspear like what happened in War of Thorns… And even still, they were able to take the Echo Isles for themselves.
They were almost completely exterminated by a single Naga sea witch. Something that very nearly occurred again after the Cataclysm revamp during the Darkspear introduction campaign. Before all of that, the entire world was wrecked in the sundering by Queen Azshara selling out to the Burning Legion, nearly wiping out all of Troll society were it not for the Zandalari.
Even so, not a single Darkspear was present to assault Nazjatar or exact any vengeance on Azshara or her brood. It’s flat out not ever addressed.
Even the Loa of Sharks, whose temple was directly destroyed by the Naga, only has a token appearance in a single world quest in Nazjatar. It’s ridiculous.
And further proved that your only investment is in how it affects the Horde and only how it affects the Horde. Which is to say that if it does at all you don’t want it.
Not a single Troll player had to experience those events first hand, as a troll.
Yet they still got to have their vengeance when retaking the Echo Isles. Trolls literally got more than Night Elves.
This is the crux of it.
Because if you haven’t noticed NE fans are taking the story out on Horde players. That hits a nerve with me as someone who is also a Horde player, and has felt the full effect of tension and toxicity this forum brings by only being in it since February.
This forum in the last 4 months has brought more crazy toxicity into my life than the entire WoW fandom has in 13 years on multiple platforms and it’s because of crazy NE fans.
You’ve been disproven. Are you going to continue to pretend?
Uh, no, as a Troll player you definitely experience the Troll starting experience after Cataclysm. You are there when Zuni is murdered.
Trolls don’t take vengeance on the Naga when they retook the echo isles, they took it back from another Troll.
You don’t know what you are talking about.
And she’s wrong.