No Justice for the Kaldorei (9.1 Spoilers)

I think it’s important enough to bear repeating (despite highlighting this part of Kyalin’s post as well):

This is precisely why everyone is mad about BfA. The winners won things they don’t really care about, and so it does just about nothing to ease the pain of the crushing loss.


I genuinely don’t think they are since there’s been no word for ages.
I feel like if asked Blizzard would say “heritage armor was a feature of Battle for Azeroth”.

They uh, they said in Blizzcon they are still making those for every race.

I can see that, but I wouldn’t use that in the case of Dazar’alor for instance to fold my arms and block Zandalari proposals for some kind of revenge for what happened. That’s one of the reasons why I enthusiastically boost a Zandalari superpower idea where they unify Azeroth’s tribes and cause trouble for the Alliance all around the world in a bid to one day get revenge on the Proudmoores.

One thing that has to be acknowledged here is that these humiliations do need to be answered. I would go from there to say thereafter that reprisals and hitbacks should happen and set things up so that further tit for tats can be resolved in battlegrounds through actual PVP gameplay, while the PVE story veers off and does something different.


When you have read one night elf thread you have read them all.

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A lot of the complains about meanie Horde players rubbing it in people’s faces comes from a fundamental lack of understanding that most people aren’t that psychotic about this game and that I can post memes of a giant laughing Garrosh face in the sky above Teldrassil and also dislike it as a narrative decision.


But that’s irrelevant. This thread is about Night Elves. It is about Teldrassil. Why else would Horde players feel the need to come in here and say “Well, Horde lost stuff too” if not for the purpose of washing away WoT?


I miss Hungarr :frowning:

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You don’t have to get something to pay. You broke our vase. Let us break yours. Oh, is she already broken? Nothing wrong. We will break your other vase. Yes, the vases count will be -1 / -2. Or do you want to buy me a new vase? Then the score will be 0 / -1. Take your pick.


Для того чтобы платить вы не обязательно должны что-то получить. Вы разбили нашу вазу. Дай же нам разбить твою. Ой, она уже разбита? Ничего страшного. Мы разобьем другую твою вазу. Да, счет по вазам будет-1/-2. Или ты хочешь купить мне новую вазу? Тогда счет будет 0/-1. Выбирай.

I wouldn’t say it’s irrelevant considering they are both part of the same narrative of the same expansion.


Holy cow that’s a level of detachment with the story that I cannot even understand.


Has the meaning. We are “forbidden” to interfere with the “Horde repair”.

N’zoth and War of Thorns are part of the same narrative of the same expansion, yet the two are entirely irrelevant to each other.

I mean, I don’t think using these instances to set off another round of reprisals is necessarily a bad idea, narratively.

The issue I have with it is that Blizzard never lays the narrative groundwork for it. Many Horde players are upset with Stormheim not because of what happened there but because of how it seemed to get swept under the rug. The loss of Lordaeron is, again, narratively swept under the rug. The defeat at Dazar’alor is basically never mentioned again. The only thing that has persisted is, yes, Teldrassil - this is what forms the core of a lot of the “whitewashing” complaints you hear. It’s not that it doesn’t deserve mention in the narrative, it’s that the narrative (and a fair number of players) want to club Horde players over the head with it endlessly, and never, ever acknowledge the fact that the Horde should have legitimate narrative grievances that the writers don’t feel like talking about.

In this I do appreciate your evenhandedness, even if we disagree elsewhere.


You know… If you think about it… blizzard cant hurt the factions because they are already dead.

You need to realize that the alliance and Horde are dead gone.

It’s time to let reality into the room.

There are no factions. There is only…

Making gold from retail and playing classic or unsubbing because blizzard is terrible.

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Or, you know, it’s just an expression of how Night Elf players are feeling right now. Your inability to empathize shows that you really haven’t had the same experience.

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Eh, Teldrassil is being swept under the rug as well with this, it just took them longer to distract, to change the goalposts, and to eventually take it away given the scale of the event. It took them longer to digest this, now they appear to feel as though they can dispose of it.

Of course, what you mentioned demonstrates that, no, you can’t. Players have longer memories than that, and that carries through to how they see the conflict, how they react when clear and obvious points to them are ignored or dismissed, and ultimately, how they are either satisfied or dissatisfied with the story.

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N’zoth, yeah, I would say it’s irrelevant, but it’s not really the same case with WoT and SoD. SoD was a direct consequence of WoT. They are both things that pertain to the narrative of the faction war.

Looking to close a deal? All your grievances - Taurajo, Purge, dwarven excavation, goblin ship, etc. In exchange for Teldrassil?
It will be an interesting deal. A grandiose grievance of one race against the many “minor” grievances of almost all races of the Horde.

Alas as per usual the words of the ignorant reduce the word of the wise to a silent whisper.

Find Enlightenment my friends. It wants to be found.

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