No Justice for the Kaldorei (9.1 Spoilers)

So you rather stroke your ego have the nelfs attack the horde again and also have the horde players be evil and keep land that isn’t theirs than say that tyranda retook in bfa when the horde pulled back

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The argument that the War of the Thorns is a reasonable lens to then justify the imagining of the Night Elves’ participation in the rivalry as “an Orcish boot stamping on an elven face, forever” is bad faith framing in my mind, yes. It establishes a ridiculous situation as the default, deliberately ignores geography, and deliberately ignores global logistics - when these matters have been pointed out repeatedly.

Which is what this comment:

Is perpetuating. So yes, I am treating this in the way that the IRS treats a frivolous tax position.


Your last post did not provide evidence for your earlier claim that Ashenvale was reclaimed. Please provide evidence for your earlier statement.

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Everyone else: We want something nice and to be shown in game to be strong and worthy of keeping our lands, etc

NE and Worgen players B…but we just want the same treatment guys

Everyone else: lawl, you guys suck, go away, you deserve nothing but to be punching bags

I don’t think you guys understand how disheartening it is to have our needs and wants constantly dismissed, it’s actually not funny anymore :frowning: :wolf:


“we want to slaughter all the horde” being framed as “we just want something nice” is pretty jokes, ngl

and nobody got anything nice, that’s the point of 90% of these threads


I am just trying to understand what you want cause blizzard can do either or just that one requires a lot of characters on both sides to be stupid, like tyrande seemingly not caring about the land till then thrall wanting to repent for the horde not offering its return

Blizzard is better off just saying tyrande took it in bfa when the horde pulled back it makes way more sense

Not to mention that it wouldn’t make anyone the bad guys and put the whole war behind us

This is the last we’ve heard of the zone. We have no reason to believe that Durotar is an Alliance zone now, for example.

Yes they do.

It doesn’t matter what makes sense. Erasing the Night Elves from the game and letting Sylvanas get away with genocide and torturing children also doesn’t make sense.
The Night Elves didn’t reclaim Ashenvale, that’s a fact.

Nobody wants to slaughter the horde, that’s just a bad faith arguement from horde posters.

(Only thing I disagree with Kyalin on is the pvp side of things, we’re just asking to be taken serious as a actual threat to the opposing side)

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Was the horde abandoning it

For the second time.

Your last post did not provide evidence for your earlier claim that Ashenvale was reclaimed. Please provide evidence for your earlier statement.

I … what?!

You literally inferred an entire context from my comment that is so ridiculously off topic i can’t even follow the mental gymnastics it took to get there.

My comment is intended to convey one thing:

Night Elves are not a faction in their own right. They should not be able to topple the entire Horde. That power fantasy is not sustainable.

You have wandered far off from that statement into a land of straw men that are so far off anything I’ve said that it’s just plain lying to yourself to support a victim complex.


Nobody is saying this Mythas.

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Nope, that was after MoP. The last time we’ve heard of it was the Horde getting full control of it in “A Good War”.

You’re the type of player to justify Sylvanas getting away with killing and torturing children into oblivion.


Your unconfirmed head canon. Take your Blizzard shilling somewhere else, Kat.


Are you objecting to the NEs and Alliance players getting an Ashenvale retake event?


Join me in eternal misery. We offer fruit baskets.
It’s made of 'dis pear. :pear:


That’s the only item on the table, so yes, he must be.

Which again requires the framing of the War of the Thorns to make work - hence my objections.

Oh so you can’t read this thread and see all the proposals brought up on how to make things square like “you got to slaughter us, we get to slaughter you” or “we need horde leaders to pay for their crimes”

cool, cool. Guess all the nelf avatars are bad faith horde posters

good of you to oust them like that

I don’t think the Kaldorei should be going to war with the Horde, honestly. That’s an uncharacteristic approach for them. They don’t strike outside their traditional borders. They should for sure be kicked out of most northern Kalimdor: Darkshore, Ashenvale, Winterspring and Hyjal in particular as it seems to be where their culture is rebuilding after the 4th war.

As to what we know atm…
Ashenvale atm is in technical limbo. All we have on its status at all is map missions. As the Kaldorei are stated to of won the Kalimdor front, however, it is a reasonable conclusion that they also retook Ashenvale.

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There are no Kaldorei left in Azeroth to go to war with the Horde anyway.

This is also why the Horde got to keep Ashenvale that easily.

Which is what our colleges on the other side are fervently trying to block.

I agree that they should not be able to push past Ashenvale, but that’s not what’s being argued.