No Justice for the Kaldorei (9.1 Spoilers)

Saurfang and Sylvannas went to great efforts to misdirect the Alliance and Night Elves and succeeded on all fronts. They got Tyrande to send the bulk of her forces to Silithus and Saurfang launched a simultaneous attack on all Night Elf bases and settlements in Ashenvale using rogues to ambush without warning and decapitate all leadership there. With that shock maneuver, they were able to steamroll right through Ashenvale until they were stopped inside Darkshore.


No, we donā€™t. NPCs are not reliable purveyors of facts, and the devs have even wanted to highlight that.

Please, stop catastrophizing. Things are bad, but when you overextend like this, you make your argument easy to attack.

I disagree. The Horde offensive progressed in something of a line, they did not move across the territories like a wave, and the mission tables demonstrate that this allowed the Night Elves to remain there and continue to make attacks. All Iā€™m asking is for the conclusion of that, where we see the main force from Darkshore move in, join up with those forces, and drive the Horde off in an onscreen fashion to finally give us an onscreen victory that we can be proud of.


The war is over and it doesnt make sense for the horde to have kept that land

So lets get this straight because the Night Elves had two events that slightly stopped the Horde in their march through Ashenvale and Darkshore any additional content would just play into their fanā€™s unreasonable expectations of a power fantasy?

They did. Now, Iā€™m certainly open to argument that this all went far too swimmingly for the Horde - real plans rarely go off with such 100% success, but I feel like that comes to a required stupidity because, as I said, the Hordeā€™s own internal planning made it clear they would lose if they fought the Night Elves at full strength on the defense. Because Blizzard wrote the Burning first and then slotted everything in around it, the logic by which this feat is achieved necessarily becomes tortured.

Then I admit I donā€™t understand. I donā€™t think one race should be able to thwart the combined military might of five others combined, but if this is not what you are saying I am not getting the thrust of your argument. If it is that the Night Elves should have made the Horde pay dearly for this attack ā€“ they did. If youā€™re saying that this needed to be shown in a different way than it was shown, then I sympathize but I canā€™t agree to additional hits on top of the canon ones that have already landed. If itā€™s something else entirely, then I have not grasped that.

The whole War of Thorns was a disservice to this. The armies never should have been sent south when the Hordeā€™s army was right there out in the open in the Barrens. The Horde never should have even made it through Ashenvale.

I dont see that occurring honestly. The very best we can hope for is for them to do that off screen as part of a map refresh for 10.x, which they can get away with as the Kaldorei never signed the Armistice agreement.

yeah cause having tyrande and the rest of alliance leaders act dumb, and having thrall and baine act dumb, is perfect storytelling

players just want rule of cool, not actual good storytelling

You have no idea what this even is. You unironically think BfA was good story telling. Take your shilling and shove off.


your idea is even worse storytelling, specialy since the vast majority of the playerbase is sick of the faction war, retaking ashenvale after it should be took, is nothing more than you wanting your rule of cool moment at the expense of the horde story

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why are you here if youā€™re just going to go ā€œshill! shill! shill!ā€ to everyone you disagree with

go to 4chan or something, relieve some of your edge posting about how much you hate minorities or something


I donā€™t accept this. I donā€™t understand why there is money and time to commission art, create content, and create multiple cinematics for Orcs brutalizing Night Elves, but not the reverse. I think thatā€™s an unfair standard.

You have still yet to provide evidence that the Night Elves now have it. Please fix that.

Yes, this is why I react the way I do to arguments that present this logic as a sort of default.

I think youā€™re seeing where Iā€™m going, but your conclusion I disagree with.

The mitigants were almost entirely offscreen, and as a result, they donā€™t feel real. It instead looks like a one-sided curb stomp. The Night Elves need to be fairly represented in the rivalry (which by the way isnā€™t going away), and hence need a strong response, probably along with the Worgen and the Draenei.

As for my concept of the rivalry: The Alliance and the Horde should be of roughly equal power, and this should be expressed across fronts and races as well. You do not, for instance, get to have the Horde beat up on Night Elves and then justify it by saying that the Humans are super powerful and get to knock around the rest of the Horde in revenge. That sucks, and it strikes against what an MMO should be doing. So, if the Western Horde is fighting the Western Alliance in Ashenvale, that should come off as balanced, just as it should come off as balanced if the Eastern Horde is fighting the Eastern Alliance in say, Arathi.

Itā€™s not enough for the factions to be balanced, for the respective races to adequately represent themselves as rivals, they must be shown as competent rivals individually as well.

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What do you expect to happen to a raceā€™s population when all of their zones are nearly wiped out?

Also doesnā€™t make sense for Sylvanas to get away with burning innocents and children alive, and torturing them and obliterating their souls. Yet here we are.

In a universe where Anduin is a fool and more friendly towards the Horde than the Night Elves.

The nelves, with a significant chunk of their military away at he time, faced down an invading Horde army and inflicted 8 times as many casualties as they took.

Kat is the only person Iā€™ve called a shill, Mythas. Take your luke warm trolling to reddit.

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ā€œWhat do you expectā€ is not evidence, itā€™s a call for headcanon. I explained the lore basis for my positions already.


your just insulting everyone and everything you disagree with so sorry, i should have elaborated in my quote

but i know ur type rofl

Renewal huh? What about our deserved justice? How can there be renewal without out a resolution first?

If you need me Iā€™ll be playing Dragon Age.


They made us wait 3 years to tell us that there wonā€™t be justice or resolution. Almost as if they wanted to wait as long as possible to make many people forget about it.

Sylvanas can also be forgiven now, so thatā€™s great.

Already said, tyrande didnt complain about it and thrall didnt offer to return it when he was begging for forgiveness, either way, theres no proof the horde have it either, like I said, rather than the better option of just saying the nelves retook it in 8.2.5 you want your nonsense rule of cool moment