No Justice for the Kaldorei (9.1 Spoilers)

Strath also has a messy worldspace because it overlaps with Deatholme which in-lore are like days apart.

I feel like any update to Strath at this point would require fixing the BC starting zones and Bliz seems allergic to the idea unless they can find an excuse for more draenei or elf mass murder.

There’s some implications with the WC2 part of Chronicles, iirc, the red dragonflight basically neutering the Kul Tiran navy while Quel’thalas held through the widespread destruction when the main body of alliance forces was occupied elsewhere.

It may not have been most powerful but it sounds like it was at worst second to Lordaeron, and Lordaeron was pretty much half the continent compared to Quel’thalas being a small peninsula.

Also I suspect it flow somewhat from people trying to apply WC3 making Quel’thalas a late game enemy for both scourge campaigns to lore.

Tyrande Whisperwind: I see now that while many of our people desire retribution, what we need most is renewal.

Preach it.

People are posting about balancing and etc…
I see that only Sylvanas matter. The Night elves are just a toy … nothing important.
The Night elf Leaders - written and shown in the game like teenagers.


Velen is the one person over 1000 years old who doesn’t seem to be depicted as an eternal moody teen.


Because the writers see him as Gandalf . Or something close to his character .


Put on the quote, cause if it comes from Kael´thas I´m afraid we would be dealing with an unrealiable narrator.

Again, unreliable narrator, especially when we take into account he didn´t even live in Quel´Thalas when the stress test (a.k.a. Arthas and the Scourge) happened. If you ask me , by actual FACTS, Dalaran was the stronger kingdom (they didn´t lose 90% of their population, Quel´thalas did).

tbh the retcon for Dalaran mostly implied that Dalaran’s big power was being able to run away wholesale while Quel’thalas just fought for every inch of forest (and Lordaeron got taken out as an inside job entirely)

To be fair though, Quel’thalas only fell because Dar’khan betrayed his people for more power. If he didn’t, Arthas assault on the kingdom would’ve failed and WAS failing before the betrayal happened.

Sylvanas and her rangers were successfully keeping the bulk of the scourge at bay until the barrier fell. :wolf:

(Unless the Blood Elf heritage armor quest line says otherwise, correct me if I’m wrong dear)

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Indeed a little bit wrong regarding the scenario… Sylvanas never managed to effectively keep the bulk of the invasion at bay -heck, she couldn´t even achieve sending a messenger to Silvermoon so the Magisters would had psrticipated much sooner in the defense of the kingdom-. The Helf military were headless chickens finding the aftermath of Arthas´ invasion and perpetually running after him (Lor´themar only discovered the invasion after he checked by chance one of the sites that held a crystal powering Ban´dinoriel), and as expected they fell when their shield got destroyed. All this points to an inherent weakness that someone like Kael´thas would had never admitted with honesty.

And that´s the point: the leader of the race saying “this is the MOST POWERFUL kingdom!!” is not reliable, precisely because he´s biased in favor of the kingdom by default. Dar´khan was the key component to defeat Quel´thalas yes, but this only shows how inept were the Helves in both military and technnology when countering their one-trick-pony fancy shield and binding their drug source basically made them completely vulnerable, so vulnerable 90% of them died to a regular army made of zombies (no spaceships, no artillery, just zombies…).

The lore of the Belves is interesting precisely thanks to that, cause it´s the story about a group of people that believed they were “the best soda available in the desert” and that learned they actually weren´t thanks to very traumatic circumstances.

ALL were taken as inside jobs (Dar´khan was the inside job in Quel´thalas, Arthas and Kel´Thuzad were the inside job in both Lordaeron and Dalaran). And managing to save most of your population thanks to preventive measures IS a feature of strong leaders and a healthy government.

It brings to light the fallacy of WoT, cause the depiction on HOW the Horde travelled up to Darkshore is not unbelievable, but the depiction on HOW the Horde burned a giant three is bonkers and incoherent.


Well this thread went places without me.

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We were waiting for you to come back.


Missed you too, Buddy.


Na na la la la
la la la la la
la la la la la
la la la la la…
Hya ne na na na
la la la la la
la la la la la
la la la la la…

This is what happens when you get songs stuck in my head…

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Not going to happen unless new storylines and conflicts are there. Blizzard does not remake lands just for the heck of it. Astranaar itself does not show any visible remnants of the Darkshore activity. It’s only in flames if you haven’t done the Catclysm quest series there.

Night Elves don’t breed THAT fast. That said I think there are child models in that Troll’s nursery in Nagrand. and certainly Suramar models come close.

SO NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. Blizzard has repeatedly stated that designing capital cities is a waste of time. They even shrunk down the Mechagon home area to a single room. Prior to that, it was large enough to get lost in. And then they stopped making home areas for allied races at all. Removing the refugees from Stormwind that might happen, but the only reference you’ll ever see to a new Night Elf or Forsaken area is going to be in books, if that.

Delaryn is at home… with the Horde. Sira isn’t exactly walking back her contempt of Elune and Tyrande, and that’s assuming she isn’t canonically destroyed at Darkshore.

If the Silverwings still existed, they would have been represented at the Darkshore Warfront, but they were eliminated in Cataclysm.

The Darkshore Warfront gear, at least the mail and cloth pieces are some of the best armor transmogs in the game, they’re certainly better than what the Blood Elves got.

I really don’t see her surviving the end of the storyline of this expansion. There is certainly no return to her prior status quo role with the Horde.

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Maybe Sylvanas as redeemed High elf hero :nerd_face:

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I honestly have no idea what to make of this character. It feels like Blizz had something more planned for her initially in BfA, then bailed on it when they got the massive negative blowback from … BfA. In fact, I would wager that the “cut content” Velonara questline (that allowed both the Alliance and Horde PC to participate) that dealt with both her and some new ward of hers in 8.1.5 she was looking after getting captured by the Scarlet’s … included Delaryn. But … who knows? I truly don’t know if we can expect anything of her going forward.


Man I just need the full list of every plotline that was cut or abandoned

I’m so tired of juggling:

  • What the story is
  • What the story could have been
  • What was the intended story
  • What plot lines were cut but whose themes will continue
  • What plot lines were entirely abandoned with a subsequent pivot
  • What was the reason for last minute reversals of changes that led to the negative blowback (eg replacing the Quillboar with Horde in Brennadam when the Horde was replaced with Quillboar due to blowback during beta)
  • What is the intended story (ie what is their expectation of our perception or reaction to the story as-is)

Sigh … yeah. BfA in general was just the biggest mess. Too many goals, too few resolutions. Too much focus on bombastic events, too little care for the consequences of those events. Truly, I can’t believe that story exists.

As for Delaryn, I dunno? Her going back to her people is an easy answer, and probably the safest. If she does, I expect her to drift into obscurity with their extended cast, especially with how she’s essentially discount undead Feathermoon. But … still, the safest. However, with how brutally weak the Dark Ranger leadership is … its not impossible they could go the other way with things. Where she and Velonara are built up to steer that ship. But that happening is pretty dependent on what happens with Voss and Calia. We’ll have to see…

She wasn’t destroyed at Darkshore, she’s in Shadows Rising which takes place later. Last we saw her she was alive and in Kaldorei custody, after being captured by the Horde and “gifted” to Tyrande and Malfurion as a show of good faith.


I remember Myara Nightsong was one of the leaders of the Silverwing Sentinels, wearing their tabard. But now she is a member of the Army of the Black Moon, wearing Darnassus tabard, on the Warfront. Perhaps all those sentinels are now members of the army of the Black Moon?