No Justice for the Kaldorei (9.1 Spoilers)

not talking about Sylvanas and Worgen, I am asking in what world would Worgen have a right to demand justice for the burning of teldrassil? Its literally the NE homeland outside of Mount Hyjal.

So, not only you ignorant as hell about the story, but also ignorant as hell about the fact that Teldrassil was also home to the worgen after they lost gilneas.

Like, if you’re going to troll, at least know the damn story :wolf:


When Saurfang first heard the order, he wondered if the Night Elf told Sylvanas something about what was in Teldrassil. I think it’s pretty fair to say that the grunt catapult launchers didn’t really know better one way or another.

With that in mind, please, feel free to hunt them all down and kill them. Put them in front of a firing squad. Heck, you can torture them, and include their families as well. Put them in kangaroo courts, or do it as solemnly as you wish. Imprison them for 10,000 years. I don’t care.

Just leave our few “hero” types of characters alone - we barely have any as it is.

Night Elves are not a faction. Night Elves should not be able to rival a faction. Night Elves should lose badly when facing an entire faction made up of numerous races (if the game were even remotely close to “equal power” - and they didn’t, unsurprisingly).

The Alliance is a faction. The Alliance beat the Horde pretty soundly in the most recent war.

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Yes the war is over we should just get on with other stuff like updating the old world

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I was hoping there would be some sort of time shenanigans leaving Shadowlands just so they’d be pushed to do exactly this.

And I pretty much hate time travel and that ilk.

If they wanted to compress the rage of the night elves down onto justice given to one guy (outside sylvanas), it would be Belmont. He was the one tasked with systematically blighting the whole of Darkshore as well as what amounted to concentration camps (though they avoided calling them that in the final release).

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I was waiting for the bad faith framing to come back.

The War of the Thorns was an absurd, contrived scenario involving concentrations of forces wholly unrealistic for a global superpower, while the other one didn’t bother to cover basic gaps because the story said so. But even that said, the mitigants were hidden in transmedia narrative - so what made it onscreen was a bombastic beat down. Treating that as a normal, expected, inevitable, or representative situation is dishonest - and I’m tired of this being the default argument to explain why Night Elves do and should always lose, all the time, forever.

The rivalry is global, comprising of many forces all over the world. Saying that everyone else can look good in such a rivalry, but the Night Elves can’t, is imposing a unique and biased standard on the situation. It’s past time to move past this issue of seeing the Night Elves as pushovers, especially when that is so violently against their original appeal.

Like a certain “thousand year Reich”, the problems were systemic across the society. This happened because people got suckered into believing a bill of goods due to an ideology. It is that ideology that the Horde has not jettisoned.


If they could have done that, they would have done that numerous expansions ago. And giving lands that are contested ownership between two factions is simply going to open up old wounds. imo

I don’t even understand why winning darkshore even matters. With the tree gone, there is no reason to fight and keep darkshore…Ashenvale is even more of a stretch. Its one thing to have supply lines coming from the close by Darnassus, but to supply and defend Ashenvale all the way from Mount Hyjal (assuming MH is the new capital city of NE) is a waste. Especially if you take in consideration that the next two regions which have two horde capital cities, Orgimmar and Bilgewater Harbor.

This solution is not what the NEs need, imo.

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Yea, the guy managed to make himself quite unpopular indeed. I don’t think he necessarily needs to die, just keep him very far away from any and all Alliance related content. And if he doesn’t, he should die.

No, the Alliance didn’t beat the Horde in the fourth war. It was nothing but an armistice, with nothing attached. Where is the “beat” part in that?

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They already have ashenvale

It’s ancestral land that was lost as recently as an in-game year.

Ok, prove it to me.

Prove to me we don’t

Tyrande didnt complain about not having it
And nathanos said all horde forces withdrew to org for the siege

Bad faith framing? Literally quoting and replying.

Wow that’s an amazing straw man for you to build. Congrats in knocking it down.

Night Elves are still not a faction. They are a race. They should not be able to defeat a faction. They should not be able to rival a faction.


Nope, the burden of proof for an affirmative statement is on the person making it. It’s not possible to prove a negative. Show me the evidence that your relied on to make your statement.

You sidestepped my argument, which directly replied to this. If you were trying to convince me that you were arguing in good faith with this, that was the wrong move.

This isn’t true.

The Horde has Ashenvale.

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This is also not known.

No they don’t

The kaldorei sure as hell don’t own it. They had a outpost/town during BfA as far as I’m aware, that’s it. :wolf:


Your argument claimed my commentary was made in bad faith (condescending and dismissive as usual) then strayed far off topic.

In the context of a faction war/comparison/whatever Night Elves can/should look as good as anyone else (with obvious peaks and valleys) but they should not be a rival to a faction. Failing to fit in with other races in comparison is not good and I don’t support it.

But once again - Night Elves should not rival an entire faction. That was my original comment and response to a comment which you have repeatedly now tried to derail.