No Justice for the Kaldorei (9.1 Spoilers)

Sounds like confirmation bias to me considering belf numbers as a proportion of the horde dropped considerably after Legion and iirc Vulpera are still less played than the other horde ARs

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If you want it? Fine. Whatever.

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Doesn’t feel that way on WrA anyway. Willing to bet Vulpera and BE numbers are a lot higher on RP servers than the total average.

I think i will cry myself to sleep tonight because you guys are making me happy.

Whatever? What does this mean?

It means they don’t care about the Pleasure Palace

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It’s a dismissive term to say “I don’t care. It’s not worth thinking about.”


Excellent, there will be a foothold for an attack on the Horde. At last!

Does anyone actually visit that zone anymore? It was a novelty in cata that was quickly abandoned.

Ah yes, because truly what this game need is more of that moronic faction war writing.

I genuinely hate the eyesore that Azshara has become post-Cata fwiw but the game needs to bury the factions (it needed to do it in BC already), not find more ways to make them more relevant

As soon as we avenge the previous two wars (or you make a voluntary sacrifice), we will immediately stop.

Amusingly enough my Vulpera is almost never in Orgrimmar. High walls and stuff - from a desert nomad raised into a Death Knight?! No.

 My Vulpera loves riding around in the Necropolis. There’s something freeing about running around the Liches and Abominations and being a tenth their size and then bossing them around.

In real life I’m tall and lanky - but I love my Vulpera.

Also I ran out of likes for today. Sad fox.

Admittedly I very rarely visited Azshara before Cataclysm, but I heard that its concept was supposed to be of a haunted forest and despite it not having an overcast look to it, I kinda dug the idea. But I’m not a fan of goblins or their architecture so the revamped zone is pretty ick to me. I don’t think I’ve ever leveled through it as a result.


I farmed it for felcloth, and demon stones, quite regularly until Cata and for rep with Hydraxxion Waterlords.

I had a human warlock in vanilla. It took a lot to get to Azshara back then, I practically lived there it was such a peaceful zone.

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Look, I’m just trying to be fair to Goblins here. I didn’t appreciate it very much when Blizzard took my city off of the map. I can’t imagine that Goblin players would like it much either.

There is a Toy Hat quest unique to the Horde.

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Not that I am particularly interested/want the Alliance to become villains but in the event the Alliance does get Villain batted, I am hoping we get to inflict as much damage to the Horde as they have had to the Alliance.

So yeah bring on the mana bomb and we are going to nuke Bildgewater Harbor!

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When I tried to inflict tangible harm on the goblins, Droite said that cities are of no value to them because goblins don’t cling to the past.

Remember when the fist pump moment for alliance in Mists got everyone up in arms because they realized it was a literal pogrom (before people started pretending it was retroactively good in BfA)?

The minute they have the alliance do things on that level openly again the story forums will be nothing but complaints about the alliance losing the moral high ground.

Maybe then people who cling to the factions will finally get that they should have been removed years ago though.

What are these? I don’t know a single one. Or are you talking about the spy and the sanctuary of magic?

Do not hide. So what great harm are the night elves planning?