No Justice for the Kaldorei (9.1 Spoilers)

I think you’re just parroting what she says back, because you really don’t have anything to say other then REEEing. Look at this garbage you posted.


Found it (or at least, the source for the idea). See this thread:

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You got upset because I called out clear logical fallacies instead of accepting the game that the use of said fallacies was trying to advance. I’m not playing your insane ring-around-the-rosie game on this anymore.

If you have a bad premise, if your argument relies on a logical fallacy to work, or if you have simply ignored my reply to you in favor of pushing the same meme argument over and over again regardless of the rebuttal that has been provided to you, I’m done with you, period.

I am not getting into this business where we go back and forth for 500 posts where you say something false, I explain to you why it’s false, and then you repeat the falsehood as though nothing happened.

For more than a decade the Night Warrior never referred to anyone but Elune herself. The Lore of the Night Warrior as we’ve seen from the Shadowlands comes as per the Trope from the Word of God. Refusing to accept it is denial plain and simple. It also ignores the fact that there is no instance in the lore of Elune herself actually entering battle. She’s always empowered other creatures to act in her stead.

Yep, quoted that back on post 1345.

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The ideal would be for them to do a refresh of those zones to show those areas rebuilt. Heck, if they just give a refresh of mount Hyjal showing it as the Kaldorei HQ I would be happy.

I just above all else want the Kaldorei out of Stormwind. No more weeping hobos, or pumpkin growing minions of our human overlords, please.


The game is well overdue for a rebuilding expac in general tbh. I think it would be cool to redo capitals as sort of a hybrid player and questing hub. To breath a bit of life into them outside of the basic Player needs. Make Hyjal a bit of a terraced capital, spilling down the Mountain. Then turn WS into a full fledged NE Winter Wonderland.


I for sure agree. I actually think both the Alliance and Horde need new faction capitols. Orgrimmar and Stormwind just cement the Orc vs Human thing. Why not instead make two new cities which have districts actually depicting each race?

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I dunno, I kinda like Orgrimmar being a little cosmopolitan. If anything, I’d rather they pare back on them having troll and tauren districts and try to blend them all a little bit more together.

But it might be easy for me to say that because I don’t think the aesthetics clash nearly as much when you stick their structures side by side. But I’d rather go for a shake 'n bake monster mash look.

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Yeah, I feel like Blizz doesn’t really see the benefit of using the Old World. Like, I would love to see Stratholme turned into a new Gothic Capital for the Forsaken as they rebuild Lord. Have Hyjal turned into this beautiful terraced city, spilling down the mountain. Gilneas, Gnomer, Silvermoon all rebuilt. And maybe turn TB and IF into the new central hub capitals given their centralized locations. And again, make them hybrid questing zones with a central player hub but a lot of life outside of it to enjoy.


That be quite the undertaking, as Strath is apparently cursed to burn forever, according to Legion lore. I kinda would love to see them instead manage to take back the surface level of Lordaeron city and rebuild it

I dunno about Gnomregon, as the Mechagnomes and Gnomes are a unifed race under Gelbin. I almost would rather they just flesh Mechagon out a bit more and use it instead.

I am actually kind of disappointed they unified them tbh… The JunkerGnomes could have been so much more interesting if Blizz just embraced their differences and the weird.

EDIT: I also still think Mechagnomes should have gotten Paladins of the Titans.

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Not to bother you too terribly, but I´m still waiting on that source that establishes Quel´thalas as the “most powerful” EK Kingdom before the Third War… cause even a massive fangirl like myself has NEVER EVER seen this put ANYWHERE.

Just saying…

Shamans would’ve been better. They conduct electricity and all, make it so they’re ties to the elements are purely practical.

The Argent Crusade have dibs on it. In fact the revamped quests for Cata mention they are planning on turning it into a new capital.

To be fair, there were plenty enough Undead Argent members in the Shadowlands pre-patch, and they probably like Calia, what with her whole Light thing.

Then they aren’t really operating in a truly neutral capacity then are they? Because if they were, then they’d have no problem with the Horde races in the area already making use of the region. Especially now that Calia seems to be getting some sort of role with the Forsaken. Plus, that city has a canon large harbor in that northern lordaeron zone, and that would be absurdly useful for the Forsaken if the Scourge is allowed to be a resource. Not to mention, that city has a LOT of history for them (both due to Arthas’ and the Scarlet’s sins). It would be quite thematic for them to repurpose it.

EDIT: Also, that helm looks really tiny on a male Draenei.

Well now since you brought this up, Blizzard is going to give Stratholme to Uther and the Kyrians instead.

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Would not shock me. With Uther apparently teaching the timeless Kyrian the greatness of the Lights philosophy in this upcoming patch … Human Potential has reached alltime highs lol!


i haven´t forget you.

this is a quote from wc3, i still search a newer statement.

The next thing I found was Kael’Thas statement in Shadowlands, with “Finest kingdom”.

Capitol for themselves…not for horde, not for alliance.

Neutral means not “I let the horde/alliance take what ever they want” neutral means…they are independend. They are their own faction, and have their own interesets.

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