No Justice for the Kaldorei (9.1 Spoilers)

Rebuilding is important right,.i agree here 100% but! The nightelfs have two leader, not one. Tyrande could still seek vegeancy (rightfully so) and malfurion could rebuild their home.

A threat that doesn’t threat your race. We know, elune semycontrolled tyrande inside her. So elune would have no problem to kill n’zoth. We know, nightwarrior have the abilitys to archieve this goal.

Would it be egoistical? 100%, but after the events of teldrassil, darkshore, anduins message, the anger, the feeling of retribution is egoism fully understandable.

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And they might again, but neither faction was in any state to actually continue the war. Not to mention both sides(at least those that remain after Reckoning) were keenly aware killing N’zoth took priority over continuing the faction war at the time.

And for the most part, she is trying to do right now, hence why she is in the shadowlands. If you are talking about continuing the war against the Horde, she would be doing it on her own considering most everyone had decided for some degree of peace.

There is nothing stating she could have actually killed N’zoth when he was fully free. Even if she could at that point she decided to withdraw herself from the Alliance/its attempt to deal with N’zoth.

We know the nightwarrior have enough power to kill an free old god and his entire army. Another nightwarrior killed an old god

The night elves can. Fortunately, the army survived. And she did not participate in EVERYTHING, except the fronts. Sorry.

I would say, tyrande can. The nightelfs need a rest and must rebuild but tyrande is the avatar of the goddess atm. She have not the same limits.

They only just got back Darkshore. And that was with help from the Alliance heroes/worgens. Even if she and the rest of remaining night elves decided to wage war, I doubt she could have destroyed Ogrimmar without suffering catastrophic losses.

We don’t even know where tyrande was after 8.1.

She wasn’t in darkshore.

Maybe darkshore was malfurions goal and tyrande was in ashenvale, who knows. We saw her after 8 1 no longer

M … How did they knock out the gates of Orgrimmar in the first siege? Night elf glaive throwers? I don’t think the losses will be that great. In addition, the Horde army thinned out during the BfA. And Malfurion will finally participate. Yes.
An evil scream. Or are you implying that the night elf army is not capable of anything?

An offensive war is an entire different caliber of planing. So much things can went wrong or plans can be shattered with a single desiccion of the deffender.

The army of the nightelf is strong but they are extremly specialised.

I don’t think an attack without planing could have success as army.

And Saurfang made sure to state that he has strengthen Ogrimmar so a siege would be harder to accomplish. Not to mention most of the defenders were killed off by the Alliance/Horde armies.

You would still have to siege an entire city. A city generally considered to be well defended.

I am imply it would be the remains of the night elf army versus the entire remaining armies of the Horde. A Horde that would quickly rally to Sylvanas side face with the threat of distruction.

An evil scream. So, we need to come up with another way to kill the Horde. M … Druids can make a terrible crop failure?
Don’t say “leftovers”. The night elf army is one of the most surviving.

The size of an army is irrelevant if characters exist who are able to kill the army of the jailor without a Problem.

And we as mawwalker have not the ability to kill 200-300 enemys in a few seconds

Presumably the Horde, which potentially have heroes who are also challenging the Jailor, would be siding with the Horde to stop Tyrande.

And which one could resist? No one. If malfurion and tyrande without nw power are enough to stop the horde(and their heroes), then nw tyrande + nw buffed n11 + malfurion are enough to destroy their foes.

The horde was saved by the fact that they were a playerfaction, not by logik and this sucks.

Its not even a secret. It was plotarmor, nothing else.

The entire logic about faction hubs and their safety come to an end if characters exist who are able to kill entire armys, alone

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Not for this did the Horde complain about the weakness of their heroes, so that we could not destroy with one desire.

If we are talking after Sylvanas left, the night elves would still have to deal with the entire remaining army of the Horde deciding to fight them. The night warrior is powerful but ultimately both Tyrande/Malfurion are mortal. A well place arrow or an axe to the back can still kill them.

I’m pretty sure sylvanas + her mawswornarmy will be badly beaten from the nw in ardenwaeld, she retreat you know.

Tyrande can’t go after her but this round will be tyrandes.

So even with sylvanas, it would not really change the outcome

We were told this last time.

This is just moving the goalposts, especially considering that the Horde is an enemy that has proven itself to be an existential threat to the Night Elves, if left armed.


And yet Tyrande wont be able to kill her. I’d also point out depending on how desperate the Horde end up they might end up using dangeous magic/plague/old god boons to stop Tyrande.

And it would just be as big of an existential threat if the war had continued. Maybe the Horde will change, maybe it wont but simply continuing a war which will lead to more people dying when peace might be a possibility seem just as foolhardy.

As of right now Sylvanas is on the run, both Nathanos and Saurfang are dead and generally those who still side with Sylvanas are being locked up by the Horde themselves with the Horde gaining nothing from this war except having their coffers empty and an army stretch to the point it can barely defend its own people.

I think what’s foolhardy is maintaining a geographically indefensible position (which their holdings if they do not secure Ashenvale are) and not doing anything to actively counter the neighbor to the south - a neighbor which has launched multiple aggressive wars against you where they mostly didn’t take prisoners and deliberately attacked civilian targets. This is also a power that got sucked hook, line, and sinker into bloodlust at least twice in the last few years, with no guarantee that they won’t do so again. I understand that Anduin doesn’t care about this - but he lives an ocean away, and is not therefore exposed to the risk.

“We have learned that we can never dig a hole deep enough to be safe against predatory animals. We have also learned that if we do not pull the fangs of the predatory animals of this world, they will multiply and grow in strength, and they will be at our throats again once more in a short generation.”

  • Franklyn Denalo Roosevelt