No Justice for the Kaldorei (9.1 Spoilers)

This was yanked out of Danuser’s back end specifically for Shadowlands. There weren’t even hints of this being the case for the more than a decade we had of the Night Warrior existing. Accepting it now beyond stupid. But expected from a Belf Main.

The writers are the ones condemning her.


Also, didn’t they sort of write the lore of the Night Warrior who ended up in Revendreth where both her and her power continued to escalate until she had to be put down by her own loved ones? Where first she killed her enemies, then the bystanders, then the allies that didn’t move quick enough, then just the allies. Where for those that the power doesn’t outright kill they essentially become a ever more powerful runaway train that eventually becomes a risk to even their own people? A boulder constantly building mass and steam.

Again more garbage yanked from no where specifically for Shadowlands.


That’s a bit unfair. It isnt like it’s a retcon. We in fact before BFA had never had lore confirmation that there was such a thing as Night Warriors. It was a vague concept about being an aspect of Elune, who was herself only vaguely defined.

It seems more like you just… don’t like how the lore is being expanded.

Lore Expansion =/= Retcon.


You mean like how the Night Warrior was yanked out of nowhere in BfA?


Lmk when horde get justice for Jaina ethnically cleansing Dalaran.


LOL, never. Because Blizz whitewashed and dialed that crap back several times since MoP. To the point where a “purge” boiled down to angry scolding with a spraybottle.

Good thing I didn’t call it a retcon.

If it’s not expressed in the written work, then it’s all in your head.

“I fear Tyrande has been consumed by vengeance.”

“If she does not relinquish the Night Warrior’s power she will die.”

“I’ve never witnessed a mortal with so much rage before!”

These are all condemnation from the writers through the writing of the story. Just because your Horde bias prevents you from seeing it doesn’t mean it’s not there.

It’s a phrase that’s been associated with Elune even before the MMORG was launched.

OK, so everything but that vague term was pulled out of nowhere then. Lets not pretend there was ever enough context attached to it before BfA to build expectations upon.

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By definition, everything that’s truly new is “pulled out of nowhere” by your logic. That went for the bulk of the Artifact weapons in Legion as well.

No, just retorting how Ellur’s outrage of it “being yanked out of nowhere” … is not really much more relevant than the Night Warrior itself (beyond the name) being “yanked out of nowhere”.

I’m not sure it’s much of a retort. The concept wasn’t well explained, well understood, or defined before it was thrown in to Tides of Vengeance.

A vague mention of it in transmedia narrative doesn’t count as proper setup - which leaves the audience scratching their heads and wondering what to make of this thing that that the writers decided to put on the table.

Droite has a point. Up until BfA Elune has been an absolutely non-confrontational pacifist. Then suddenly there’s an Avatar of her Vengeance? it doesn’t add up.

It might make sense if Elune was a Naaru with a void state but even that speculation has been thrown out the window with the reveal that she’s just the Winter Queen’s sister and she may not even be a First One.


Technically, she wasn’t described as such, but… again, transmedia narrative, and I can see how it feels like it’s new given that the Night Elves have been defanged for eleven years running.

I think the general trend here is to point out that everything feels like it’s been coming out of nowhere, and yeah, it has. Blizzard has been whipsawing all over the place with ideas that they didn’t take the proper time in a lot of instances to flesh out.


Right, that’s kind of my point. All they did with it here in SLs was sort of explain it more, and sort of give us the reason most people don’t try using it; beyond the high casualty rate at entry. Its the that Night Warrior is obscenely powerful … eventually. Its less “Super Saiyan” and more “Hulk”, where the power is proportional to the amount one has given into the wrath of Elune. To the point where (from the sounds of it) they can become world ending behemoths, that just lose themselves so much everyone eventually becomes a target. If they aren’t killed first (and that often has to come from a loved one who can close enough to betray them).

That’s not true. Elune has never been a pacifist. There are quests of human sacrifice. Quests where she demands the purging of corruption and the deaths of other people.

Elune is not a peaceful deity. She has always been a Goddess with many faces, and associated with balance.


I don’t know, there’s that quest in Desolace where Horde players bribe Elune with blood and ride her storm to blow up that one Alliance outpost.