No Justice for the Kaldorei (9.1 Spoilers)

Is/ought fallacy. Blizzard’s past failings should not be taken as statements that said failings should be repeated into the future.

I’m not sure that you really need that. There’s already a mountain range that admits only a few choke points.


Probibly not, but the symbology of some spooky astral magic barrier being raised would be highly symbolic and help reaffirm the Kaldorei people whose faith in Elune has been shattered.


That might be better placed on the Ashenvale side of the Southfury River gorge -something that just cements the impassibility of the gorge itself.


I really hate how Blizzard is making the New Moon phase a bad thing. It seems to be a fad these days, where people just aren’t allowed to be angry. That there is no justification for retaliation. That meekness is preferable to resistance.

It’s BS. It’s okay to be angry. Having a backbone is respectable. And taking a stand is virtuous.

Tyrande’s Night Warrior should be a role model, not a cautionary tale.


The bloodlust you want from these characters should not be looked up to.

There is a difference between bloodlust and fighting injustice.


I mean… literally everyone in the story is hunting Sylvanas. Everyone.

But Tyrande is the only character who is condemned for that very thing.


Here’s a weird thought … what exactly is preventing her from just … hunting Sylvanas without the Night Warrior? Assuming she really did lose all of it? I would still normally place Tyrande on the same tier of “power level” as Jaina and Green Jesus most days. So … at worst she couldn’t hunt alone?

The dire and burning need to address Jaina’s absolutely abysmal lack of screentime.

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I mean … I guess. Sigh … and here I am waiting to see if Baine will do ANYTHING but pout around waiting for his Boy King to show up?

Excuse me, that would take away critical screentime that Jaina needs.

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Don’t forget Thrall. He’s gonna be a Shaman again.

That Thrall is even there is a crime to Jaina’s character development - after she’s been so lacking for development for so long? That she has to share the moment with someone else? Like, okay, sure. We’ll feed starving children in Africa, but only after we’ve diverted half of the take somewhere else!

Thrall is the only one I’m not critical of in that scenario. He SWORE to Tyrande he’d hunt down Sylvie’s head. So him being there is him doing exactly what he should be doing. Plus, apparently his content with Draka is pretty good in the Maw. Frankly, if Tyrande is going to lose the power of the full night warrior and needs that hunting partner, Thrall and Tyrande should be the ones in the raid aiding in that fight. Not Thrall and Jaina. With Thrall aiding Tyrande in securing that Banshee Queens dome. Making good on his promise.


That is not really the point. What is the point of the Night Warrior at this point? It had the opportunity to be a symbolic thing, both narratively and from an in-world religious perspective.

But now it’s almost as if Blizzard was like “See, Night Elves are savage and hardcore again… Psych.”


The difference is they want to protect THEIR nature, not all nature. Last time we tried to protect all of nature we ended up accidentally creating the Emerald Nightmare.

Fist pump! Yeah! /s

The emotions around Tyrande aren’t condemnation, but concern. It’s known that the Night Warrior ritual ultimately leads to the wielder’s destruction, and as strange as it might seem to some, many especially on the Alliance side don’t want to see that happen to her.


Given Tyrande’s line that she “was so consumed by the fires of vengeance that [she] was blind to the ashes at our feet”. I believe the intention was to say becoming blind to everything but vengeance for the sake of vengeance is a bad idea. It is a cautionary tale that has taken a lot of forms over the centuries.

When Ahab goes after the Whale everyone in the way looses, including Ahab, ultimately.


It’s just a really weird choice to do a ‘vengeance is bad’ storyline when the villain being revenged against is guilty of genocide.