No Justice for the Kaldorei (9.1 Spoilers)

False. Horde was forced to completely withdraw and forsake their territory.

One win, which I’d already mentioned.
Glad we can agree that the Horde did not win one single time in BFA, and hasn’t since.

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You must be having fun with AC Valhalla right now.

The Wrath of Druids Expansion dropped.

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Loving it actually :wolf:

The game director said its a win.

His opinion >>>>>>>>>>>>>> yours.
Take your W and stop complaining.

Got a source on that claim?

And the horde won the WoT. So that’s two horde wins, that somehow equals zero horde wins if you follow trengs math :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :wolf:

Well, Micah, I knew you were one for Clout Clapping, but I’d never taken you for a liar.
Things sure did change in six months.

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Its in an interview similar to the way Darkshore and Arathi canonical wins were announced.

If you are bright enough to find those I am sure you can find this one.

Link it.
` around the link.

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No thanks bro.
Google it
Or don’t, doesnt matter to me.

K, well until you link it I’ll assume you’re lying.

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I am waiting for the sale.
AC Valhalla delivered where cyberpunk failed.
I cheated on Randvi though :grimacing:

You do you. Don’t care.

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Gasp Why doh? How could you?! :laughing:

He is lying, as always. The real interview said that lordaeron wasnt really a alliance Win. It never said anything about it being a horde win.

And yeah, Micah did change alot lately. Goes from hating every extreme night elf poster to being one of them.

Alliance snapped defeat from the jaws of victory.

If Alliance is defeated that means someone else won.
In this context it is the Horde.

Like… a person can judge and evaluate information based on what they observe rather than partisanship bias.


Note that for the record, no game director ever said the Horde won Lordaeron.

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I may be wrong, but didn’t Ion call to the Battle of Lordaeron and War of Thorns both defeats for the Alliance?

yeah he did, i found it.

It’s almost like there are elements missing from your depiction.

Elements that we’ve discussed countless times.

Like the Horde being forced out of said Horde territory for two expansions?

In a faction war one side needs to lose for the other to win.

Just take your W that Ion bestowed on you.

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