No Justice for the Kaldorei (9.1 Spoilers)

I’m not going to claim that the Tauren have it perfect, but do recall what I was responding to. In general, would I prefer to have nothing happen to the race after Warcraft 3 and I could just run around the world representing one of its members, or would I like all of this narrative turmoil and “content”.

The former, every day of the week and twice on Sunday. Give me that. At this point, I would be fine, elated even, if the Ashenvale scenario that I keep describing takes place, and then nothing happens with the Night Elves ever again. - Sans of course for their participation in Warsong Gulch.

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So a spiritual race that abhorrs disrupting ancestors doesn’t have it’s identity ruined by watching a warchief raise dead tauren as skeletons…and then getting no place of showing in the expansion about the actual afterlife despite spirit walking being part of the racial heritage armor quest?

Your bias is showing.


See my prior comment. Your retort doesn’t connect with the point that I was making, at all.

That’s what happened with WOD and instead we got a rushed half-complete expansion that was abandoned halfway through because all the developer time went into reworking everything based off consumer complaints and ended up satisfying nobody.

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It does…again you are ignorant to the entire game.

Night elves got lore development and are consistently getting them… I’m sorry you don’t work for Blizzard and can’t write your specific desires. Apply for a job if it bothers you so much.




As someone who only plays Horde races (except Kul Tiran alt), I’m telling you that you’re dead wrong.

It doesn’t, in fact, feel good to have an entire expansion’s cosmological developments not only ignore but disprove and reject you and your co-faction races as categorically wrong, and you get zero narrative progression on top of that.


For neither side weirdly enough. Even Horde players don’t want Teld just swept under a rug. We just find ourselves in the horrible situation where our prospects for future story telling seem to be “be as submissive, subservient, and convenient for the Alliance and theirs as possible, and continue to be guilted for playing Horde into perpetuity”. Because truly nothing screams “you picked the wrong faction years ago, its your fault. Didn’t WC3 or even the end of MoP prepare you for BfA?” … than that being our future story lol!

As for Sylvie. Yeah, Horde fans who aren’t “Loyalists” (those of us who do still prefer the WC3 themes of the Faction) aren’t fond with her getting a “redemption” either. Especially since we won’t be getting such a convenient “out” as “oh, my soul was split and half and so I can’t be held accountable for my actions”. Or some other such nonsense. No, our only excuse is that “Blizz made us a plot-device and forced us to be convenient for that half-souled wretch and her story for 2 years”. Which while true as a Meta-Argument, is not particularly effective on a story level. So, if she gets “redeemed”, we’re stuck holding her bill for BfA even more lol!


Ah, so you’re all doing this at once.

I elaborated on this point in post 1129. Here is the link. I will not repeat myself further, nor will I reply to arguments that are intentionally ignoring the thrust of what I was saying:

If you were a fan of the night elves in WC3, they were already getting btchslapped in that game.

Cry more pls.

That’s the rub. You don’t get that hypothetical with the tauren, because that’s more or less the horde fantasy I feel that I’ve had ruined. You wouldn’t get to represent yourself as the horde’s best because what you end up doing is being on loan to the alliance while alliance characters look down on you. The static tauren non-content ideal doesn’t even exist anymore either.


Which is a conversation beyond the scope of “would you prefer to get no content at all”.

You’re transmogrifying that statement, which I was responding to directly and literally, into a statement that now imports all of BFA’s baggage. I am calling out that tactic as inappropriate.

Then I’ll pivot a bit and state that I think Bubbliess’s assertion that the tauren don’t get content is wrong to begin with. Their content is about Baine getting abused by the horde.


Ok, fine. But I was still replying to that specific construction - which is why I object to this attempt to now pivot to Tauren content in BFA.

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But again, you are an idiot.

Just because things don’t happen to the race doesn’t mean they don’t IMPACT the race.

The transition to WoW from WC3 alone ruined night elves. Nothing happened but implications were that this once great nation that rivaled both factions now couldn’t even stand up to PART of the horde (3:1 Kalimdor EK split) and thus had become subservient to the human led faction.

It’s the same for Tauren. Just because they get no lore specific to them doesn’t mean the lore happening in game doesn’t affect them. Baine literally says NOTHING to Sylvannas about raising Tauren skeletons…but raising Derek Proudmoore is abhorrent and too far? Give me a break.

You are 100% ignorant to your own argument.

Yes I read your post, but the thing is the story is moving forward.

Being “left alone” means eventually “disproven”

The races are either core to the New Narrative (and thus get affirmed and get story) or they’re rejected by the New Narrative (and thus their entire fantasy is removed from the cosmology).

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…Well anyway, my point in laying out tauren racial fantasy is that it’s not some sort of refuge of preserved themes where, if someone opted to pick that instead of night elves, that they’d be able to immerse themselves in the game unhindered.

I don’t support the namecalling and I don’t want to look like I’m dogpiling, though.


I disagree with this construction. Vanilla WoW established them with a strong, defensible presence, even if it did have the conflict in Ashenvale. The game did not comment on their relative strength. It rather established their position on the continent and set up a nice, simmering, long term conflict that could have remained static for years.

And that is fine. I don’t need the Night Elves to be a sprawling empire or a powerhouse that branches out beyond their territories. Their status as a regional power, or the head of a regional power, is perfectly fine with me. Don’t screw with my investment and I’m a happy camper.

This is why I mark Cataclysm as the moment where things became an issue, even though canonically the Night Elves won there (which they refused to show).


But Baine doesn’t get abused by the horde. He’s used twice:. Once to do a magic ritual to aid Garrosh…and once to show he cares more about raising humans than Alliance.

Maybe site the Grimtotem rebellion, which was actual Tauren content…and even then was relegated to a book.

We could throw in Goblins…or Gnomes (who just recently took 15 years to get actual content).