No Justice for the Kaldorei (9.1 Spoilers)

You are the one telling Kyalin and Ethriel to be quiet because Blizzard gave them their W.

Will bucko you got your W too. Why are you so mad about that they can’t be mad about?

You are coming off as a hypocrite.

He was written out of character.
Like Sylvanas was written out of character.
Like Tyrande was written out of character.
Like Malfurion was written out of character.

Blizzard had an agenda to see to, and they wrote Saurfang to seal it.

Quote it.

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Still happened. You just don’t like it because it’s inconvient for your hatred of the NE and their fans. :wolf:

Nah I will paraphrase instead.

“Some people are never satisfied with what Blizzard gives them”

Micah: Yeah I admit that it isn’t something Saurfang would actually say and Blizzard had him say it so that they could set up their agenda and unbelievable scenario to pump up Alliance fans.
Micah: But you just don’t like it because you don’t like night elves.

Blizzard also had the Forsaken unseat the Worgen. Guess that just means that the Worgen are inferior to Forsaken? Is that what you’re telling me? After all, the Worgen needed the night elves to repel them.
They couldn’t do it alone.

So you’re telling me you can’t find the thing you said that I said, huh?

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Someone didn’t play the Worgen starting zone. The kaldorei didn’t show up until the very end…you know after the worgen had already chased the forsaken out of gilneas.

But nice deflect though, it’s what you do when you know you’re wrong. :wolf:

With wild worgen? That don’t exist anymore?

More like don’t care to waste my time.

Accept the statement.
Or don’t and clarify.
Or go back to your hypocrite behavior.

You do you bro. But you don’t look so good right now.

Night Elf players will never be content with anything they receive because they’re greedy beyond belief. They’ve defeated the Horde, reclaimed their territories, lost none of their hero characters except for Sira (who is a Literal Who), had the entire Emerald Dream and Shadowlands retconned to support only their race, had Bwonsamdi and The Other Side retconned to make him lesser than their new goddess, had Tyrande fighting the entire Maw and winning single handedly, nightsong, ysera, shandris, etc, etc.

It’s not enough. It will never be enough.

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There is the quote you asked for.

Thanks bud so you are a bias hypocrite. :blush:


Ivar and his bloodfang pack would like a word with you. :wolf:

The boneless?!?

Yeah but have you considered that Saurfang got some fancy cutscenes? Unfair!

(Just ignore the fact that those same cutscenes were used to turn a fan favorite character into a mopey depressed hermit who had to be taught the lesson he had already been teaching back in wrath by a dumb teenager. Also he, yanno, died. Something that Alliance characters not named Varian never have to worry about)


Boneless indeed. Sometimes spineless :wolf:

(Though I admittedly have no idea what we’re talking about :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:)

Horde has gotten no wins since WoT.
Night Elves have had a long chain of wins since Darkshore.
So no, not really.

Rip Saurfang. The was the best, until he wasn’t.

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Night Elves cry about their W.

Dreadmoore and Wags come in like the Koolaid man and exclaim that “they” cant cry about their W!!! Only some people (themselves) are allowed to do that!!!

Now we are talking about vikings and the world is infinitely better.

Ahh yes, the hyprocrisy of it all. And Vikings are neat and all, but I’m more partial to my Celtic heritage :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :wolf:

Name the wins, Micah.

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War of Thorns.

Which the horde won in quite a dramatic fashion. You just don’t like it. :wolf: