No Justice for the Kaldorei (9.1 Spoilers)

Wut? My god I have totally mind blanked on Desolace questing lol!

Not spesifically Horde players. It’s just a quest available to everyone.

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I’ve never got that impression, she was always about tranqility and peace from what I remember. It was only recently, since the addition of the Night Warrior lore that she took on darker tones but maybe I’m wrong, I don’t know that much outside of my own player experience, and a lot of my experience is muddied with druid lore, it’s hard to disconnect druid lore from kaldorei lore. I know the forbidden wolf pack form and the Worgen curse were possibly related to Elune were they not?

I thought the priestesses of Elune were more about healing.

Was the Night Warrior mentioned at all in Kaldorei lore before Battle for Azeroth? this is a serious question. I 100% believe you that the kaldorei and Elune may have had a darker side before the Night Warrior lore, I just don’t remember it could you refresh me?

Elune was referred to as having the title of the Night Warrior in The War of the Ancients Trilogy where she is given a combat oriented nature.

Malfurion of course is displeased to be reminded of this!

that’s really good to know, thank you!

Elune is WoW’s version of the tri-Goddess, Maiden, Mother and Wise woman (Crone) so that does make sense. I always associated the owl symbolism to be representative of Minerva as well. Goddess of Wisdom and War. I really hope this new lore that comes out around Elune does her justice.

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Elune’s long had a martial aspect to her through her church. See: the Sisterhood already training her priestesses in armored weapons and tactics well before the church took charge of building the Sentinel Army after the Sundering.

It’s been implied that before mages became the kaldorei empire’s IWIN button for all things military, the night elves used to rely more extensively on the Sisters of Elune for leading their armies and defending their lands, and Tyrande’s priorities when creating the Sentinels included reviving that facet of the priesthood’s historical role in their society.


Ardenweald seems pretty cool and worth caring about, honestly. Then again I’m a sucker for “save nature from destruction” quests whether it’s in Fellwood, Eversong or Val’sharah

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Lol speak for yourself

Elune has always had a martial aspect to her, but it has always been generally subsumed under her aspect of Mother Moon, the aspect of Elune that the Sisterhood of Elune (and by extension Kaldorei as a whole) are dedicated to. Mother Moon has been stated to dislike violence, and was likely the aspect that prevented Malfurion from being killed.

The Night Warrior is the blatantly martial aspect of Elune that the Wardens are devoted to, and from where their weird powers come from. They are technically a type of Priestess, with some hunter thrown in for fun.

Elune works a lot more like an actual RL pre-Christian deity than anything else we have seen in WoW. They all had specific aspects you prayed to for specific things. For example Zeus could be addressed as Apemius (“Averter of Ills”) under which he was worshiped for healing, or Astrapios (“Lightninger”) under which his aspect as a weather god was addressed; there was even Zeus Georgos (“Zeus the Farmer”) which was an agricultural aspect attributed to him by the Athenians.

Actually as TV Tropes would point out she was more of a technical pacifist. Elune has a long history of empowering other beings to do her fighting for her, the prime example being moonkin or handing out artifacts for that purpose. Unfortunately just about every time she does this things go south
 the moonkin become berserkers that attack everything and we all know the story of the the Sentinel she gifted with a pack of Worgen via the Scythe and now that string of Night Warriors that she blew up.

Despite her appelation of the “Night Warriror” there are no legends of Elune herself doing battle directly.

it seems like accepting the Night Warrior’s gift was a risky bargain to begin with.

Only in as much as an appelation that referred to Elune herself. That dates back to the RTS, I believe.

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As far as we know, true. But they have always been super cagey about Elune and her lore up until now. She was sort of treated like a deus ex machina that the Devs could use as a last resort because, as undefined as she was they could have her basically do


Save that in BFA when her people needed her most, she essentially does


Yeah, I think by that point they had already began forming a more definitive picture of what she was beyond “moon goddess”

Also she kinda got back benched, just like the Wild Gods apparently were off on their mandatory Nature Spirit Union vacation in the south seas or something during BFA too.

I said they COULD have her do anything, not that she would.

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Not only that, but I feel that if this is what Blizzard wanted to do with the character, then they did a pretty bad job of actually making Tyrande look corrupted-crazy in the first place. Her reactions didn’t seem out of line for what the story did, but the game kept having characters talk to and about her as if she was being unreasonable. Yet even her alleged unreasonable moments were “I won’t sign a peace treaty UNLESS Sylvanas is dead” and not even being able to follow through with killing Sira, making the whole thing rather limp.

I’m not surprised at the whole renewal and healing talk, though. I feel like Blizzard was trying to hint at this during the Torghast scenario, where her Night Warrior buff’s tooltip said that her overflowing damage could become a source of healing if properly harnessed.

Technically no. For what very little there was of the Night Warrior stuff, there is an archeology thing about it saying “While she is a goddess of peace, she is not a pacifist.”

By the way, there’s no faster way to get annoyed with night elves than by doing Kalimdor archeology during Cataclysm. Their digsites are all over the place oh my god just give me a Tol’vir one I’m begging you asikjfdghsfg


Yeah, I have no idea what they were doing with that “she’s going too far shtick”. I get that with the way the Night Warrior in Revendreth talks about it, it was more a slow rampup. The more they allowed themselves to give into the rage, the more power they had; the more power they had, the more wrathful they became. Till they essentially were just ready to reduce everything to ash. But 
 I’m not so sure Blizz knew exactly what they were doing with Tyrande and the Night Warrior initially. Sigh 

That being said, if we do see a kicka*s moment with her against the Forces of the Maw, and she has gotten a bit of a Jaina-esk “Focusing Iris” boost from her time as the Night Warrior. Its not the worst thing I suppose.

I hate to be that person but do you know what Sylvanas was called by her family?

Lady Moon.

like, I know this Sylvanas vs the Kaldorei thing came out of nowhere, unprovoked. But listening to people talk about why they love Tyrande reminds me of why I love Sylvanas, she was the OG Dark Moon Warrior archetype, like undead Artemis or Selene. I would really love if they can wrap up this narrative in a way where we don’t have to sacrifice either character. But I know that’s just wishful delusional thinking.

That’s a little odd. I mean I get it - Blood Elves not Night Elves - but I would’ve assumed those nicknames would’ve come across a little bit 
 theistic? I guess? Seems weird.

I had to look it up -

  • Vereesa’s nickname back home was “Little Moon,” while Sylvanas’ was “Lady Moon.” These nicknames were given to them by a young Alleria, who teased them for their hair colors (silvery and pale-blond, respectively) in contrast to the golden locks of Alleria and Lirath, who were the “suns” of the family.[59] However, in Tides of Darkness, Sylvanas is described as having darker hair than Alleria.[169] This has been confirmed to be an intentional retcon.[170]
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Quel’thalas has a ton of Moon nomenclature, though, which is actually kind of hilarious.

The key to ban’dinoriel is the key of three moons, the stones that power it are moonstones, Silvermoon itself, the sanctum of the moon. Even TFT almost seemed to imply that some degree of acknowledging Elune never really went away even after the exodus of the highborne.