No Justice for the Kaldorei (9.1 Spoilers)

cause these NE fans want to kick the horde while they are down

The war is over, we should just move on and have a rebuilt xpac with everyone side having the land that is thiers but noooooo I want my rule of coool moment

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Well, when Night Elf fans ask to get Ashenvale back, Horde players always say that they shouldn’t and that it would be unfair for the Horde to lose lands.

Sylvanas returning as if nothing happened is also very popular, there even was a thread that was dedicated to making fun (or “dab” on) of Night Elf fans when it was revealed that she’s getting a redemption. It has been removed by the staff but maybe some remember.

I’ve also seen more than enough threads saying that Lordaeron should’ve happened before Teldrassil so that the Horde can feel good and justified about commiting genocide after.

And Tyrande should be killed off because she was anti Horde after they commited genocide against her people, so she needs to die.

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No, they don’t. They just want a on screen victory and not to be shown as the punching bag every time they’re on screen. :wolf:


With Worgen and Draenei!


They already got that, and theres more coming against the character that ordered the genocide

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Horde Rebuild and Night Elf issues.

Nothing else brings the community closer together than these two topics

I think that everyone has a tendency to lose their patience after arguing the same thing for the 9001st time, especially when an inflammatory posting alt jumps in to stir the pot.

I think there a lot of things that we agree on, and a lot of room for actual discussion, that becomes very hard to maintain when threads move so fast and so viciously. It’d be like trying to have a reasoned conversation while standing in the middle of a car wash.


That too. It’s just…I know how aggravating it is for you guys though, I used to be one of those bad actors who constantly dismissed the very real complaints you guys had.

And I do feel like crap for doing that :wolf:

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Water under the bridge. You’re trying to reach across the isle now which is what matters.


I love that analogy - but yes, I think you’re absolutely right. I can say for sure that I will lose my temper in the future and say something that I’ll regret. All I can do is try to tamp down that impulse and work towards something that we all can at least say is tolerable.

That’s being delusional and creating ghosts where there is none. Only thing you’re doing here is creating more boogeymen to play right into this delusional fictive world you’ve created around yourself. I’m not talking about other Night Elf players. I’m talking about you. Take a freaking step back from the game or anything remotely close to it. Seek counsel somewhere 'cause your mental health is clearly suffering for this ordeal. Mais tabarnak, fait quelque chose asti d’caliss.

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Which Horde players? Where? Because neither myself, nor Gant, nor Chrono, nor Benediktus, nor Tammy, nor any of the Horde regulars of this forum say this

This is literally just the Forsaken Die Hards (Benediktus and Plague are the only two regulars here) + Erevien (lol)

That’s not what dabbing means you boomer lmao

No, Lordaeron was supposed to happen before Teldrassil because for the entire media campaign we had been told the Alliance was being “aggressive” and the Horde would have a “fist pump” moment and Teldrassil wasn’t what we thought.

Nobody has said this except Erevien and you know it.


They still exist Baal, much as you want to pretend they don’t. It’s annoying sure, but they are out there. :wolf:

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People need to let go of this idea that the Story Forums are a big enough majority to represent the player base.

There’s barely enough active posters here to represent a minority.

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Whoa now. That was in reference to a Dave Filoni-Esque hire having that power!

Ion’s group having that power is why we are in this predicament!

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To be fair, the idea that the Horde wanted Teldrassil to be justified does come across as wanting to have Teldrassil happen, but to be justified in doing it. Which is where I point out once again that the biggest issue with Teldrassil was not that Horde players felt bad about it, but that it destroyed the locus of investment for a playable race community.

The correct answer here? Neither Teldrassil nor Lordaeron should have happened.

There’s a split. Some Horde players absolutely do see the need, and I want to work with those Horde players to work out how that can happen in a way that respects both sides. Then there are the faction maximalists who do not want to give an inch, and no, it’s not just Erevien. We saw a lot of those people pushing back hard on earlier proposals.


But who, where? On this forum, it’s literally just the usual sporadic minority that regularly evade bans lmao

I never seen horde players say this lol

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Them evading the ban is technically against the TOS, just glad you’re at least aware that they exist is all :wolf: :+1:

So did I just imagine all of the people saying that the Night Elves shouldn’t hit back and that the story instead just needs to ignore what happened in BFA?

Did I imagine you saying something similar in this thread?