No Justice for the Kaldorei (9.1 Spoilers)

Not in the slightest. SoD was a direct consequence of the Horde asking them for ships. It has nothing to do with WoT.

They asked for ships to be used in the war that started in WoT.

This is what I was talking about before - as long as you continue trying to “keep score” like this, people are going to continue arguing endlessly about what counts and what doesn’t.


And the Horde wanting ships was a direct result of the war started from Teldrassil.

Teldrassil is a through-line from which all the events of the expansion sans the N’zoth plot kick-off from.

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How can you even enjoy Retail?

Out of curiosity.

The Zandalari had nothing to do with WoT, and not a single main Night Elf character participated in SoD. It is irrelevant.

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Oh well if they did, cool then. I hadn’t heard anyone bring that up.

Okay, let’s not keep score. The Alliance will simply punch the Horde in the face, the Horde will not defend. And we will assume that we are quits.

So wait, all it would take for SoD to be relevant is to simply have…let’s say, Shandris doing stuff to make it relevant?

Are you asking this Kyalin?

I am asking everyone

And yet, the Night Elves had nothing to do with any of it outside of reclaiming land that was taken from them. The Night Elves didn’t start the long train of events in BfA, the Horde did. And the Night Elves didn’t play a part in any of it after being defeated.

Literally where did I say that lmao

All I did was point out the ridiculousness of the statement “genocided to oblivion”

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I can’t. That’s why I want to see changes.

Btw The horde won the 2nd war.

This is pure facts.

Perhaps if a Nelf character Killed Sylvanas in Dazar’Alore, then it would be relevent. That didn’t happen. It was a completely seperate war. EK Alliance fighting a foe that wasn’t there for WoT.


The Night Elves have more powerful and prominent leadership than the entire Horde.

Malfurion literally held the entire Horde military at bay. Characters like Tyrande (still powered up) and Maiev are prominent and while I think their portrayals could use work (it’s a matriarchy - Malfurion sit down) they’re still powerful.

Seriously, the Horde council is a joke in comparison to them. The only group better developed in heroes is Humans and they’re a joke for a different reason (it’s comical how powerful they are - and then there’s Anduin). We are recruiting Alliance castoffs to lead the Forsaken!

I get it. Teldrassil was stupid. But try to keep things in perspective. Your people are devastated but your leaders are not jokes.


There’s a wide range of emotions a shocking event like that would have caused to anyone watching it. We can only talk about our personal reactions and I was aghast. I definitely wasn’t cheering.

This is where Alliance players list their dozen locations and characters scarred by the Horde and Horde Players reference the Vbat and Taurajo/purge.

Since our leaders are not joking … Screaming … Will the Horde agree to die to prove it to us?