No Justice for the Kaldorei (9.1 Spoilers)

That would imply an importance to this subforum that doesn’t exist… quite frankly. It’s just here for the lore and rp obsessed to blow off steam.

When brands advertise it’s to an audience big enough to warrant the expenditure. This aint’ it.

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Kate, you repeatly claimed she’s dying, so where’s that insider information?

You repeatly claim she doesnt die, wheres yours?

Burden of proof is always on the ascertainer.


Nah it’s probably a pan-forum thing. You always get randos in every class forums with Tier 3 and tens of thousands of posts you never see defending Blizzard. GD too.

bs, nobody knows whats gonna happen, the baseline is the unknown

My theory that she is gonna die, is no worse than yours that she is gonna live

This being the only option I can see - protest quits don’t work, and the collapse of a large game studio, like any large institution, happens over time and all at once. That is - conditions build to a crisis point, and then the crisis happens. Are we there yet? No, but when we do get there, it will have been too late.

My underlying thesis is actually quite simple. If Blizzard wants to reverse their decline, among many other things, they need to make the game’s story enjoyable again. Where Night Elves are concerned, I have some ideas as to how to do that.

Ultimately I do not want to see Blizzard fail. I liken myself to Eminem’s role in Dr. Dre’s “I need a Doctor” music video (sort of, I obviously don’t see myself as a mentee, it’s more the energy of demanding that someone be better). I know that they’re better than this, and I want them to be better.

Still waiting for that insider information.

Repeatedly going “no u” on the idea of Sylvanas living or dying isn’t very engaging to read.


Still waiting for yours honey, wow me with your epic proof that she is gonna live

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Yes but the reigning bet was she was going to go by having the Night power blow her up. That apparantly is NOT happening.

I still think that Anduin is going to split open like an egg.

:+1: okay.

Don’t you ruin my fun

If Blizzard was concerned with the decline of the game, why would they listen to you of all people and not their own Marketing and PR teams

Who the hell said that, that doesnt mean anything, the night warrior doesnt need to be there to kill sylvanas, shes a raid boss, that is enough that shes is on the chopping block, the PC could kill her thrall could kill, her jaina could kill her, the jailer could kill her, she could live, she could be thrown into revendrath, she could be thrown somewhere else

the night warrior not being there doesnt mean squat

Because…she’s a paying customer just like everyone else. Blizz wouldn’t be in business otherwise. :wolf:

Because those teams’ track record isn’t a good one - and not just me in specific. I’m one voice among many. The voice that they need to listen to, collectively, is that of their consumers. WoW’s youtubers will tell you the same thing.

So will traditional marketing theory, I’ll add.

I cachinnate.


But keep in mind what the taurens’ supposed racial fantasy is. They’re basically supposed to be the Noblest Savages (and yes, I do mean it that way because Blizzard writes them as such) that are meant to be the purest heart of the horde.

Which has been consistently kneecapped due to the need to make the horde villains in the first place, because that’s the only place where their fantasy fits in. Yet due the fact that this is the second faction war in a row where the horde started it, their stated goal of being the horde’s moral center ends up becoming a lie because they can’t prevent the faction from going bad anyway.

This leads to two problems.

  1. As the horde’s “good race,” they become redundant in neutral content because you already have a good FACTION’s worth of characters to spearhead threats against generic enemies.
  2. It calls into question how good the tauren can really be, if they continue to associate with the horde. How good can they really be if they don’t ally with other good races?

And that’s why I think Baine is sitting on the steps in Oribos. He’s out of a job.



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