No Justice for the Kaldorei (9.1 Spoilers)

Well… because the developers apperantly deemed it vital for the story. They legit didnt expect people to react so poorly to the WoT story, Horde and Alliance alike. Plus, they have seemingly decided to step away from touching faction conflict after BFA was received so poorly.

It also fits with historical trends. In theory we retook all of Ashenvale after MoP too, but its stayed a mess in game since cataclysm.

For the record I would very much like to see this too, but I just… don’t see it as a realistic outcome.

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I guess I’m the alleged Night Elf fan borg queen again!

If you’re advocating for options, sure, fine. Let’s just be clear that it’s not confirmed and I think we’re good on the evidence point.

That being said, I think you’re wrong on the “rule of cool” moment. Most of this community does seem to want it, which makes sense. We’re part of the faction rivalry, we want to have our stuff shown as powerful too. This shouldn’t really be a surprise, and it’s not that complicated.

Yes, but just because the developers have chosen to do this doesn’t make it the right call. Part of what we do here of course is criticize their decisions, and there’s a lot to criticize.

There’s a much more direct goddess in the Forgotten Realms that is a moon Goddess. The Goddess Selune. One of the older gods in the setting, literally all they did was take off the S.

I mean, Selune is even the patron of good aligned Lycanthropes. So there’s the Worgen connection too.

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Can you explain me why you think that the Night Elves got Ashenvale back because “it makes sense” when Sylvanas can get away with commiting a genocide against civilians and children and torturing them and obliterating their souls?

Just wondering.

Of course Horde players don’t want it. No one wants to be on the losing end of anything - no matter how much you mitigate it. But they also shouldn’t get the power to dictate a scenario where only they have martial prowess onscreen, especially in a limited fashion such as it would be with an Ashenvale reconquest.

I was referring to the community of Night Elf fans, whose complaints and advocacy tend to move in a similar direction. I don’t think most are as limited as I am, but I tack to that out of a desire to keep things fair for everyone involved.

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She hasnt got away

And I already explained it multiple times, if you cant read, thats not my problem

darkshore and dazalore, arathi too

She has. Even Tyrande doesn’t mind her anymore lol. If that doesn’t speak volumes.

If you can’t read that’s your problem, since it’s stated in “A Good War” and you’re making stuff up about 8.2.5 that don’t make sense.

Dazar’alor and Arathi were human-led and human-concerned events. They do not connect with the dissatisfaction rendered by Teldrassil.

Darkshore was limited and fatally flawed for reasons we have beaten to death. I’ll take the good parts, but again, stating that this was enough is like spending a dollar to get 30 cents back.

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I have to say, this is going places. I never expected to come back here and have such wondruous fireworks going on, burns thrown left and right. The heat! What can I say about the heat of the debates! Bad faith, dishonesty, unwillingly cling to power fantasy. The best of the SF. In. One. Single. Thread.

But don’t let me interrupt y’all folks! Go on! Go on! The show must meets its grand finale! I just hope I’ll be there to witness… this cataclysmic event!

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Thats cause thrall is gonna get the kill

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Yea, good joke.

its not nelves vs horde, its alliance vs horde

Deeply amusing that Elesa has internalized “We must renew the Night Elf people” as “I actually am BFFs with Sylvanas now and we sleepover and talk about boys”


3 expansions and you still think Sylvanas is gonna die.

The marketing team will never let it happen.

nelfist stop mass reporting valko pls just cause your upset

Tyrande stopping to seek justice out of anyone speaks volumes. I mean, who even has a problem with Sylvanas now anymore? Now she can just return to the Horde as if nothing ever happened.
And 90% of the Night Elf souls are obliterated anyway, oh and I guess the Horde can enjoy their new zone with Ashenvale then.

Uhhhhh literally everyone, I think. There’s a whole raid about it coming out idk if you’ve been keeping up.


You’re not gonna get anything even remotely resembling a serious response out of Valko. Don’t waste your time quoting them.

Oh, my favorite one.