No Justice for the Kaldorei (9.1 Spoilers)

No, gatekeeping would be declaring that certain opinions are not tied to those who main Night Elves. My poster child example of this is Katiera, who disagrees with a lot of us, but is still unambiguously a Night Elf fan based on her level of investment.

This is more akin to preventing foreign nationals from voting in the elections of countries whose host nations have radically different interests from that of the holding the election. If it’s 1963, and you’ve got someone with a heavy Russian accent declaring that they’re American too and that they think that Kennedy’s blockade of Cuba is say, unamerican or something - that person is going to get some raised eyebrows.

I do not believe that full objectivity is possible. It’s a great thing to keep in mind, but people do still end up advocating for their side - and the game is set up of course to cultivate that sort of thing. It is also useful to be able to take the pulse of a community to identify some common elements about what they like and what they don’t like.


Advocating for something metaphorically akin to McCarthyism based on forum avatars still seems like a bad look to me.

We all play the same game and pay the same subscription - you don’t get more or less ‘voting power’ based on what forum avatar you use.


When looking at the macro scale, perhaps objectivity isn’t so easily achieved, but when examining specific issues? It absolutely should be employed, especially when engaging in places like the forums.

Not arguing against that, definitely. It’s part of what I think is so wrong with Blizzard’s approach.

Not everyone hyperfixtates like you and creates a delusional fictional narrative like you Ethel.

No one makes 100’s of whiny night elf posts like you on countless outlets of media, like your hyperfixation is the only thing worth talking about at any given point of the day.

I’ve made a few bad takes, ill admit but I’m not less of a night elf player because I’m just not as invested as you. I have more than one horse in this race. (I didn’t ask them to pit my favorite character against my favorite Alliance race and be forced to pick a side, im just as angry at Blizz as you are. We are all angry about this writing choice in different ways)

You and others have called people N@zi’s just for not agreeing with you.

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Which is a Player Faction.


Yep, Blizzaed went coocoo for Cocoa Puffs there.

If I was talking about the players I would have said Horde Players.

I wasn’t. I was talking about the Horde as an entity within the story that is directly responsible for the genocide of the Night Elves.

This is poisoning the well, and doing so deliberately to evade the point.

Eh, it’s hard to even do that with specific points, and this is where a person’s identification does come into play.

For Horde players, as I have observed. The worst thing about the War of the Thorns was that they were made to look evil. Some also argue that the mostly offscreen caveats were humiliating because they didn’t beat down the Night Elves easily enough.
For Night Elf players, as I have observed. The worst thing about the War of the Thorns was that the locus of their investment was destroyed, and that what they were made to represent was not only humiliated, but constructively destroyed.

Based on how people are seeing the story, the same event has vastly different impacts, and it’s important to remember that with stories, the most important thing is how people feel about those stories. We can see that there is in that case no one, unifying clear narrative. Rather, there are at least two that are in direct conflict.

Yeah, and that’s a big issue because the Horde is one of the 2 player factions you can play.


And yet if Blizzard care enough to create a scenario where the Horde is brought to justice for Teldrassil there’s nothing saying that Horde Players would have to experience it. Since it wouldn’t be for them. It would be for Night Elf Players.



No, I think I’m addressing the point pretty directly.

Unless there is some other point you think you are making.

I have a feeling that its popularity has something to do with it being the BiS covenant for approximately 50% of DPS classes.


Why should a Forsaken Player have the same amount of say in how Night Elves get their resolution?

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Come on start attacking each other.

I am not paying you to discuss things.


And that still requires having the Horde Faction, and thus those who play Horde, be the villains.

Which is why that avenue is falling flat on it’s face, because it’s not a feel-good scenario for anyone.

The Horde faction and Horde playerbase are not two completely separate entities.


I don’t see why we should be forced to make this caveat when it wasn’t made for us. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.

I believe, unlike Blizzard, that something like that should still be fun for both sides and should actually have a constructive point for the Horde. But I make this point to lay out that saying that the Horde should be spared the kind of thing that we went through is special pleading.

No, you’ve been dancing around it, and your use of the well worn fallacy has been entirely tactical.

Because the Horde as an entity committed villainous acts that need to be answered for.

They are when it comes to presenting catharsis and resolution for the Night Elves via allowing them vengeance against the Horde. You as a Horde Player are in no way required to play through that experience from the Horde end of things.

  1. this means Tyrande is not ending up a raid boss anytime soon. 2) just because Tyrande won’t end up getting the killing blow doesnt mean Sylvanas wont end up getting her just deserts. 3) it does mean this whole night warrior thing will extend beyond this expansion, what exactly that means I doubt anyone know, probably not even Blizzard.

I would also point out not everyone in WoW ever gets the killing blow on the oned that wronged them the most. Case in point, Jaina never got to see Garrosh get killed off.

The idea was that Alliance will finally get revenge on at least somebody that wrong them over the years.

Yes, the issue being that the Horde are also half the playerbase. That’s the conundrum we have to deal with here, in that you had one playable faction become the victim and the other the villain. Trying to reconcile that without the playerbase feeling like crap afterward is impossible.

“You can just switch to Alliance” isn’t an answer here.