No Justice for the Kaldorei (9.1 Spoilers)

Goblins only hurt when you take thier gold.


By the way, your nickname in Russian through an automatic translator is ā€œbedā€, ā€œŠšŃ€Š¾Š²Š°Ń‚ŃŒā€. And you say ā€œwallowā€.

What am I even reading.

She hid again.

And that lessened their impact immensely. It was reading through history as oppoed to living through it. It makes the events inherently less interesting and minimises the emotional investment.

No matter how badly the character might feel for going through the experience, for me it was an active story to go through, the character evolves and changes because of it.

Please answer my question about where you get catharsis from this. Thank you.

My favorite moment that made the scope of Teldrassil hit was the quest to rescue all 900 or so citizens with an impossible timer.

Probably one of the few times gameplay and storytelling intersected in an interesting way and made me appreciate having decided to main Alliance in BfA.

Right, weā€™ll rebuild B Harbor in a week if you blow it up. Next time we wont have that eyesore of a canon.

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I did repeatedly. Catharisis does not mean ā€œmoment of triumphā€. The character changed because of her experience. Thatā€™s character development.

Iā€™d wager the goblins would be more upset about someone else blowing them up than blowing it up themselves.


I am personally going to withhold judgement until I get the cinematic that goes along with this. There is a lot of fine detail missing at the moment, including what Elune actually says.

I will say I had the feeling for a bit now the Night Warrior Ritual was based in Domination Magic, wherein one demands power from Elune with a blood sacrifice and then takes it by force. The punishment for which is to die without exception unless Elune decides to accept you as her Avatar.

I suspect that as Tyrande has kept the power of the (purified?) Night Warrior with Eluneā€™s acceptance that I do think they have plans for her. It would of been just as easy to have removed those powers. They are for sure taking this expansion somewhere odd in 9.2, perhaps out of the Shadowlands altogether. She may still have a role to play in all this as Eluneā€™s avatar.


Which is why I said those things were not comparable to WoTā€¦

Horde this Alliance that. I just want to grill.

I didnā€™t see where you answered my question before, so I donā€™t see the need for the defensiveness. As for what catharsis means:


Please explain how you get that here.

Wrong word thenā€¦ lets use ā€œrushā€ instead. to reflect the intensity that the play and story evoked.

I see.

Hereā€™s my issue, I see the War of the Thorns building up a lot of negative emotions with no real plan to ever do something to release the tension that they cause.

Weā€™re seeing the effects of that play out right here.


I donā€™t think they can do anything to balance those scales out. Anything they try to do is going to feel like the equivalent of the US nuking Hiroshima and then sending a ā€œget betterā€ card to the survivors. Even if Sylvanas were to die, then so what? Teldrassil is still a pile of ash, and Darkshore is a blighted wasteland. And then there is also the issue of tit for tat. It is super unhealthy for the game and the players because it endlessly escalates.

So, for my own mental health I elected to try and let go some of that saltiness I felt over the WoT awhile ago. At this point I am just hoping that in 10.x we see a new Kaldorei homeland built in a revamped Hyjal. Cynically, I think it will happen for no other reason than they will for sure settle the Forsaken somewhere.

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As I said, the Ashenvale hitback would get me to where I need to be.

Itā€™s also kind of necessary. Night Elven defense of their territory is untenable without the chokepoints and buffers it provides.


When have any storylines in this game been about that kind of catharsis? Look at how Icecrown handled Jaina and Sylvanas, or for that matter the races who earned the biggest grudge against Arthas? Hell, look at how the writing for the two expansions post-ICC handles both characters

As for Ashenvale the main issue is that after years without updates from Cata even the devs donā€™t seem to recall that itā€™s been back in kaldorei hands since the end of mists

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That is fair. And given she still has Eluneā€™s powers it be sort of neat if Tyrande were to raise a massive wall between the Barrens and Ashenvale.

As she has Eluneā€™s power still, who is at least a titan class beingā€¦ she is sort of the equivalent of a Titanic Keeper such as Freya or Odyn I guess power wise. That should be doable now that she isnt a tunnel-visioned lunatic anymore.