No Justice for the Kaldorei (9.1 Spoilers)

They will also never admit that some on the dev team are huffing their own farts when they claim that the team jersey is super important based on perceived WC2 nostalgia when the game’s entire appeal followed a game where only, really, 6 of the core races were even on the main factions, total

When Blizzard stopped serious enforcement of the RP servers by doing this aggregate server merge, it was clear that such communities had long been left on their own.

Depends what other playstyles you are referring to… the make a kajillion gold playstiles adapted to changes they’re still very much around. Certain things were hit… The annual Kalimdor Reindeer Run, an activity sponsored by my guild was essentially canceled because it became effectively closed to the lowbies. So we did other things instead. Raids became athing that anyone could join with sufficient iLevel thanks to Raid Finder.

Now the cross-faction guilds have a legitimate stake. It became considerably harder to justify allying with individuals on the other side of the fence, but I don’t consider that a bad thing in and of itself.

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Is/ought fallacy.

I was more talking about PVP, which I know that PVErs want to see die, but it’s always been a major endgame gameplay choice.

That’s a complicated issue. The server merges brought an end to the individual rivalries we had on servers and the feeling that we knew who were were fighting on the other side. (I still fondly remember the 3 day Alteraac Valley battle that I logged in about 3 times to engage.) But it gave people on low pop servers with heavy faction imbalances more opportunity to play.

But the reward focus on the later PVP innovations and player optimization turned AV into a rush to end it qucikly either way. But Lore has nothing to do with how PVP evovled over time. That’s all on game mechanics and logistics of shared realm play.

Lore gives context to the conflict, or at least it should. Blizzard’s decision to tell the faction war through PVE methods, rather than PVP methods I do not hold up as one of their better decisions. On the contrary, I think it has led to a lot of the issues.

I’ve been spending 15 bucks per month, 12 months a year, for the entire time this game has been running some 15 plus years now. (that’s not counting the extras I’ve spent on expansions and chathkas.) I’m very sure that I’ve got a valid stake.

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This reply sidesteps my point, and I refuse to believe that you didn’t know that when you made it.

It exactly addresses your point. I presume I’m speaking to an American and most American values translate into dollars and cents.

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Wrong. Go read it again.

You’re determined to establish a gatekeeping authority on someone’s posts, based on some idea of identity as opposed to the validity of their message itself. You and I are not going to come to an agreement on this.

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That was made clear when you danced around the core point and made me restate it several times while still not acknowledging it.

Because it’s a framework for PVP based on a Faction vs Faction story… back from when the first edition of this game was Orcs Vs. Humans.

There is nothing inherently wrong with an ongoing Faction rivalry, It would be exceptionally hokey to have them kiss and make up forever.

Could it have been executed better? Absolutely, but the answer to a bad execution is not to throw away the established setting. The answer is to do a better job next time.

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Well, at least we agree on something.

I’m really not buying the renewal thing as a truth. Characters can lie and I really hope blizzard is setting up a true rift in the Alliance. Elune herself is not only benevolent but also pure rage as seen what she did using Tyrande as her conduit. I have no doubt Tyrande is going to go home and drop the moon on Orgrimmar (literally).

What I am saying is that in theory, theory and practice should be the same. In practice, this is not always the case.

So, the problem is that there is no consistency. I hear from Ion things like “factions are the core”, then I see a story about how factions are a source of only bad things and the heroes are only those who seek for unity no matter the cost or consequences.

Which leads to the trouble mentioned: consistency. If they want to tell a story where unity and globalization are unquestionably good thing no matter circumstances and actors involved - follow it up with the appropriate gameplay changes.

If the factions are the core and it’s good to keep them around - add a story about the factions being unquestionably the core that is good to keep around.

Lack of consistency just dilutes the development resources and makes both sides weaker and disappointed.

Personally I would prefer to keep the factions, and IMO Classic and TBC despite all their shortcomings did it far better than ever after. You have an Old God threatening all live on Azeroth? You have a building demon invasion? How to solve it? That’s right: here is the horde camp, there is the alliance one, and they constanty raiding each other. Given the overall reception, worked way better than BfA approach.

But me liking it does not change the fact that I do not know if the dev team have people who want or is capable to tell a story that would bring out factions as a source of not only problems, but something good, and thus being a valid and sometimes more fitting alternative to the Thrall-Jaina cutscenes. And showing actual problems and dangers of rapid and somewhat forces globalization as a goal of Anduin & co. is not going to happen with the current dev team at all, cause Anduin’s goals and views can’t be wrong.

Which flavor of consistency would that be - not too relevant. But IMO there should be a decision if the game is about factions or not. And lay it as a foundation. Going back and forth just weakens both approaches to the story, spreads the development time, and other resources, limits the ability to follow up the events.

gl hf


Warcraft is remade and this time everyone is a Night Elf. All other races are only available as NPC. Then when we’re off killing deities - hey, it’s perfectly in line with character fantasy.

I don’t agree with this weird victimhood complex you have here, but I hope you can understand why I get frustrated with the constant insistence on making the Night Elves portrayed as the best race in every way.

Oh that’s easy. The Night Elves did hold their own against the entire Horde. Missing their second strongest fighter they stymied the Horde at multiple spots defensively. In the end they lost due to sheer numbers (8 to 1 in soldiers) and a blind throw of an axe that disabled Malfurion. POWER FANTASY REALIZED!

//Still shouldn’t expect Night Elves to indefinitely hold off the entirety of the Horde.


Zarrin, we have discussed your intentionally defective claims and why I consider them to be so already. You’re saying nothing new here. Fix your claims or take your refuse elsewhere.

Kyalin, we have discussed your intentionally defective claims that Night Elves should be the master race and why they are defective. We’ve already discussed that your posts usually center on your massive victim complex because you can’t live out your Night Elf power fantasy. Fix your claims or take your refuse elsewhere.


Zarrin, you are perfectly aware that this here is a lie.

That is why I am not giving your attempts to “debate” with me much credence. I am done with batting down the same suite of bad faith meme arguments that have been debunked and dismissed countless times.

Either fix your crap or screw off.


Zarrin, you never answered to my response to your claim. Why?