No Justice for the Kaldorei (9.1 Spoilers)

This point was discussed already, see my earlier reply to Jellex.

whyat you do to the poor angry altrighty, valko to make them so angry at you

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Yea, a raid where we lose and she once again gets away. If you think that she won’t just return to the Horde after all that you’re just fooling yourself.
If even Tyrande can forget about it… after what happened to basically all of her people.

yeah and its never gonna matter, its always been alliance vs horde, and Like I said you just want a rule of cool event for yourself regardless if it makes sense or not, which it doesnt

you expect me to believe that baine and thrall kept ashenvale loooool

You dont engage either, so tell me why would thrall and baine keep ashenvale when they want to end war and they feel bad for there actions, please, they cant even defend the land which is that lothermar said. So explain while a massive zombie invasion is happening too, why would they keep ashenvale

So where’s the Pandaren lore in SL


I just don’t understand why topics like this become such a contentious issue.

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I don’t have to. Headcanon-predictions are not canon. Although to humor you somewhat - the comics that depicted the Theramore Peace Conference confirmed that Thrall was aware of the Vanilla-era war in Ashenvale for lumber. Varian had to negotiate a trade deal to get Thrall to withdraw the Horde from the area.

That is hence very much in his history.


This discussion needs more Nathanos.


that was before genocide, and they have lumber, did you read the new book, thrall was on his knees in front of tyrande, I mean your idea goes against current canon, so its not any better, specially when it forces characters to take hits in the brain department for it to work

Because certain posters have a vested interest in seeing certain communities as miserable.

I appreciate the rare moments where we are able to agree and compromise, but quite often, discussions about what should happen to the factions reveal themselves to be a prisoner’s dilemma.

You do realize we’re talking about a Blizzard property, right?

That aside, before you go further down this tangent, I will further reiterate that headcanon is not actual canon. Hence I still require proof for definitive statements.


Thrall never got down on his knees in front of Tyrande.

He offered a verbal apology and then was shocked when it got him absolutely no where. So he made a promise to bring Tyrande the Banshee Queen’s head.


These events should be seen in game rather than hidden away in books that only an incredible amount of people actually see.


ngl there’s enough room for you to be angry about stuff without you making a ton of stuff up

even the most adamant of nelf posters find ur posts a bit overblown cringe with how much you headcanon to justify being upset

it ain’t good for u



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Yeah a quest where thrall cries in front of tyrande is top tier gameplay

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Which obviously won’t equal to anything, because he won’t do it and then after SL the Horde will be like
“Who even cares about the Night Elves, they’re all dead and we don’t owe them anything, let’s kill the remaining few and take Darkshore too”

I’m not really making anything up. I’m saying that Sylvanas will get away unpunished which couldn’t be more obvious at this point. Just expect whatever is worst for the Night Elves and it will happen, sounds simple right? A formula that has had a great success rate in the past.

She also thinks that Ashenvale is magically a Night Elf zone again and that it makes sense for Sylvanas to get away with everything.


Omg yes, thank you! Haha

I mean you want horde to be the villians or alliance to be the villians, someone is gonna have to be the villians in your idea, ifs its horde, your kicking them while they are down, and if its alliance, I am pretty sure, all nelves would hate you if all our leadership died for a rule of cool moment you wanted

He doesn’t cry either. You really need to separate your head canon from the lore.