No Justice for the Kaldorei (9.1 Spoilers)

Those events happen before the cinematic otherwise Tyrande would not be transformed then. :kissing_closed_eyes:

I know. Thatā€™s what Iā€™m saying. This cinematic was an answer to complaints, but instead of being thankful for it, people got snobby.

I know exactly what you mean.

I remember when WoT launched and we saw the Hordeā€™s most epic moments in the entire gameā€™s history and all the Horde players could do was cry and cry evermore.

I totally get you. Its like nothing is ever enough right?


Justiceā€¦I donā€™t think it means what you think it means.

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But the book retconned the events.

What events did the scary book retcon?
You are starting to sound like one of those players that just looks for excuses to not be happy when Blizzard gives them their W.

You mean when Alliance players complain about the SoL, BoD, Darkshore and Arathi?



Um ok? Thanks for informing me?

Youā€™re welcome. :+1:


Anytime babe.

Well, in the events the Horde is steam rolling the night elves hard. It isnā€™t even a contest. In the new canon from yonder books, night elf civilians outfought and outkilled the hordeā€™s trained soldiers.

Which would be like peons defeating the entire Alliance, led by Malfurion, Tyrande, and Anduin.

Soā€¦ you are one of those people who finds even the smallest excuses to not be satisfied with your W when Blizzard gives you one.

Very sad indeed. I would have thought you were better than that.

In all fairness, home field advantage does seem to be a thing in WoW warfare.

Tauren kept the oh so scary industrialized might of the Alliance out of Mulgore by throwing together a rickety wooden gate. The only W the alliance had in that entire front was against women and children.

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I mean, Tyrande shows up and blows up the front gates with giant throwing stars.

Iā€™ll take your word for it. I skipped the vast majority of Cataclysm.

You are no different than Ethriel.
No matter what Blizzard does you will always be unhappy.

Treng will go out of his way to dismiss anything concerning Night Elves and their fans legitimate gripes. Itā€™s sort of his thing. You get used to it. :wolf:

I know his type, I used to be just as bad as he is by the way.

If youā€™re gaslighting me this hard, I feel bad for any significant others you may have.
Holy cow.

ā€œcivilians of one single race outfighting the entire Horde is acceptable.ā€

Saurfang himself admits it was going to be a brutal fight, even with half the kaldorei army gone though :wolf:

Saurfang is a character written by Blizzard.

If you legitimately believe the night elf race alone can defeat the entire Horde, how do you explain the Hordeā€™s continued existence when the night elves and the alliance have been fighting them together since the Year of Our Lord Two-Thousand upon Four?

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Doesnā€™t change the fact that Saurfang himself knew it was going to be a brutal fight. You donā€™t get to ignore the parts that are inconvient for you :wolf: