No Ion, Not Everyone Who Delves Wants to do M+

Define anywhere. Goodluck doing a mythic raid by yourself. Not saying you want to get mythic geared, but if you did, you’d need others.

Seems problematic to me.

Never said you did. You just have to be social.

Not sure the context here. A simple " Hey! Wanna run mythics?" Isn’t difficult. Lol

My guild is ran by a husband and wife. I think it’s a good thing for couples to spend time with eachother doing things they mutually enjoy.

Its not after a few weeks into a major raid drop patch. Immediatly during universal prog it kinda sucks.

You know, one of the leading causes of adult depression is a lack of connection with other humans. Maybe antisocial behavior in a modern technological world is to blame. But who knows!?

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Must be nice lol. The last few guilds I’ve stepped into have all just amounted to an extra trade channel. Been a long time since I had a guild that actually did things together. LFD/LFR has made it really hard to find quality guilds. And that more than anything is what keeps me from doing things like M+ or getting back into raiding, playing World of Queue-craft is just completely unappealing to me.

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I like delves. I don’t like M+. They should just remove value from M+ so it doesn’t impact my delves. :stuck_out_tongue:


Wait a second. What?

You dont want to tie delves to M+ but want to make M+Players use delves to get gear?


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I can’t remember the last time I failed to complete a low level key. For me, they are very much like farm raids; it’s a certainty we’ll get through it, and I can largely turn my brain off along the way.

That doesn’t make the key engaging, though. I’m not going to have to focus up to ensure I’m playing everything perfectly in a +2 because new players are there since all the important mechanics are second nature to me and none of the overlapping mechanics are threatening.

Then why are you doing them? You should be doing keys at your level. It’s like a mythic raider complaining a normal raid isn’t hard enough.

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You’re projecting here, that was not my argument in the slightest. I’m guessing you didn’t go back to the beginning of the thread to which you’re responding to here.

In order for me to expect to be successful in a +10, I need to gear up in lower content due to health and performance requirements of that content. But because I can succeed in a +10 with that gear, running lower keys isn’t engaging for me. I’m not complaining that low level keys should be engaging for me when I’m on an undergeared character, just stating the fact that it isn’t engaging. Thus, while I enjoy keys around my skill level, low keys are not nearly as enjoyable because of this lack of engagement.

saying delves is for solo players is asinine. you can group up for them. follower dungeons however were designed for solo players specifically. see the difference. crazy i know.

Can also be ran in groups.

Right? Marketing things as solo content and then letting group activities stain that content is no bueno. Hence the pushback.

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I don’t understand what makes them unengaging for you. you haven’t quite defined that.

But if you are capable of doing higher keys then you do the higher keys. We all grow out of content eventually. The moment you no longer need lower keys that’s it. You’re done.

If it’s a matter of needing that initial gearing, even mythic raiders might do heroic for a few weeks before not looking back. That’s just part of character progression. If you’re a skilled player you will grow out of lower tier content quickly.

I think you’re making a bigger deal out of this than it needs to be.

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This is fine, if the loot is warranted for the challenge.

I’ve never been opposed to being able to obtain mythic tracked gear from the delve section of the vault, IF attaining that gear is equivocal to the difficulty of M 10’s and higher.

The problem starts with the same people wanting to be able to obtain said gear, complaining that the content is too hard.

And that eventually bubbles its way towards good ol’ entitlement.

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Because nobody can possibly solo delves right? Right??

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I did when responding to another person:

Yes, which is fine. But again, that doesn’t mean I’m going to enjoy that process.

I’m not trying to make a big deal out of this. You made a claim that a player who thinks delves make M+ less fun might indicate M+ is not as fun to begin with. I tried to point out the nuance you are leaving out with this statement that the M+ experience differs depending on the level. Delves might make low level M+ less fun without doing anything to high level M+. That led us to here when I explained why I find this to be the case.

I would argue that delves make lower level keys more enjoyable. I like being over powered. I don’t like stress in my dungeons at all. I think M+ isn’t enjoyable to start, but with lower level gear it only makes it worse.


To each their own here. I was only speaking for my own experience in this case. The efficiency of delves make low level keys feel worse by comparison, since to me they both are only serving the purpose of getting gear.

In either case, M+ (or raids for that matter) should never be used as an excuse to harm solo content.


Solo content ends at some point.

And any gear given to it, disincentives group content.

Thus, solo content should have low Ilvl.

It’s only function is to skip group content.

Not for solo players.

If people who play in groups have a problem with solo content, then they are the problem.


If you’re not using it to skip group content, the ilvl that drops is irrelevant.

Frankly if they screw over delves in favor of M+, I will probably be done with WoW. I hate M+ and don’t have time to raid. Barely can get my 8 delves in every week.