No Justice for the Kaldorei (9.1 Spoilers)

Not one Naga. THE Naga that killed Vol’jin’s Father.

The Naga that was responsible for literally the entire thing.

Oi! Oi! Some of the most notorious self pitying victim joined the fray! Real entertainment is now starting.


That trolls need a serious rehabilitation is not an argument that Night Elves don’t.

And I’ll just use this occasion to once again advocate for the Zandalari superpower idea that I rather like. Bring the tribes in under one roof, and start reversing their decline.


Honestly I can’t remember. The Theramore citizens always stuck out to me the most during that part. I guess I could hop on and run through the instance to check; I’m not doing anything anyway.

I was annoyed by Vol’jin’s rebellion. I remember being put off when I read about how he was described with repulsive body odor, the threat he made (and yes, the counter-threat being added in later). And the entire patch’s worth of implied effort went to nothing but Vol’jin’s men running into a literal meat grinder because he couldn’t even do the one thing he promised, which was secure the docks.

He kinda amounted to nothing and died as a nothing. So personally I’m not too thrilled to see this loa stuff with him in Ardenweald, because from now on, he’s just going to function as a reminder that he nominated Sylvanas for BFA in the first place. It’s ugh.

Oh, I’m not trying to say the night elves don’t. I just wanted to clarify that something similarly WW2-ish happened to trolls too, just on a smaller narrative scale.


Or the lie that stoked hope in Sylvanas fans that she would be the one “to save us” when wa wa wa she destroyed us.

Wild west that the open public platforms are, is not a thing for everyone. All I can say is, having a clear goal in what are you trying to accomplish when visit those places, helps a lot to avoid burn out or diving into negativity.

Unless diving into negativity is the goal, but even though there are some revelations to be found in such states, with the authority of internet nobody I would recommend not to do it.

Nah, after looking in more details, there is not much difference in the methods and approach to how the devs deconstruct elements of the story.

IMO the forum war take is not a productive approach, because that makes it harder to spot how similar and undesired the things done are.

At the same time, I have to admit that no other group of players managed to actually scratch the self-confidence so to say, of the WoW narrative team. Not the orc fans, with how their “manipuleted by fel” story was followed up. Not the forsaken fans after all the mess with Sylvanas.

Question is, will it be possible to use the current situation to highlight the bad aspects of the story and be, while without insults / harassment, but consistently opposing the narrative direction taken.

it’s kind of hard to predict. Plus, not clear if there are people in the dev team who actually care about what made WoW originally, and attracted players, or mostly just those who want to use the known brand name to place under those masks their own ideas, however foreign they are to the original game concepts.

gl hf


Which is fair, but there is a rather common tactic that I’ve noticed to bring up other issues as though they cancel themselves out. They do not in my mind, they just expose other problems that deserve their own discussions - even if I acknowledge that many of these fixes need to take place at the same time.

For instance, I believe that an onscreen Night Elf reclamatory victory is incomplete without a Forsaken one in the EK. But again, those needs do not cancel each other out.

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Yeah, Blizzard really made Vol’jinn seem incompetent. He even came off that way in books I read. It honestly seemed intentional sometimes.

I think we can agree that Troll fans and Night Elf fans deserve to feel competent and powerful. It annoys me when people try to write off the complaints of nelf fans with “Well, Race-X didn’t get what they wanted either.”

Like… Okay? So why are you against me?


You always have good points.

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I wish I could learn to speak without constant wall-o-text mode

gl hf


I hear ya…


Me three. Baal could also jump in here on wall of texts. But it just means we all care about the subject matter enough to write novels in the SF about it.

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The way I read that whole exchange, it was aimed at the idea that there is simply no way the Night Elves can NOT have the resolution they want. The original point was not so much “Group A can’t have it because Group B didn’t get it” and more “Group A shouldn’t necessarily expect it because the fact that Group B didn’t get it demonstrates that the devs don’t see it that way.”


I guess then you’ll be satisfied when the Jailer is defeated - the entity responsible for the entire thing, the person who actually wanted all those Night Elf souls sent to the Maw.

You won’t want anymore justice from the Horde or the Forsaken, or even Sylvanas because the one responsible will be taken care of.

Yeah, I thought not.

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If anyone is surprised by this I have a bridge to sell them. From the moment Anduin said ‘there can be no peace with the Horde while Sylvanas is Warchief’, this was a bygone outcome. It was always going to be her going back to normal and a forgiveness arc, or her dying and being replaced by Shandris. You can even go back through my comments and see me calling this months and months ago.

Frankly, I prefer this outcome to her dying, because I’d put the idea of any sort of recompense for the Horde out of my mind two years ago after the Darkshore patch.

Hopefully the heritage armour chain, if they’re even still doing those, provides some advancement as to the state of Kalimdor.

The Jailer didn’t kill those night elves. Sylvanas did, and the Horde aided her. Direct responsibility merits direct judgement. We can worry about the associations later.

If a gang member killed your family under orders from a gang leader, would you spare the gang member so you can kill the gang leader?


The devs think “fair treatment” is giving the factions equal amount of gripes not equity.

An eye for an eye and whatnot.

Not a good argument for why the Darkspear Trolls wouldn’t want to go after the rest of the Naga after defeating only the one Sea Witch.

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1000 Elves were burned in Teldrassil according to Tyrande in Shadows Rising(not to mention the Quest Text where we are forced to escape Teldrassil while it’s burning)! That wasn’t the entirety of the Species!