No, it is absolutely not bussines as usual!

LOL. “Like Farming”.


Because the attention they get from doing so is the reason they get out of bed in the morning.


I use to be exactly like you during 2016 when Classic was in the air. However I came to the reality that the forums are for dedicated fans that are 10% the player base or less. I believe the average joe whose been playing WoW forever don’t even know the forums exist or check it once per 10 years.

But what I’m trying to say, people here are just screaming in a very empty room :slightly_smiling_face:. That’s all this place is to me now.


You’re like a kid who sticks his own macaroni picture up on the fridge and calls himself a goodboy. Self validation is healthy… usually.

All you have to do to get instant likes is keep rage fit posting that you are mad at Blizzard. Unsub and move on with your life.


Speaking for myself, there are aspects of the game I dislike and I post about them. Blizzard has asked for feedback many times, sometime customers give negative feedback.

The ultimate feedback is voting with your wallet.

People here arent complaining that negative feedback exists.

Only the OP’s repetitive brand of it.


What a surprise, you post something negative about WoW in the Forums, and people like your post.

Maybe it’s because there’s a buncha people that just blindly hate everything wow does and will like anything that hates on WoW? :thinking:

I can fully admit that WoW ain’t perfect, but it’s also not nearly as bad as people like you try to make it out to be.


Well said.

How can you convince people are brainwashed into thinking a certain way, without asking yourself first “Am I the brainwashed one?”

When you go beyond criticizing a game, to mindlessly complaining about it, to then complaining and low-key insulting players, all you’re doing is making yourself look bad. You accomplish very little with topics like these, but continue to disillusion yourself into thinking that you’re making a positive difference. It’s foolish, and doesn’t help the game, or the players one bit.


That doesn’t really mean that anyone is taking you seriously. They could be liking your posts because you’re an angry clown whose rage makes them laugh.

Not saying you are that, I’m just saying that likes and being taken seriously are not the same thing.

I think they read our criticism and sometimes every adjust for it. WoW is a product they make money on. They will continue to design the game based on how they think they can make money with the least investment. IMO, the “time played” metric will continue to be a major goal in WoW design.

I don’t follow you. I see many valid points in their OP.

Perfect example of blind blizzard defending, calling people who post valid criticism just “blind hate” and ‘outrage culture’.

That is why WoW will never improve and why there’s no point coming back

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Chest his thread creation history.

He just created another thread like this yesterday morning. He does this every 1-2 days. And if anyone dares disagree with him, its because they lack intelligence. Its his way, or you are wrong and stupid.

Shut your face! Nobody is allowed to like the game and if you are playing it and liking it clearly you are blinded and only those who are full time haters who don’t even play anymore can see the big picture!

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Outrage culture is a thing, and there is plenty of it here on GD. To deny that… takes away your credibility. There are valid points in a lot of the negativity, but there is also outrage culture.

Yeah, maybe you shouldn’t, then. :slight_smile:


Then why do you keep coming back and posting every day / every other day?

You clearly have nothing to actually input. You’re just concern trolling, pretending to care, when you really don’t, and just want to stirr the pot.


That is a subjective statement. For some the game design is really bad, for others just some aspects are bad. For me, there is enough fun in the game to counter aspects of the game I dislike.

Because I am clearly not talking to you or me, I am simply showing players that have unsubbed or might want to return that there is no reason to with loyal defenders like you who will play anything blizzard gives you no matter how bad : )

Just want to show them that there is no hope

Report him for topic spamming.