No Justice for the Kaldorei (9.1 Spoilers)

We are angry at Blizzard for putting us in this position. You should be too. It is literally an unwinnable situation. Blizzard literally wrote themselves into a corner where they can’t satisfy their player base without being grossly unfair to the other.

That is why we are upset, and instead of being on our side, Horde players rubbed the Burning of Teldrassil in our faces. You weren’t here for that.


If only it was hatred. That would at least suggest some level of passion still at play.

But it isn’t. It’s something arguably worse. Apathy and incompetence.

WoW’s story is far from the only aspect of it struggling. How many veteran players warned Blizz about the inevitable failing of Azerite armor? Or the obvious problems the Covenant system would bring? Or how depowering players in Torghast would turn it into a chore?

I really, sincerely, have no idea what Blizz is even attempting to do at this point. So many of their decisions are so obviously wrong-headed that it can feel hateful or at least deliberately antagonistic.

But unless this is all some very elaborate money laundering scheme I doubt that’s the objective.


The end of the Troll starting zone is to defeat the Sea Witch that nearly wiped out the Darkspear and killed Vol’jin’s father. This is after the pre-launch event with taking the Isles back from the Troll Witch Doctor.

It is in fact you who doesn’t know what they’re talking about.

Darkspear got their vengeance.

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I am angry at Blizzard I said that above. Im not happy about the fact that Ethel feels vindicated in doxxing me for some sick purposes that she should really get psychological help for.

I doubt I’m not the first person she’s done this to.

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Which is a huge part of the toxicity in the community that’s the direct result of factional entrenchment. People are so nose deep in their faction of choice that they can’t smell what’s cooking; they’d rather continue being a cruel person IRL rather than take a step back and be objective about the situation.

And that is by design, on Blizzard’s part.


I always thought the story development would be better focused on building up than tearing down. Blizzard never does building up, and it’s high time that they actually did for once.

Do something like FFXIV’s Ishgard Restoration to build the night elves a new home on Hyjal. FF had a community event spanning over several patches where players all came together with gathering and crafting to turn in items and rebuild the damage to Ishgard, the city of the first expansion. It ended with the game adding a new housing district for player homes to be in Ishgard. And it had a bunch of emotes, pets, mounts, and transmog as incentive.

Do something similar. Turn Hyjal into an endgame hub for people to do dailies (probably both crafting and combat, since WoW’s crafting is nowhere near as fleshed out as FFXIV’s) that gradually over time will turn Hyjal into a new city for the night elves. Phased of course, so people can still do the Cata era quests. That way the players feel like they’re contributing to helping the night elves recover, and the world gets positive development for once instead of stuff just constantly being destroyed. Add rewards like toys/mounts/transmog so people who otherwise wouldn’t care about story development would still want to do it.


You weren’t doxxed. No one here knows your real full name or where you live. You got exposed for trying to hide on your Nelf Alt to come off as credible when commenting on Night Elf issues.

I’ve experienced real harassment on multiple platforms, some which have my real identity tied to them just for posting in this forum.

Forgive me for being a little scared and paranoid. I’m suspicious of you for casually downplaying it as no big deal.

Maybe this fandom should be way less toxic and focus on the story not other fans.

While awesome, that goes back to the issue of them not focusing on specific race themed stuff. It’s Alliance, Horde, or Heroes; races don’t exist anymore for the purposes of the story and game.

It’s why we haven’t and won’t get Gilneas rebuilt, or Teldrassil, Lordaeron, Theramore… on and on.

Those places don’t suit the story for the big three.


However you slice it, this is a very boring climax of Tyrande’s vengeance spiral. And it’s ending in the same way Jaina’s did

Everything’s fine now, retribution and justice are not worth pursuing, let’s just focus on renewal until it happens again. It’s sweet but it’s unearned and extremely anticlimactic.


I want multiple Night Elf raids almost every expansion. It’s only fair.


You can have multiple raids on elves that aren’t even tangentially related to the playable Kaldorei. Since that would be what you’re actually asking for.

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Honestly a good point.

Jaina at the beginning of BFA: “I am listening now, Father.”
Jaina at the end of BFA: “Feeling up orc bicep”

Daelin is rolling in his grave.

And honestly, it’s hard. The Horde has often been allowed to peruse the more aggressive story archs, which has resulted in a number of their character’s dying.

Whereas Alliance never really get to do those things, but their characters get to stay alive. It’s honestly hard to determine which is preferable.


It literally wasn’t.

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Like the Zandalar raid, which killed a faction leader?

Far more impactful than Teldrassil ever was.


That’s the unfortunate truth yeah. I don’t expect them to do anything like my suggestion but it’d be so nice if they did just for the sake of actually making things better for once. I’m tired of the only changes to the world only ever being stuff being blown up.

As long as they are elf factions not tied to the playable faction. I am sure you got plenty of that in Legion.

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It wasn’t and Rastakhan wasn’t a faction leader.

Welcome to the world of anyone who is still Horde because of WC3 story.


If you want to perform mental gymnastics, sure.