No Justice for the Kaldorei (9.1 Spoilers)

But these events occurred before WoW existed, is the point. You might of liked trolls back then, but no one was a troll player yet. People became troll players already knowing those events took place.

Why is this person included?

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I mean, I could see the point if it was part of a larger narrative where the tragedy is used as motivation to eventually bring down the people who caused it.

I just don’t see that second part being realized here, at least not by the Night Elves. It more felt like we were collateral damage for other peoples’ introspection or other peoples’ stories… again.


Yakuza is such a wonderful video game series.

Is that you? You are from the same realm. This person has come off as really accusatory towards me which gives me suspicion that they were involved in the doxxing/harassment.

They may not be, if they weren’t it’s my mistake. It’s not like I can accuse anyone of any real action it’s all anonymous. Again forgive me for being defensive.

Real life Harassment and harassment on other platforms is not cool, I hope the one who did it is reading this thread and thinks about how what they did was out of line.

Alright. What would you want as a proper retribution for Teldrassil?

The arcs that were created in BfA have ended. Maybe get that hood off so you can see it clearly.

Please don’t take this the wrong way, but if the part regarding Tyrande is hoping for more from the Night Warrior arc I think I can safely say you can cut your losses. The whole arc has been a dumpster fire.

I doubt they will sort out all the other things listed effectively but the Night Warrior arc? I’m not even sure there is a way to salvage it.


pretty sure telling a worgen to ‘roll over’ (as well as ‘sit up’, ‘beg’, ‘fetch’, ‘go for a walk’, and ‘go lay down’) is in-universe hate speech


You know moon guard is a huge and popular realm, right? We are not the same.

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I can answer that.

Teldrassil, when you remove the moral implications (which are not nothing and deserve separate discussion), was an episode where the Horde looks onscreen as though it is kicking the tar out of the playable race. Yes, there were a thousand offscreen caveats, including contrivances to take away local allies, their army, etc., but what made it onscreen was Horde dominance. They poured millions of dollars into cinematics, art, and environments all engineered to display Horde dominance, and it was extremely effective.

So, turn that around. Portray a Night Elf reconquest of Ashenvale using similar tools to make the Night Elves and their local allies look terrifying again. Whether it’s a questline, a scenario, or whathaveyou. Use that metal album cover veneer that they used so effectively in the War of the Thorns to show that the Night Elves are back and are taking the fight to the Horde.

Then, when they reach Ashenvale’s geographical borders - freeze the conflict in stalemate. Make it clear that they can’t breach the Southfury river gorge because goblin artillery is covering the chokepoints - throw up the Warsong Clan in opposing their attempts to push past the Mor’shan Rampart, and then regarding the latter - funnel the conflict into existing, if enhanced battlegrounds, so that those seeking to continue to fight (on both sides) can do so on a field of actual competition, rather than one that Blizzard decides by fiat.


A lot of people were… here in the forums, players in-game, and in the canon written by Blizzard.

Once again, it sucks that we are in this position. It sucks that you feel the need to stonewall calls for Kaldorei justice because you are afraid of what that means for your own faction.

But the fact that you hate War of Thorns so much shows that you know that the Kaldorei were wronged, and that we are owed something for it. I blame blizzard for that, not you specifically.

This isn’t a desire to make Horde players pay. This is a fantasy race I love. And I have watched for years, the erasure of their racial and cultural identity. I have watched for years the declawing of the Night Elves. Having them portrayed as incompetent and weak, often for the sake for the development of other races.

And yeah, Night Elves aren’t the only ones with that problem, it’s just he one I, personally, care the most about… but shouldn’t that mean we’re on the same side? We both want better writing from Blizzard. We both demand that Blizzard deliver onto us what we, as paying customers and dedicated fans, deserve?

No matter how you slice it. Tyrande accomplishing nothing with the powers of the Night Warrior. Her quest for Vengence dead ending without any sort of retribution or closure gained, is not good for anybody.


Hate speech doesnt exist in the game apparently.

That…actually doesn’t sound so bad.

Ask the sin’dorei, we’re apparently the experts at fielding full armies despite near complete annihilation, the rest of Azeroth are basically amateurs


Do you want a worse option? The night elves conquer Ashenvale, break into Azshara, build a fortress there, simultaneously storm Bilgewater Harbor and Ogrimmar. And they win.
The night elves reclaimed all their lands and ensured that they would no longer be encroached upon. Hooray.

I’ll push back on this - it wouldn’t be fair to the goblins. (Sorry, didn’t see the Orgrimmar bit - it’s not fair to the entire Horde)

Sucks, but we do have to make that compromise.

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  • In Sanctum of Domination, you will take her bow off her corpse.

For not at least we know Sylvanas is now finally being killed. I do wonder how she dies.

And if you limit yourself to capturing Azshara?