This doesn’t seem to be a particularly healthy use of your time. It’s OK not to like the direction a game is going, but this is starting to border on obsession.
It must be hard from someone looking from the inside, but for the players that have quit WoW or players who might want to look into WoW and know of it’s problems, showing them how blizzdrones will vehemently defend even the worst of Blizzard decisions is a great demotivator : )
Or the people that might want to come back only to see that the game has gotten worse yet blizzard still has blind fans defending them, it isnt about you
None of us want the game to die…we just want it to get better. Player feedback doesn’t seem to do anything, so…we’ll quit and voice our opinions.Money talks, we hope.
I’d come back in a heartbeat if any of this changed for the better. But…will it?
I don’t know. I’ll see in shadowlands.
I swear you’ve made like 20 threads about the same topic.
At this point, i’m willing to rule it as spam.
And I have no issue with that. The OP creates a new one of these threads every day or so. And then insults anyone that disagrees with him.
Its not feedback at this point. Its spam and trolling.
Or it shows that people enjoy the game. Hard to fathom, I know.
If you believe that then why do you keep feeding the troll then?
I just like calling you out so people know not to take you seriously.
If anyone disagrees with you, your go-to is to either insult them or get them not to post. Its cute.
It’s very demotivating.
Good luck with that xD
I ve achieved my goal of revealing how blind and loyal blizz defenders will be and how they ll defend even the worst parts of WoW.
Who did you reveal it to?
Is anyone taking you serious?
We all know you have an agenda here. Just like in the next 48 hours you will basically create another thread doing the same thing. Whining about the same thing, Insulting anyone that disagrees.
So does that mean you’ll leave now?
I mean the game is trash right now but you’re trashier.
Your concern trolling isn’t remotely fooling anyone.
I have zero belief you remotely even care about WoW.
Ralph for all the bellyaching you do why are you still here? Unsub and move on with your life.
He’s multitasking.
If we’re going off wow forum “I quit” posts… then MoP also had “record low subs.”
I’m not a fan of the RNG on RNG, but tbh… I actually like the corruption system. I like playing with my gear to see how much corruption I can get away with. My biggest problem currently, is that in these early days the RNG within the system has created a bunch of have’s and have not’s. Don’t have infinite stars? Well… Good luck parsing well… Your raid isn’t decked out with corruption? Well… hope you all play better than 99% of the playerbase as the boss just got much harder.
Aside from that though? No… Corruption is actually a pretty fun system imo.
also I’m not super salty that my alt DK seems to get every perfect corruption piece under the sun, yet my mage main can’t seem to get anything other than % leech and at best rank 1 racing pulse… nooo… not salty at all…
Not really… MoP had grinds and timegates… Hell BC had grinds and timegates. The only real change that’s been made is that the grinds/timegates have shifted in their reward structure. Previously the grind was about gear and gear was your primary method of acquiring power. Take a newly capped level 70 toon and give him BT gear and he’s instantly as powerful as a raider who’s been farming BT. Take a newly capped level 120 toon and give him Mythic Nya’lotha gear, and he’s… WAY less powerful than a level 120 toon that’s been farming Nya’lotha. They made gear rain from the skies, so they shifted the grind to alternative power structures. On one hand I actually like this as it gives us something to work on (since they refuse to restrict gear acquisition), but on the other… it makes it REALLY tiring to maintain alts.
No… The game has always had bugs… Always… BWD raid bosses bugged out repeatedly with atramedes just frying people instantly. The only QA that I’d complain about currently is how poorly corruption gear was tested. Infinite stars doing 30k ST dps on its own should NEVER have made it to live.
The game has a lot of issues right now but there is a solution. Corruption will fix this.
That’s completely fair - I hadn’t seen how far this has devolved from a conversation into an insult battle.
There’s nothing constructive that’ll come from that. Sure, there’s a bunch of people who’ll defend blizzard to the death, but we all want the same thing - we want the game to get better. None of us just want it to die. We’ve all got different ways of going about it.
Making a bunch of threads and acting all high and mighty will just stagnate this and divide people…if that’s what’s going on I can’t support that in the slightest.
So you’re some… great agent of chaos and change that is going to open up eyes to the shocking revelation that fans of a game and a game company will defend said game and company?
Huh. OK, get down with your bad self.
The amount of Likes my OPs consistency receive says otherwise no matter how much you mass report.
And dont worry, I know blizz drones will never understand or be able to take me seriously because they cant handle any valid criticism
And it shows people outside WoW forums how blind fans can be