No Justice for the Kaldorei (9.1 Spoilers)

Inb4 Droite’s 3 page diatribe on why Night Elves deserve it and Goblins should be the ubermensch of the Warcraft Universe because technology.


The same way you “renew” every other race that went through near extinction level events in the last 35 years? Some of them, several times? Honestly, setting aside the “justice” and “revenge” angles, what I’m gathering from the NE playerbase is that the NEs are too weak to do the same things that: Humanity, Gnomes, Draenei, Worgen, MU Orcs, Darkspear, Kali Tauren, Sin’dorei, Bilgewater, and AU Mag’har are all already expected to do … and doing. Its almost like “shocker” Population Numbers in this game don’t matter, especially when even Blizz can’t make up their minds on how many NEs actually died in Teld.


You can see Droite replying if you look below the last post. It’s not hard to understand how the forums work.

Post on your Horde Main.

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No, I wanna post on My NE, she’s my fave. I’ve been just as invested in the NE story as you have been. You admit you don’t even play retail. My 120 NE has more stake in this story than your 59 Classic only Nelf or other people’s level 10-20 alts.


Funny how all the “NEFPA” Doomsayers were actually correct. Almost like there’s been a decade long pattern of Night Elves only ever getting the worst possible outcome when the writers set their eyes on them.


But what is Beef if not cow persevering.

Well guess what, Droite, “renewal” takes time and wasn’t the focus of this expansion when it came to night elves anyway. It isn’t that it’s not important, but we are sick of seeing them create this plot arc about justice and vengeance and then cover it up with garbage because they are too chicken to see it through.


I’m just here folks to see some good No True Scotman (as far as it can be applied that way through the lens of video games) fallacy being thrown here and there from time to time.


Really sucks to have everything stripped away from you. To have your leaders reduced to jokes. To have your favorite race turned into a laughing stock. To have every single belief of said race devalued and diminished into shreds.

What is even the point of playing this race and faction if Blizzard aren’t gonna treat it seriously and smack us with the stupid bat every expansion. Makes you feel like maybe you should just quit investing time and attention towards the game, you know? Like, finding a new passion to work with. Blizzard certainly isn’t gonna help with that.


Renewal hasn’t really been the focus of any of those races I listed either, except for “maybe” Humanity?

And what renewal has been had has been slow, and in the background of like 15 years worth of gameplay for some. Or am I forgetting when Silvermoon was rebuilt, Gilneas reclaimed, Gnomergon cleansed, or Desolace made verdant again?


This happens with every race.

Ne’s are not the exception. Is this your first time playing Warcraft?


Then why talk about renewal when it wasn’t important or expected by night elf players anyway?


Well, the writers have some weird obsession with slowly removing everything night elf related from the game.

Think about it:

  • Their home is gone
  • Their lands are (mostly) destroyed or in Horde hands
  • They’re all dead (and obliterated in the maw)

And as compensation, they got nothing at all other than freeing a handful of souls from the maw, while most of them are permanently gone.

What do they even have left at this point? Nothing.


Oh yeah, because it happens to other races, that makes it better. Great argument, Luksio. Last I checked this thread was about night elves, we weren’t talking about other races, and we can have actual debatable discussions about them in other threads, instead of the sweeping " oh this happens all the time"


Seems like maybe the fans should move on and find other games that treat races we like with respect then. Blizzard isn’t getting the memo and it’s just so draining to keep trying.

They just see our dollars and assume that we support everything they do.


We expected this. Stop crying.


See, thats the more interesting discussion. But the NEs are no less capable of said “renewal” than any of the other races I listed, and no worse off than them either (because truly, how the Darkspear even exist anymore I will never know). The lack of something no one else got isn’t being treated worse, and we’re all just waiting in a holding pattern because Blizz doesn’t want to invest the resources into those sort of stories. Plus, provided the NEs do get Ashenvale back (which they should, there is no reason not to just give it back to them) … they’re still better off than ALL of those other races I’ve listed … save Humanity in terms of held territory.


Were you able to type this while keeping a straight face?


Well, with meta knowledge, we know that the writers wouldn’t allow it.

Which would never happen in a million years, then they’d still be extinct on Azeroth.

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Were you able to type a coherent reply without alluding to a non- existent argument?