No Justice for the Kaldorei (9.1 Spoilers)

Its still story development that is necessary for both factions to put the badblood between them behind.

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What’s more preferable, getting Gilneas back, or getting to turn a different zone into the new Worgen capital?

Personally? I would love to see the Kaldorei and Worgen build a new home together, and truely blend the two cultures together :wolf:


I’d be down for that. But I’d also be down for Worgen getting the option to drop their human form in character creation with some unique nelf-esq. customization options to be proper Bloodfang worgen like Ivar.


That would certainly be awesome too for sure.

And tails…I wish worgen had a tail option, I don’t feel like a giant wolf person without one, but that’s me :wolf:


What locations or characters were “scarred” by Horde players?

I was a little surprised they didn’t have tails from the start. They’re the only fluffy playable that doesn’t at least have the option to swish a tail around.

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Yeah, and I hate the excuse that it doesnt make any sense…because Pandaren totally have the option to have one or not :wolf:

And they even dropped the restriction that only red pandaren could have tails!

Worgen deserve tails.

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I pointed out Horde players and the Horde faction.
If you want the Horde players specifically then whatever quest that Blizzard made the Horde player directly complicit than just arriving after the fact to witness the destruction.

I remember when kyalin used to say she wanted both horde and nelf to be happy when she tried to write stuff, been waiting for the part that makes horde players happy for a long time

Check out the rebuilding the Horde thread then.

What I have noticed a lot is that for Horde players to be happy it takes Tyrande to die, all of Kalimdor being conquered by the Horde, Sylvanas obviously returning to the Horde as if nothing happened and the funniest thing I’ve seen so far:
They wanted to be justified in commiting genocide against the Night Elves.

This is what I’m seeing many of them ask for…and sadly, most of this seems to be coming true even. Maybe not Tyrande dying at this point, but I don’t know.

You know, when you talk like that, you really don’t give me much incentive to try to think of ways to make you happy.

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What in the name of Zovaal’s icy nipples are you talking about


It’s not even clear in the story where did Tyrande got the book with the ritual description from.

Imagine a blasphemous idea that instead of pushing all in 1 busket, the horde could’ve had the story of Ardenweald told through guidance of Bwonsamdi, or “spiritual” races (orc / tauren), or by elven races…

One of WoW realms is called Aszune, yet there is not even a hint if Vashj will even be questioned about where did she leave her heart. Took only 15 years to figure out Oldgra’s story. So there might still be a chance.

I mean, let’s take the story of Illidan, for example. What do we see: Illidan being semi-crazy in TBC, a part of his soul is in possession of Helya, once we meet him he is sort of different to his older portrayal.

What the devs do? Kind of ret-con his story and motivations to fit the new_and_improved™ vision of the character.

The question I have - why? We have “soul split” stories at least since Cataclysm (Thrall), repeated in Legion (the player character in Helheim). We have Illidan wounded by Frostmourne. We have Helya being an ally of another collector of soul bits.

So, what is the point of taking a ret-con path, when all the parts can be tied together with barely any contradictions? I mean, that would require an extra chapter in the story in comparison to a ret-con route. But is it a good enough reason?

What is this example for? To mention, that maybe being “boxed” is not an objective reality, but the devs just making a choice to tell their story by using pre-existing universe (with all the marketing benefits) as a tool.

Well, according to Ion “things are flexible”, so, the current team does have the power to go all the way into the ret-con territory whenever (even contradicting some 9.0 story bits). It’s a tool, and as any, it might be misused as now. Or it could be used for better (potentially, but by somebody else).


There is a sad lack of explicit definition of what is “vengeance” in their opinion, and the exact

otherwise it is hollow if the devs can pick whatever.

But they can just fine use burning civilians in marketing purposes, and shrug it off for a while. But when it comes to Jaina’s brother, now that is the problem.

Or the characters’ remource for some, but “Jaina could never turn the story of Arthas to the better” or “does not have to go out of her way to actually get through the tension with the victims of the Dalaran event and their families”.

That is a very peculiar flavour of “moral” IMO. Like, a really interesting one.

It’s not like Jaina actually could need a closure on the Garrosh-related plot line. or those who suffered in Theramore events.

So morality. Very justice. WoW narrative team flavor. (WoW?)

I wonder how does it reinforce the idea that the factions are good to keep in the game.

Cause the players frequently ask to just actually commit to that, especially if this is the only story the narrative team is capable of, demonizing faction and praising “only together no matter the cost / results”.

Factions with the way devs handle them are crumbling IMO.

Depends on which part of the lore there is accent done. If there is “fate”, and timelines are pre-defined as they are created, depending on the details, the story could go from “if infinites would kill Thrall, that would doom us all” to “the power behind the Fate is so overwhelming, that nothing would be different and it would use someone else for its bidding”. And both would be lore-accurate. After that - depends on the personal choice of the devs.

How many attacks would the horde need to do, until the moral of the story becomes “ackshually, it would be better for all of us to be thrusted into the damnation of the Maw, than to ally with them”?

It’s all about the choice of the devs and has nothing to do with objectivity or “lore”. We can compare N’Zoth story, who occupied like 4 zones, with C’Thun, who at one point (although the source is unreliable) made an attempt to mind controll all the things on Azeroth.

What is the story with N’Zoth? “Only together we can…”, etc.

What is the story with C’Thun? Here is the horde camp. Here is the alliance one. And they are raiding each other just fine.

Both resulted in victories. Both are proven to be valid and working approaches. The choice is purely on the devs, not on “continuity” in this case.

It would also mean that the rest of the alliance would have to pick their sides. And ask “what is the point in having alliance at all”.

I mean, there is no point in asking the elves to overlook what was done to them by anybody who is not willing to overlook if the same would be done to their loved ones.

As much as it sucks, consequences are comparable to the crime commited. [what should be written here is that even irl the more severe the crime is considered to be, the more harsh the punishment is, up until death sentence]

Wait and see is the path that gifted us with BfA. I guess some want more of that.

gl hf


And assuming the “Type” of poster I am and painting it as inherently negative doesn’t drive me to assume you ever wanted to in the first place.

To be fair, some people, mainly horde posters, go out of their to absolutely piss on and make fun of NE fans and the things they want.

Lets not act like there aren’t bad actors always trying to make the situation worse :frowning:


Cosmic development in warcraft being tied to any Horde themes? MADNESS.


… and you do raise a good point.

I would just ask you to recognize that being told that our issues aren’t issues, that they shouldn’t be fixed, and that we should be content with the status quo - while we are also perfectly aware of the people who were shouting “for the Horde” over the whole thing is immensely frustrating - and leads to some responses that in hindsight were too angry or dismissive.