No Justice for the Kaldorei (9.1 Spoilers)

“we want violence”

“okay, here’s darkshore”

“that doesn’t count because x reason”

never satisfied


So now we are downgrading from “oh how dare you want vengeance instead of justice” to “how dare you want justice”?

Well I agree to disagree with you otherwise that would mean I will also embrace the suck that has been constant here. Horde getting hero moment? Nope because its not done before.
Horde not being villain batted? Nope it must stay because thats what the franchise requires.
Infact no one should complain because Mythas thinks nothing should improve and everyone should stay miserable.


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No…anything short of the complete annihilation of the horde would be insufficient. Heck, if it was even possible to raise all that dead that day back to their former selves and not undead, it still would not be enough.

I said this back in BFA but when the going got tough, Tyrande jumped the sinking ship (Burning Teldrassil) with a mortally wounded Malfurion. She left her people behind to die a grisly death. Tyrande doesn’t deserve justice.

And the weirdo exposes himself.
Nothing to see here folks.


No one who’s actually arguing for the Night Elves to be respectable rivals in the faction rivalry has ever once asked for this.


Dont bother trying to reason with someone who didnt reason themselves into a position. All you will do is wrestle in the mud with them and they love that.


nice personal attacks. Sorry your NEs are just screwed…better rage quit my dude.

Cool story bro.


that is bullcrap. You are complaining and literally coming up with no solutions at all.

So nothing reasonable pleases you. So only the extreme is left.

Stop acting coy.

I find it funny certain posters are going through a mental breakdown because all NE and Worgen players want is ONE onscreen victory and to be seen as actual threats to the opposing side, instead of punching bags :wolf: :frowning:


And your “ideal” version of justice for teldrassil would be…?

Oh wait, you don’t have one.

Cool story bro.

what does Worgens have to complain about? They already lost their capital city to the Forsaken and never once tried to get it back.

the lost of Teldrassil would feel kind of normal for them at this point. :frowning:

I already said what it would be.

But otherwise yes it was a fantastic story.

You should practice your trolling more. What is this amateur hour?

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Kill sylvanas
End the hordethreat in ashenvale once and for all on screen.

End :wink:


Your correct, he didn’t. Neither did that quote. Such reveals the straw man of claiming that I would want that.

Should I get that - disarmament of a playable faction? No - that’s a general direction in which to head for the people narratively, assuming the best of conditions. I believe nevertheless that they should strike back and hard.

Edit: Assuming worse conditions? Well, people have been calling for a greyer Alliance for a long time, and I think that’s something we can more than accomodate.

I have always been mystified by business owners who justify any expenses with “Oh, don’t worry, I can just write that off on my taxes”. As though it ever made business sense to get 20-40 cents on the dollar for the use of a dollar, especially when we’re talking about things with a trivial business purpose.

Then I read comments like that one.

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you might have already said it before…but you didn’t say it to me. What is it?

I’ve offered up plenty of solutions in other threads. You not reading them doesn’t remove them from existence. I’ve always tried on multiple attempts to find a happy middle ground with Horde players. It’s not my fault they rebuke anything that doesn’t end with them having complete domination over the Night Elves.

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I am not in other threads…and I don’t stalk you so literally, in this thread, you are complaining with no solutions.

What are your solutions.

I mean, I’m going to pretend you seriously didn’t just ask that. Because nobody can possibly that ignorant of the story


Apparently you don’t even read in this thread.