No Justice for the Kaldorei (9.1 Spoilers)

We already got one, lets move on and stop this eye for eye bs that no one is ever going to be happy with

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Or a resolution, but nothing, literally nothing ever came out of Teldrassil besides the obliteration of the souls and Tyrande being neutered.

Which one?


This I agree with.

I think the problem is that some of us view things from a fatalistic standpoint - that the writers were hellbent on making this happen (which, given the Blizzcon reveal, it seems like they absolutely were) and so if it is unavoidable, can we at least not make the event any worse than it has to be?

I don’t really believe that the Horde players asking for a better justification were really gung ho about burning the tree in the first place - I would say that an attack almost anywhere else would have been more interesting - but viewing the story beat as sort of a fait accompli and trying to shuffle the pieces around a little bit to make it marginally better. I think it’s absolutely true that Blizzard took a bad story idea (the mutual capitals destruction) and then managed to make it even worse with horrid presentation.

Like the difference between a frozen-solid turd, and a smeared turd on a hot day. Both turds, but one is still worse than the other.


Clearly it was not enough because people still talk about it here, on twitter, reddit and a hundred other discords.

Give the NEs an unequivocal win and they will be satisfied.


I think my disagreement stands for itself on this matter, and I’ve called her and others out in the past. It is not, however, my responsibility to monitor and police the positions of everyone with a Night Elf avatar.

Unless you want to assert a similar responsibility for everyone with a red background, that is.

yeah cause they dont want anything more than supremacy

Hint: In Kates head only. Teldrassil was never properly addressed within the story. And that’s all many want, for teldrassil to be properly addressed and dealt with :wolf:




then why want a story point that makes no sense and only gives you a rule of cool moment over the horde

Also wrong.

Yea, justice against Sylvanas and rebuilding the race would even be enough. But they made Sylvanas get away with everything, never gave the Night Elves a victory or their lands back and doubled down on their misery by having most of their souls obliterated.

But yea, Night Elf fans want the Horde to be wiped out and all other races and take over WoW apparently :roll_eyes:

I already explain why it doesnt make sense, you have yet to explain why it would make perfect sense

Nothing in this thread has stated this.
If they have quote it.

You admitted to not being aware of the proposals that I’ve made that were geared to making both sides happy when you challenged me on producing such, so I can’t believe that you’ve credibly explained anything.

Yet your priority here was defend her statement, which 5 posts later recognize as categorically false (it is not the majority of the Horde playerbase) after pulling it out like teeth lol


Then post why having the horde keep ashenvale makes more sense and everyone happy right now



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The story is never about what makes sense. Teldrassil burning down in seconds didn’t make sense. Wiping out a playable race doesn’t make sense.
Sylvanas getting away with genocide doesn’t make sense.


Jaina was made into dreadlord by Horde players hating her so much for hating the Horde.

So yeah its the majority or a very popular vocal minority. Anyone remember how many complaints there were about Valshara and Tyrande?


Imagine unironically being on such a level of factionbrain that you take the dreadlord Jaina meme, something that was born from a joke about her inconsistent writing and taking it completely straight so you can cry about big bad Horde meanies.