No, it is absolutely not bussines as usual!

Blizzard blind defenders often try to pretend that all the criticism, complaints, subscriber exodus and BfA or 8.3 forum negativity is just “Business as usual”.

It is an excuse blizzard defenders use not to convince anyone since the rest of us knows what’s up, but themselves since they just cant admit that their game is just terrible.

The design choices of BfA prove it is anything but business as usual.

-BfA has record low subs(But hey, feel free to pretend BfA is successful and keeps players playing) yet has also record number of “I am done, I quit, Bye, This game is trash” threads.
This isnt business as usual, the game is anything but fine and the amount of even long time players posting they are leaving says a lot about how damaged WoW is.

-“Corrupted gear is just normal, it is just like legendaries”
Completely ignoring the fact that legendaries not only had a vendor at the last patches but they also would drop sooner or later and you would be done.
Meanwhile for corrupted gear:
1 layer of RNG) You need the item to be corrupted
2 layers of RNG) Then you need it to have a specific corrupted effect
3 layers of RNG) then you also need it to have a specific tier 3 corruption level

4th on the 3rd power level of RNG) Oh and you think you are done? With cloak resistance rising you are gonna need 2-3 of those to drop as well

-“WoW is an mmorpg, it makes sense your character’s power increases based on your loot”.
Another example of business as usual post pretending that nothing has really changed, since WoW was always about gear things havent changed, it just happens to be that in BfA, said grindy, timegated or RNG based gear happens to be around more than 50% of your passive DPS altogether while in the past gear mattered, but 80% was your player character and skill, not azerite/essences/corrupted gear

-“Its an mmorpg, it has always had grinds”
Completely ignoring the fact that the grinds and timegates have been increased 10fold as of late in order to keep subs going and focusing more on grinding and timegated systems rather than fun systems.

-“Game always had bugs lol and bad launches, this is fine, it has totes nothing to do that the 800 employee firing of blizzard during record profit also affected the QA department”
That is yet another blind drone defense, pretending the amount of bugs or severity of bugs is just “NORMAL” and BUSINESS AS USUAL while it is anything but that, 8.3 is one of the buggiest patches out there and the bugs arent even finished, to the point they had to despawn nzoth for limit world first. Anyone who isnt a blind blizzard defender can see that the quality and QA of blizzard has been decimated lately.

-“PvP is fine, you can still outplay opponents”
Another excellent example of blizzard shill trying to defend the indefensible, anyone who has been playing WoW during MoP knows that current WoW pvp is beyond trash, the amount of pruning has ruined any serious competitive pvp but because blizzard desperately throws money on trying to make arenas look like an e-sport wow fan people keep pretending pvp is fine. Because the people that know very well that current WoW pvp is trash have unsubbed a long time ago.

These are just a few of the obvious example of blizz fan people trying to tell themselves things are OK and the game doesnt have crushing problems that make most of people unsub and that WoW is just fine but has a few small problems while people unsub in droves.


Here man, have a Snickers.


Seems pretty business as usual to me.

Only real big difference is people posting about WC3 in the WoW forums, like we care for some reason. :woman_shrugging:

Even that’s pretty business as usual these days though. :thinking:


Sounds like every expansion to me.

See you in the prepatch!


For the ones who read this thread from the outside, that is why WoW wont be improving, because people like them will still play no matter how bad WoW becomes, i ve said that.


May I please have your gold when you quit?

No im converting all my 1.7mil to balance so I can get something out of it myself :3


Nice opinion. :woman_shrugging:

Shouldn’t you be playing SWTOR tho?


Don’t forget that some people say that BFA is alt friendly when that isn’t the case. Essences need to be account bound for BFA to start to be considered player friendly.


Yet another example of blizzard fanperson defense, pretending facts are “just an opinion yo”
All your complaints, all the issues you had with this game, all the objectively terrible changes in the game? In their eyes, they are just an “opinion” as there are no objective facts that ever go against their beliefs.

Also I am :3
Trying to decide which tactical aka legendary I want along with what set bonus I want from the vendor takes some time though for my arsenal merc, so many choices unlike this game xD


So… here’s my question for you:

If you dislike WoW and Blizzard so much to post so many negative threads about it and them, why are you still playing and posting?

Here’s a follow-up question:

Do you actually and honestly think that anything you post in the negative about is going to change enough that you’ll be happy with it?


The reason I am doing this is simply to show the kind of people that still play and defend blizzard games even when the game is at it’s objectively worst, I am showing outsiders the fact that people will defend the indefensible and that is why blizzard wont change.

Merely collecting examples of blind fan person defense of blizz, hell there were a few posts in some other of my threads trying to defend WC3: REFUNDED XD

I am posting, not playing, havent played anything since before 8.3 launched since I am not gonna partake in trashy grindy and timegated systems : )



I have plenty of problems with WoW.

I just don’t take hyperbole seriously, especially form someone who does nothing but make negative threads day in day out and do nothing but complain while supposedly no longer playing and is off playing other games. :woman_shrugging:

Also, having played SWTOR, I too, enjoy pointless choices that have no real overarching bearing on the storyline, because no matter what you do, things have to continue in the same order as always. :slight_smile:


Another quality Ralph thread.

He couldn’t just continue in his multitude of others.

He has to make multiple threads complaining, and whine and insult anyone that disagrees.

For a game that you claim you don’t play, you regularly make many extremely long posts and hover on the WoW message boards. Constantly.


I’m not looking forward to your long, vitriolic, posts in Shadowlands… and we all know they’ll be there. Either way, see ya in Pre-patch/SL.


As you can see this blizz defender is pretending the specific points in the OP that many unsubbed for are just “hyperbole”

That is the kind of person that plays blizzard games these days religiously.


Look I’ll bash Blizzard because BFA is the worst expansion made so far but OP, you’re part of the problem. They already got preorder money from you. Why would you bash Blizzard hard then turn around and give them preorder money?? It’s like :crazy_face: :crazy_face:


And again, what do you think that’s going to do? What’s the end goal?

As you can see, the toxic troll here is pretending he cares about WoW.

This is the kind of person that hangs out on message boards for a game he doesn’t play these days religiously.


You can post without an active account (yours truly) and…personally I don’t think any of this is going to change unless blizzard sees some real fallout from their decisions.

Which…they might not if deniers keep playing.:sweat:

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