No Justice for the Kaldorei (9.1 Spoilers)

Zandalari didn’t join the Horde until Talanji took the Throne.

Rastakhan was an independent leader of an independent nation unaffiliated with the Horde.


No gymnastics necessary. You had Rastakhan for a whole 2 patches, and want to pretend he was super important. Even though it was obvious from day one that Talanji was going to be the Zandalari representation in the Horde.

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I don’t even know why I bothered engaging with intellectually dishonest people.


why are the SFD malding over akiyass again?

They fear me

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Words might be my weakness… But fear or jealousy are probably words I would associate with them :slight_smile:
Did ayrenn tell them to stop posting?

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Schrodinger’s faction lore, whether or not a character, zone or group actually counts as part of such is directly dependent on whether or not being so happens to benefit the latest round of petulant Night Elf forum whining. See also - Ardenweald, Suramar.


Sylvanas will become good and, to atone, will become the new Nelf leader to help rebuild Teldrassil while Tyrande fuses with Elune.


Wouldn’t put it past Blizz to forget Sylvanas isn’t a nelf because she is blue at this point.

hey ghost we unbanned you from the discord.

This is deliberately ignoring the distinctions I set out, as well as my earlier comments that I didn’t see you in the vein of the bad actors that have used this tactic before as well as my comments to other Night Elf fans that they needed to back off.

If you haven’t noticed, there’s a significant community of Horde fans that either rub this event in our faces, or declare that no fix should happen, ever. Both of these positions are extreme, and they invite extreme reactions.

My previous comments aside - I’m going to pause here because if you’ve been doxxed and that’s been tied to your real identity - that behavior is absolutely inexcusable and we all need to stand up and say so.

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It might not measure up the same way that something as impactful as Teldrassil was, but if I recall correctly, patch 5.3 did have trolls under house arrest and being sniped from the rooftops in Orgrimmar while others were being held at gunpoint by firing squads just outside in Durotar.


If you mean “make a joke about it” leading you to hoping they lose their job and suffer IRL or use their name as a slur in your discord, then yeah I’d consider that an extreme reaction.

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wishing bad stuff on blizzard is always a good thing.

And I mean stuff like “I hope you drop a penny”, not" I hope your dog dies"

Defeating Zanzil was the retaking of the Echo Isles that’s as referenced. The Echo Isles were not taken over by the Naga Sea Witch.

The Darkspear punished one Naga - some vengeance.

They absolutely would still have an investment in dealing with Azshara and her clan in Nazjatar but it’s ignored.


Thank you.

The intention was not to poke fingers at you specifically, I have really enjoyed our one on one discourse and I consider you to be a powerhouse of reason in this forum. That being said you do come off as a figurehead of authority to other night elf fans considering your position as a leader in a night elf discord.

I trust you to be a good judge, Warden.

Your regularity to leap out and declare that you resemble the accusation never ceases to amaze me.

I didn’t play Horde at that time, so I never knew that. But, that was eventually answered with Vol’jinn’s rebellion, and Vol’jinn becoming Warcheif. I’ll give you this though… Vol’jinn was done dirty in Legion.

'cause you’ve got this tendency to use it as justification for your horrid behavior and justify irl threats.


I forget, where they also used as target practice by Garrosh’s goons. Or was it just some goblins(i really should go back to SoO one of these days).