No Justice for the Kaldorei (9.1 Spoilers)

Nagas :wink:

IMO the main thing that is highlighted here is how ridiculous it looks when the devs ignore what is there and just use convenient elements for their stories.

The BfA story is truly a gift that keeps on giving and shows just how many odd and questionable decisions there are made by the current narrative team.

According to the current dev team, I would not be surprised if so.

I am not sure at this point if I should be upset about BfA or just use it as a source of comedy.

Draenei are cool. Could’ve been cool. If they would be allowed to be themselves. Oh well :frowning:

(I secretly like trolls too)

What are these questions you ask here?

There is next to no considerations about logistics.
We do not know much about law or regulations.
Trade agreements. How they handled. How the conflicts could be reloved. What are the “entities” to handle troublesome situation?

All look like relevant things. But, almost nothing. But hey, who need info about food and logistics when there is a wild shirtless Jailer running somewhere in Torghast, right? Or a spooky N’Zoth with his influence enough for
 3-4 zones.

gl hf

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Unless the player is an altaholic which makes multiple investments while steering clear of the toxic culture fandom inevitably brings.

Dismissing an argument on the validity of the speaker’s “fandom” is nothing more than a gatekeeping tactic a la “The Real Scotsman” approach. It’s an admission that you can not address the statement on it’s own terms resorting to adhominen attacks on the speaker.


You’re taking this genre this game way too seriously. You’re thinking that this game is on the level of Shakespeare, or even Games of Thrones. In reality it aims a lot more closer to the Action Pack series i.e. Hercules and Xena. It is definitely not intended to be a serious world simulation.

Altaholics tend to promote different narratives than those who are invested in any one race. They’re certainly interesting to talk to about lore as a result.

The matter here though is not wrapped up in dismissing an argument, the matter is evaluating stakeholder groups, which makes for a confused conversation when someone who is, for instance, clearly a Horde fan jumps on a Night Elf alt to advocate for things that help the Horde at the expense of the Night Elves.

Stakeholder identification in an MMO does matter, because it impacts the values that you are promoting, and while I’m sure it’s convenient to advance a lie that the stakeholder group that you are explicitly burning agrees with you demolishing their interests, it’s dishonest as all hell.

No it doesn’t that’s nothing more than a gatekeeper argument. If a point is valid, it’s valid whether expressed by a 15 year grizzled veteran or a newbie with uncommonly mature insight.


I mean, I can wonder about things, can’t I?

No, I think:

  • the level of the narrative currently is meh
  • speculations about the parts of the story that were added even long ago are far more interesting than what I usually see in the game
  • the community is fun to interact with, and bounce around some ideas.

Hercules was true to what it was - a lighthearted retelling of a familiar story.

It the whole game would be filled with things like Ardenweald theater, we would travel across Shadowlands with Fiona’s caravane, and the whole thing would be filled with ridiculous things, it would be much better perceived.

Instead the devs try to be dramatic and serious. Without actually necessary tools to deliver such narrative. Which leads to ruining suspension of disbelieve and that is a horrible sin for a story IMO.

But does developer’s desire to use only convenient elements somehow prohibits the community from going through the details and accuracy with the existing lore?

gl hf


It should temper expectations accordingly

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Then you run into the issue of what even is the point of this forum then, if not to bounce interesting ideas off each other?

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I mean, depends on what you mean.

If a story does not deliver on the premise, why would I not ask for better?

If problems are the same across the board and plague many things, why not discuss them?

I mean, current narrative team won’t use it. Does not mean there won’t be a different one. I can wait. I did not play the game for about 7 years, so unsubscribing is not a challenge for me xD

gl hf


You can do that
 but if you expect the Devs who plan their arcs years ahead to suddenly change gears because of a half dozen people yapping on this subforum, your’e delusional.

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A newbie isn’t the sort of thing I’m trying to capture with this argument. The thing I’m trying to capture is a Horde poster, whose interests are vested in the Horde, who is trying to state that they are a Night Elf fan when their interests are in direct opposition.

Such a person is advancing a false premise in order to mislead about what various playerbases want. I generally try to be careful with accusations of this sort, but if you feel that I am describing you, it’s probably because I am.

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Engagement on social media is very low. Like, veery low. Rarely more than 10% of those who read / watch things actually bother leaving a comment or upvote / downvote anything. Then you can take a look at:

as example.

Sure, of forums there are “half dozen”, maybe. But overall there is enough to lead to the former narrative lead of the WoW team being “former”. Not that the changes improved things, we’ll see it by the end of the expansion. However’ downplaying the scope or impact is not necessary a good idea.

Especially since the problems that are highlighted the most strongly in the night elf side of the story are not unique to night elves, and the same approach did more than enough damage to other races of alliance and horde (not sure who more, but that is not too relevant).

gl hf


No matter how you slice it, it’s still “attack the speaker isntead of what’s spoken” approach.

You have a seriously inflated estimate of the regard I give your opinion of me. Back in the day when this forum wasn’t full of stuck up pretentious judgemental people I would choose my avatar for flavor purposes in a discussion. But with people like you, Amadis and others dominating discussion here, it’s not worth the effort. That’s whats liberating about not being a fan, I don’t feel an obligation to fit in with whatever the “in” crowd is this week.


I doubt anyone seriously thinks that the Devs plan anything based on this forum.

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The author of the reddit thread and many others miss an essential point.

The purpose of lore is not in the main to advance a story line. It’s to give a narrative bridge between raids and dungeons. Since the end dungeon of the expansion was the Siege of Orgrimmar, the lore had to be written to bridge to it. And since that dungeon had to accomodate both Horde and Alliance players, the narrative had to be adjusted to bring them both to that spot.

Remember the raids, the dungeons, the killing grounds are designed first
 The story is then crafted to fit around them.

I disagree. I’ll still consider your argument - until you engage in blatant logical fallacies and refuse to correct your argumentation. But if you’re advancing a premise where you state that you come from X community in order to bolster your argument, and you don’t actually come from that community, that premise ought to be called out.

As I said, it only applies if you feel that I am describing you. If I’m not, then cool, you don’t need to be concerned.

This is limited and selfish. The extent of an MMO’s content, especially this MMO’s content, is not just raids and dungeons. You’re leaving other communities and playstyles out, deliberately.


Yeah, after hearing about “gameplay first” and “factions are the core” I am still waiting for an expansion that would tell a story about why keeping the factions is actually a good thing.

There is a big difference between consistently applying an idea and using it as excuse.

Best raids were ultimately those where the story and the gameplay went together. Frequently mentioned: Ulduar, ICC, Karazhan, ToT.

What a surprise, that might actually work? And did work.

There is never “have to” other than the conscious choice. The devs are not given by some god-like being the exact narrative to follow.

It could be coherent. It could be trash. It could improve the experience. It could be BfA. Which should be financially supported I wonder :thinking:

The author of it showed how terrible was the job that was done. And by supporting or not supporting the game people do show what the work done by the team actually worth.

gl hf


The “why are factions a good thing” excuse is that the faction system was bolted on during the beta in such a way that dealing with it would probably break their spaghetti code. No amount of narrative justification will ever get around the issue that not dropping the stupid system means dev time to fix a bad dev decision.

I mean, if they do claim interviews that it’s good to keep them, I want the story that will tell in the game why is it good, why are they “the core”.

It should not be that hard, right?

Instead of telling story about “together” but keeping the thing around.

Consistency, mon. It’s a good thing IMO.

gl hf