No Justice for the Kaldorei (9.1 Spoilers)

I don’t know how you look at Night Elf characters and conclude this… people STILL aren’t over what Val’sharah did to those characters, or what came before that.

I honestly find it kind of silly to think SoD is “completely” separate from WoT. The war started with WoT. Sylvanas needed ships for said war. She went to the Zandalari. The Alliance didn’t want the Horde to cause another WoT with their new ships so they attacked the Zandalari. It seems pretty straight-forward to me.

Tyrande dominating the Horde PC into helping her?

No, Malfurion’s main joke is, “My love!” Only it was Xavius. Hmm.
Everyone laughed at Malfurion.

Or deafening them I suppose.

Tyrande since about MOP has occupied the venerated position of “screeching idiot who is wrong”. Val’sharah was no exception. This does not make for a very enjoyable or charismatic leader.


Beyond the Alliance playerbase being weirdly obsessed with “stuff”, this is the fallacy of how a lot of Alliance/NE posters are thinking. Because we lost something -1, you must have gained something or broke even +1/+0. When in reality, the Horde gained nothing from the act itself (since we didn’t care about Teld), and the damage being force to “take” it was an immense net negative. So we end up with -1/-1. But for some reason (I would guess because its hard to imagine that the thing you valued being destroyed having no value for the one forced to destroy it without reason to) … that reality is really hard for some NE/Alliace players to accept.

So since they’ve convinced themselves that they lost and the Horde gained (or at least the Horde did not lose) … they demand the Horde also lose to even the playing field. But in reality, it really will only amount to creating the scenario of -1 Alliance/-2 Horde (if they hit something they don’t care about, like TB); or the scenario for +0 Alliance/-2 Horde if they hit something they do want to smash. Like Org or B.Harbor in your case.


Lord knows what they think when you’re a night elf main who enjoyed Teldrassil for the kick in the pants it did to the Night Elf narrative.

Well, the fundimental problem is really that Teld was a Net Negative/Net Negative for both sides, just for different reasons. Nothing positive came from that experience for the vast majority of players on both sides. Which resulted in a desire for meaningful resolution for the group that “lost” (the NEs), which means that has to come from the group that was “forced to take without reason to” (the Horde). Which … as understandable as it is, really does sort of come off as just passing the buck. Trying to shift more of the burden of the cost of BfA solely onto the shoulders of the Horde playerbase.


Create narrative arcs with no proper resolution? Because I assure you, nothing else came from it.

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Wanting to prioritize her faith to her husband was probably one of my favorite moments in Val’sharah. I didn’t get the impression that she was wrong in this scenario.

The Horde burned Teldrassil. -1/0.
The Horde lost its warriors in vain because they failed to win overnight (Saurfang’s plan). -1 / -1.
The Horde has committed genocide. -2 / -1.
The Horde has taken over Darkshore. -3 / -1.
The night elves have reclaimed Darkshore. -2 / -1.

The night elves commit genocide and destroy Orgrimmar. 0 / -1.


Oh no, the end is better than the journey to get there, but the journey to get there still happened, and despite that Xavius was involved, the content was still precision-built to annoy the player using the voices of these two characters.

It’s why it still gets joked about to this day.

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Oh, you’re a time traveler? That’s cool. I’m liking the narrative ATM but I haven’t seen how it ended.

With your time machine, do you mind telling me when 9.2 drops? Thanks.

God, you really are the worst NEPFA out there.

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I prefer to experience the story first hand as opposed to having it told to me second or third hand, so, I don’t consider that an advantage for Troll players. Having done the Echo Island story as a troll while it was fun to go through, it wasn’t nearly as cathartic as doing the War of Thorns as a Night Elf.

The Echo Islands story was just a quick one shot arc. The Darkshore events echoed through the entirety of BFA. There was a hell of a lot more development effort expended on that arc. And not only one but two cinematics came out of it.

It was sold as retribution for Teldrassil, when it involved no one who was actually responsible, or remotely involved, is the point. It being peripherally related because it was part of the same conflict doesn’t make it relevant. The Arathi Warfront is part of the same conflict, that doesn’t make it relevant to the Kaldorei.

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Could you explain this to me? I don’t see where you get catharsis from such an experience.

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"Beautiful" death

The Shadowlands expansion has ended. The hole above Icecrown has been repaired. Portals to Oribos are closed. All outsiders are exiled.
The welcoming delegation (consisting of representatives of the Horde and Alliance). Tyrande leads Sylvanas on a chain. The delegation wants to publicly execute Sylvanas. Tyrande wants to give Sylvanas to the night elves to be torn apart. The delegation argues that it is fair to let everyone see Sylvanas die. Tyrande talks about unfairly distributed losses. Someone talks about taking Sylvanas into custody. He immediately dies from moonfire. The delegation is outraged. The delegation is hiding behind a shield. The shields are broken. The delegation is badly damaged and stunned. Tyrande does not check their condition. Tyrande leads Sylvanas away.
Gallywix’s pleasure palace has been invaded, destroyed, and rebuilt by the night elves and their allies (the ancients, the witheroes). The Pleasure Palace is a stronghold of the night elves, and they attack Azshara. Anyone who did not have time to leave Azshara will die. The Goblin Rocket Railroad is destroyed. Bilgewater Harbor is besieging. You can only leave the Harbor through a portal or by water. The gates of Orgrimmar are guarded, no one will get out. Azshara belongs to the night elves.
Mulgore is attacked by the night elves. Mulgore is protected. Local animals join the siege. Mulgore is protected. Beasts and plants are affected by the Nightmare. Mulgore fell.
The druids are investigating the reasons for the resumption of activity by Nightmares. Some druids fall prey to the Nightmare. Some druids cannot leave the Dream. Many druids report the Nightmare in Nordrassil.
Armies storm Nordrassil. The area is infested with Nightmare. No monsters found. Each tree has a wisp next to it. The wild gods sleep in The Seeds of Ardenweald. The armies reach Nordrassil. The roots of the World Tree are infected with the Nightmare. The horn sounds. Wisp’s explode. Hyjal is on fire. Those who were near the Wild Gods will survive. Nordrassil cleared of the Nightmare by fire.
Stormrad is destroyed.
Shardris (the traitor) reports that the night elves are in Teldrassil. The night elves have learned and are using the Nightmare.
The goblins are using Gallywix’s Pride. Bilgewater Harbor is partially (up to 100%) destroyed by the explosion. Teldrassil is significantly damaged.
Armies attack Teldrassil. Armies storm Darnassus. The armies storm the Temple of Elune. Fight with Malfurion and Tyrande. Malfurion is slain. Tyrande speaks with Shandris about the Alliance and Horde. Shandris does not believe that the Horde and the Alliance should die. Tyrande says she has retaliated. Tyrande tries to kill herself. Shandris gets in her way. Elune’s power leaves Tyrande. Tyrande becomes Withered.
News Item: Orgrimmar has been invaded by the night elves. Refugees in the Broken Isles. Refugees in areas of Kalimdor not captured by the night elves. Night elf reinforcements arrive. Shandris announces herself as the new High Priestess. Shandris orders the aliens to leave Teldrassil. Threat: death. The withered Tyrande remains with the night elves.

Night elves are villains. This should tarnish the Alliance. This should distract attention from the Horde’s atrocities. Capturing major points of Kalimdor and destroying Storwind is a “cure” for the Night Elves’ fantasy. The horde is punished.
Disadvantages. The author of the plot is me (extreme stupidity is everywhere). It’s enough.
An edited version of the “Beautiful Death” storyline.


I am ready to make a sacrifice. So what about calculations?

Lol imagine saying the story is bad cause its theme isnt war crimes good